My Infinite Variety (A Case of Identity)
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Holmes / Watson
Rating: R
Word Count: 41,410
1 / 5
Slash, what if, something else that comes to mind now
Notes: What if
EMPT up.
Written by:
, second edition.
1894. A man comes to the study of Dr. Watson is Sherlock Holmes, adventurously survived the confrontation with Moriarty at Reichenbach, and now back to defeat the rest of the band. Watson reacts unexpectedly.
, his goodness, I won this wonderful thing for which there are not enough words emozionalpiagnucolose. Go and comment it all!
1 a premonition, perhaps, that something very wrong had taken the whole world, and London in particular, and would not let each other until someone had not intervened to rearrange things. I did not think at the time that there was nothing mysterious about this feeling. It was certainly due, at least in part, news of the murder of Ronald Adair, who took over a month captivated the interest and dismay the whole of London high society for its unusual and inexplicable circumstances, and the other part was the result of a personal grief. That day, May 6, the anniversary of the death of the person dearest to me in the world.
journey so full of heavy thoughts, and it was their fault if, in turning abruptly, I went to bump an old cripple and I dropped many of the books they carry. I picked them, I apologize, but it dawned on me that I had abused the books were valuable and gave me a look that was at once austere and intensely concentrated. I saw two gray eyes on a lumpy nose and a thin-lipped mouth, distorted by the side of paralysis. I thought he wanted to tell me something but he just turn away and walk with a grunt of disappointment. I saw the back corner and the big white whiskers away from the crowd.
The house welcomed me with the dreadful silence that now was the right. Leaving the Beth coat, wearily retraced the hall and stairs family. In the study I was waiting, sitting on the desk, an old briar pipe which contained more memories of an entire book. Indeed I would have to move it. The best thing would be thrown in a drawer or put it in a box, anything they did not have to see it every morning when I opened the visits and every night when I closed, and every single moment between one another. But the pain makes it insensitive to pain, and when we do not want to hear it enough yet, and that is strong and continuous, because fear has to stop to hear more of the excruciating pain itself. I was in my office from even five minutes, When the waitress came to inform me that a person wished to see me. To my surprise, was none other than the old, the strange book collector, his sharp, wizened face peering from a frame of white hair, and his precious volumes - at least a dozen - were secured under his right arm.
"She is surprised to see me, sir," said a strange voice hoarse. I admitted so. The eyes of the stranger had a twist in the direction of the pipe on my desk, and licked his lips hastily. Angry in spite of myself, I wished intensely that the conversation was over, and the man at the door.
" No, "I said, more sharply than I intended. "Not at all."
The man smiled a wry smile with his mouth paralyzed. "I see this room is full of books. Of course you are a man of extensive reading. " He had meanwhile approached my desk, step by step, and with a sudden move caught his pipe in his fingers thin and oddly delicate left hand. "Lord, if you please ..."
" I am mortified, "said the man, promptly. "I do not know what is taken. Bothering a gentleman like you - and so kind, too. Forgive me. No, believe me, did not mean to irritate. Only, I could not help but notice that empty space on the second shelf. With five volumes would be filled. Does not look shabby, so? Do not you think? "
" No, "I replied, without looking back. "Out."
British Birds, and Catullus, and The Holy War
... " " Oh, for heaven's sake. Go away! " I think I had to look away for a second or less - something caught my attention out the window, or maybe just looked up to heaven in a gesture of exasperation. When I reported them to the room, the old man was gone, and another man was in his place and smiling at me across the desk. Era eccezionalmente alto e magro, con il volto scavato da più di una notte senza sonno, un naso aquilino e terribili, infiniti occhi grigi. “Non so come abbia fatto,” dissi lentamente, stringendo le dita intorno al pomello del cassetto nel quale tenevo il mio vecchio revolver d’ordinanza, “e non voglio sapere perché. Signore, lei adesso si volterà e se ne andrà. All’istante.”
L’uomo corrugò la fronte in una ruga profonda, e la sua espressione serena si spezzò in una di preoccupazione genuina. “Mio caro Watson,” mormorò, “ti devo mille scuse. Non credevo che avresti reagito in questa maniera.”
“La door, "Intimae, removing the gun from the drawer. He was discharged, but the intruder had no way of knowing. "Now."
The stranger stood perfectly still - so still, in fact, that I thought I had heard. But when I opened my mouth to repeat the order, preceded me.
He raised a hand, but with the gun and he followed his gesture withdrew immediately. He suddenly looked very sad.
"No," he said. "I do not intend to rob them." Then he shook himself like a man who has made a decision and a leap forward with both hands rested on my desk and leaned toward me. Instinctively, I pressed the gun against his chest and took a step back. "Thou shalt not fire," he said, shaking his head. Oh, those eyes. I felt that they could kill, if only they wanted to. "And now look at me. Concentrate and look at me. Watson, I really do not know who I am? " I hesitated. Absolute certainty is not of this world. For a moment I suspected a classmate a colleague at the university. A patient. A fellow soldier. But no, I could forget the rest of his features, but those eyes, how could I?
"I have not the faintest idea," conveyed, "which tried to drive and I want his presence from my house. I will not shoot it, it's true, but by Jove, is leaving me very few alternatives. "
" It is not possible, "he murmured, looking down for a while. Immediately raised him up with one click. "My dear, if it's a terrible joke ... to punish me, of course, all these years, not Watson ... I told you, I swear that I will forgive them in every way possible and invent the impossible if need be, God knows I do not deserve this and more, but now I beg you to stop this charade immediately. I can not stand it. Not from you. "
There was a note of desperation so real and heartbreaking in her voice that I felt the discomfort abandon. A lunatic, no doubt, but the pain was genuine. The doctor took the stage in humans, because there are references that can not be ignored.
"Sir," I said with more kindness, placing a hand on his shoulder, "she is confused. That's understandable. Probably I was mistaken for someone else. A case of homonymy ... "
"Please, sit down," I said turning around the table and offered a chair. "Mr ...?"
The man looked at me, immovable. "Sherlock Holmes."
Oh, God of heaven.
"Okay," I nodded, trying not to betray any of my thoughts. "Mr. Holmes, I would be grateful if you could sit down, please. "
let himself be led to the chair, all the energy seemed to crackle under his skin when he suddenly jumped at me off. I took the other chair, and laying his revolver on the table because, despite everything, is a warning.
"Mr. Holmes ... "
" No. "
" Please? "I replied, confused.
"No," repeated the man, emphatically. "Do not use that tone. ... Not to favor. "
" Lord, I assure you that if his name really is Sherlock Holmes, it's fine to me. But try to understand my position. She falls in my house under a false appearance, and now says he is Sherlock Holmes. Admit that it is not a usual situation. "
" No, "conceded the other. "No, there is nothing unusual in this situation. I never missed a calculation in a manner so gross in my entire life. Evidently, the shock ... mourning ... Yes, there is no other explanation. "He raised his gaze on me a fever. "Please believe, if you do not believe anything else, which are terribly sorry for what happened."
nodded. "I accept his apology, though I do not know what he's talking about."
"My Death."
Perhaps at this point I should mention that it was not the first time I had such episodes. Since the death of Holmes had suffered a real siege by supporters and readers of the Strand desolate for his death. Young fans had crossed London for days with a black ribbon to the hat as a sign of mourning. And there was the post, of course, and some lunatic tried to offer to take the place of Holmes. But this, this level of insanity I had never happened.
"She does not strike me dead," I said cautiously.
"No, of course. Not really. But I need everyone, especially you, I believe him. Watson, I do not understand. You know Sherlock Holmes, is not it? "
" Sure, "I said. "The whole of London knows it."
"But I do not think I'm Sherlock Holmes."
sighed. "This, Sir, I think frankly impossible. "
" Why? "
had the sincere expression of a child and lost, completely out of place on that face. Now that I looked better than I could see the similarity, the eyes certainly, but also the nose, thin lips, hair. And posture. If only they tried, the resemblance was amazing.
"I do not want to upset her. I am sure she is sincere in his statements, but ... " " My dear Watson, is not so easy to upset, "he said with a weak smile. This, for some reason, it struck me.
"Okay, then," I said. "It's very simple. She may not be Sherlock Holmes Sherlock Holmes because does not exist. "
eyebrows man - call him Holmes henceforth, for convenience - rose dramatically.
"My dear, my dear Watson," he murmured, leaning his elbows on his knees and holding it in my direction. "What happened to you."
"Nothing, I can assure you," I replied, in spite of myself touched by his concern for me, no matter how ridiculous it was. "Listen. I have a colleague ... a friend, indeed. He is young but brilliant, it may be that I've heard his name. Trevelyan, Percy Trevelyan. It is a specialist ... "
" Dr. Trevelyan is not and has never been your friend, "said Holmes, with decision. "We met together, when I agreed to come to dell'incresciosa affair of the assassination of Mr. Blessington."
"No, no. You are confusing ... "
" You wanted to give it a ridiculous title, something like
The mystery of Brook Street
, but I made you change your mind. "
" ... Mr. Holmes. Not so. Percy Trevelyan is the grandson of an old friend. It is true that I did a character in the story, a joke, but the circumstances in which we met had nothing to do with them. There has never been a Mr. Blessington, nor has there ever been a gang of bank robbers who did call Worthingdon, or - forgive me - and never has existed no Sherlock Holmes. It is literature. Nothing more. "
now feared to have been too abrupt. The poor man had a troubled mind, and should be treated with courtesy and further agitated for no reason. However, he did not seem shocked even half of what I expected. He remained silent for a moment, then raised his head and fought hand on her knee.
"I can prove it."
I shook my head. "I do not think ..."
"This pipe." She reached a hand on the desk to retrieve the object from where I had supported. "It is unused for three years. Correct? "
" Yes, "I admitted.
"Why would you take a pipe on the table and never use it? Watch the lines of the powder. The torch is dusty, but not the stove. Often take it in hand, but do not let the maid dusting along with the other furnishings of the room, which instead are immaculate. What else? There is a calendar the wall, but that is the page of the April 4, the day of today is already torn. A mistake? Not you. You are meticulous in your habits. Every evening, tearing the calendar page before closing the studio and lie down. Once you've ripped two pages by mistake, and you've pasted the second in his place because they have tolerated under the eyes, the wrong date for a full day. So why? There is one other date that can not stand, and is the twenty-seventh of July. Maiwand. What can be comparable to Maiwand? Ah, but we are in April. And it was on May 6 that I ... "
" My wife is dead, "I interrupted him, hard. "On May 6, 1891. It is the day when my wife is dead. "
" Your wife? "He repeated softly. "Your wife is Mary?"
I nodded, running a hand over his eyes tired. "Tuberculosis. The pipe was his gift. "
" It is not possible, "he said. "This is mine. It was a
your gift. "
" I assure you not. "I took a breath, peering into the time clock behind him. "Listen to me. She needs help. I know that now is very confusing, but need not necessarily be severe. A few years of therapy with a good psychiatrist could fix it completely, and then This day will seem a distant memory. Like I said, my colleague is one of the best in his field. I would be happy to submit. "
" My brother, "said, as if he had not heard a word. "My brother Mycroft."
"There," I said. "There is no Diogenes Club can occur easily."
"The Baker Street flat. The 221B Baker Street. Mrs. Hudson! "
" There is no 221B Baker Street, or the 221A or the 181 or 142, for that matter. The last number is 100. "
" What What about the police? Lestrade, Gregson? "
" There are both, "I admitted.
"But they have no connection with the people you think you know. They have other names, for one thing, and their temperament, though it may look like ... Let's just say I exaggerated some of their shortcomings. For the sake of literature. "
" Yes, "he muttered. "Yes, I know that your tendency to dramatic."
"You do not understand," I sighed, exasperated. "You do not know me, you believe
to know. I am not the person has read. Sure, there are similarities obvious autobiographical traits. My wife's name Mary, as Mary Morstan. I was in Maiwand. I had a friend who could draw inferences from amazing tiny details. But his name was Joseph Bell, not Sherlock Holmes, and I've never lived in Baker Street, nor have I ever worked in a police investigation. Believe me, they are mortified. If I had thought that one day my stories could have that effect ... "
Holmes sat up with a violent shooting. "What about Adair? By Sebastian Moran - Moran, Moriarty's right arm! - Committed to play cards with the victim less than an hour before his death? "
" Moriarty not ... "
" Now tell me that even there Moriarty? "
" Sorry, no. As for Moran, is a respected veteran Indian Army, personally decorated by His Highness Prince Albert, and above all suspicion. "
Holmes launched the newspaper on the table in what seemed a moment of pure desperation. I began to feel an intense pain for the man and his mind diverted. The extent of his madness was incredible, but he seemed absolutely convinced and confident. If I had not known that he believed the world was one of pure fantasy, I would never have thought mad, because they do not show any outward sign of this disease.
"Can I help you," tried again, risking puts his hand on his knee. "Believe me, in a case like his, it's best to act now. Maybe recalls having relatives in London? Friends? Someone who we could contact? "
shook his head, a hint of a smile heartbreaking. "Only one brother, tell me, has never existed. I'm sorry, Doctor. The only address to contact you is to Bedlam. "
" Do not say that, "I replied. "It certainly is not serious even half of what it seems. Make an effort. What has he done in these last days? "
"Not much. I'm back from France yesterday. I was at Baker Street, where I obtained a hysterical Mrs. Hudson. I suppose that if the apartment really does not exist as you say, even the beloved ... Ah! I've still got a telegram from Mycroft in your pocket! "
admit that I followed with interest his frantic digging through the many pockets of his jacket. Desperate to not finding what you're looking for, Holmes threw himself on the floor and put his hands in the coat of the old bookseller, who had dropped when he abandoned his disguise. Then suddenly he stopped, hunched shoulders. I squatted on his heels at his side.
"At home," he muttered through clenched teeth. "I left it at home. I never ... Just this once, that was so essential ... "
" Let me call my friend, "I said gently, touching her arm. "It is narrow and you will see that things settle down."
Holmes stood up, standing with one click. "I have to check some things, Watson."
"Not alone, of course!" I cried.
He looked at me with a look I can not define, if not - strange as it may sound -
softened. "I'd like you to take me, but not this time. The answers I seek, I find them alone. Do not worry. I will not do anything strange. If you are mad, believe me, nobody will notice. "
" Holmes ... "
" You'll hear from me. "
And with that put on the door in a stride and if you closed it behind him. I ran after him, but with a fatal moment's delay. "Holmes!" I called him from the top of the stairs, just in time to see him through the entrance and open the door. When I rushed into the street, had already disappeared.
I would be inclined to believe the meeting was nothing more than a bizarre dream, if the coat of the bookseller and his twelve volume left on the floor had not testified to the contrary. However, when it was a whole day passed without news of the man who was believed to Sherlock Holmes and the other draws to a close, I was more than confident he has encountered nothing but a poor fool, and that these must have been found by family, or stopped by the police and put in a position to do no harm.
the evening of the second day, Beth appeared in my office and told me that a man named Bjørn Sigerson, a Nordic-looking accent, wanted to see me.
The man entered the pitch determined, without a word, but when the door was closed behind him, his shoulders are curve and an expression of abject misery crossed his face. Passing a hand through his hair pulled back what appeared a blonde wig, revealing a mass corvina and well combed, and he took off his glasses, round nose.
"Holmes? What need had on that other masquerade? "I asked, as they have more to say than surprised to see him in my studio.
"She's right, Doctor," he said slowly. I hesitated. "He found his answers?"
The man nodded, with a nod domandomi permission to sit, which immediately accordai. "It seems that you are right. The explanation logic is that they are completely crazy. "
" I'm very sorry, "I muttered. "He discovered something about his family? His friends? "
" No. The money I had with me, I mainly spent for travel to and returning from a Sussex; what was left for a couple of carriages and an ad in the newspaper. "
" Sussex? Why in Sussex? "
" My family ... "He shook his head. "What I thought were my family originated in Sussex. We had a villa and a little 'ground - not much, really. Mycroft has sold out after the death of our parents. "
"I have never written anything like that," I said, confused.
"It does not matter. There is no house, anyway. No Mycroft Holmes. No Mrs. Hudson. No - God help me - no 221B Baker Street. "She covered her face with her hands, remaining motionless in this position for almost a minute. Then he raised his face, swallowing. "I put an ad in the paper. It will come out tomorrow and that is why he has not seen yet. I thought ... I thought that he would like to know that I had wounded a bystander in a fit of madness brought my own death or throwing in a carriage. If you like the man I know, I thought would have imported. "
" Of course, "I said, warmly. "Of course I care. I feel responsible for what happened. "
" It should not. It is clear that this is all just a figment of my warped mind. If his stories gave me an idea to cultivate any disorder is what I suffer, it is certainly not his fault. Well. "He stood up with a resolute gesture, absently dusting his coat with one hand. "I take the trouble."
"Wait, wait," I said, catching up. "Where are you?"
"I paid a night in a boarding house nearby." "And then?"
"And then I'll see. I am not entirely devoid of talent. If only the stories of my college years ... Ah, it does not matter. "As he spoke, he put his head in the blonde wig and put on his glasses. "Good ..."
did not finish because I had grabbed his arm before he could vanish again. Holmes stared at my hand with interest and slight surprise, then gave me a quizzical look.
"I still believe that should be seen by a specialist."
"Yes," replied, with a slight smile. "But apart from my lack of respect for the specialist, how will you pay the bill? A few years of therapy, he said. The only job I remember having ever done that gives me more income consisting of a handful of pennies at a time is the only one who can not shoot. "He leaned his hand on mine in two packages quickly. "He has seen for itself that are not dangerous. I'll wait to pass me. "
He turned, but refused to leave. "If it was tomorrow ..."
"What?" He said.
"If you come tomorrow, tomorrow afternoon. Percy is a friend, will not pay a penny. But please, let go. "
" If I came tomorrow, "he repeated, "His friend Trevelyan noted with greater authority than you and I already know. And then, given the state of my finances, there would be a solution. Doctor, you were in Bedlam. If you really care, I will do this. "
" Holmes, "I muttered, squeezing harder. "She needs care."
"Why? I think I'm a person who does not exist. Well? They have all my faculties. I can work. They are not violent or dangerous. I can pretend to any other person in the world. I invent a name and a story and I'll read the part.
Why, Doctor, tell me, why should I be cured? "
" Because maybe tomorrow I believe to be another, or perhaps something even more absurd to believe, and will get into trouble, "I said excitedly. "It could happen anything. Might think a bird and jumping from the fifth floor of a building. Do not you understand? The development of these disorders is unpredictable! "
" Your concern touches me, "Holmes said, gently moving my hand," but try to ask what he would do his friend Sherlock Holmes in my place, and find that, Try as I might, I can not help but act the same way. "
" You do not Sherlock Holmes is and is not forced to imitate. I pity the person would if Holmes really existed. But it's not her. You can decide for himself. "
" Good night, sir. " " Tomorrow, "I said to her back. "Come and see me tomorrow at five. I give you my word of honor that will not be forced to do anything that does not want. "
Holmes stood. "It's very kind of you."
"I am sincerely worried about her."
"Make no mistake," he said. "It will not make a difference."
"Nevertheless, I would reassure much if she consented. "
I glanced sideways, over his shoulder. "I'll think."
The third time it appeared in the shoes of a young worker with a goatee and a suitcase, which contained, he said, his few clothes and his tools. The latter consisted of a small kit of burglar tools, which no doubt would have earned more than an eyebrow raised by a policeman, and a set make up for his disguises.
"But because she continues to dress up?" I asked, while I watched him carefully remove the goatee and the filaments of the glue from his chin.
"I do not want to be seen," he said simply.
"Why? Nobody wants to hurt her. "
The maid came in with the tray of tea and a telegram. Holmes was himself again, and had even changed his clothes. If Beth was surprised to find in the living room a different man from what you had entered, he was shrewd enough not to show it.
"Ah," I said, after the last telegram to the bottom.
"I am sorry that the new therapy has brought joy to his shoulder," Holmes said, ignoring the tea.
I looked up. "Excuse me? What ...? "
" However, one would be inclined to believe that a specialist in nervous diseases has great opportunities to stretch the quadriceps, "he added.
I looked for a moment speechless. I crossed the absurd thought that he had to do with in some way - that somehow, for some reason, had sabotaged the arrival of Trevelyan.
"Nothing of the sort," said Holmes, frowned. "It offends me that she thinks less of a gentleman, sir."
"There ... I said nothing. Excuse me. But how do you know ...? "
reached out to the imperious my direction. "Allows you? Thank you. "He turned the paper in his hands, without deigning to look at the content, and instead of studying the outer side. "Post office in South Molton Street. His friend is still in residence at Brook Street, I presume? "He smiled faded.
"But the shoulder ...? And the incident in Percy? "
" A deduction of the most stupid. He opened the telegram, which we found to be postmarked by his colleague, and he made a face to learning the information contained in it. Now his hand is running close to the thigh and the inside of the quadriceps in an unconscious gesture of sympathy. A strain or a fracture? Ah, but she is a doctor, and used to the anatomical precision. For a break I would have expected a different gesture, something like that ... "And he pressed his thumb in the middle of the thigh, gripping the outside with the other fingers. "One strain, then. That brings us to the shoulder. The act was reckless, because he woke up the pain of old wounds of Maiwand, and recalled the much larger one is suffering from his shoulder. "
" But I have not touched my shoulder, "I said, fascinated.
"No, but he made this movement, you see," bowed his head slightly to one side and then straightened up, "which was equally eloquent. Certainly do not need a master of observation to see that the shoulder is still very bad. The result of these damp days, I guess. An open letter on the desk of his office yesterday told me that she is in contact with Professor Aeschelmann, a pupil of the famous Mark Busch, which has followed the footsteps Aeschelmann in the study of heat therapy for - among other things - relieve pain chronic. Like I said, I am sorry that the therapy does not effect. "
I took the telegram, which Holmes handed me and folded like a drunk, a prey to the most profound astonishment. "... It is incredible," I finally said, very softly.
"Nothing at all, "said Holmes, lifting a corner of his mouth. "Even a child could do it."
"No. It's amazing. Whoever she is, is certainly an exceptional human ingenuity. "
Holmes cocked his head slightly in thanks, and for a moment seemed almost embarrassed.
"Drink your tea," I invited him. "He had lunch, I hope."
"No. And thank you, I'm not hungry. I never eat when ... "He paused. "Let's just say I have little appetite these days."
"You must eat, you know," I said, filling his cup. "Take. And no less than two sandwiches. I do not accept arguments. "
" Watson ... "he began, with a slightly exasperated. "You're not him," I reminded him, gently. "There must be stubborn for no reason or consumers hungry for the delectation of its readers. You lean to be scary. Eat, and I swear that the Strand will never know. "
Holmes accepted the cup and reached out with a reluctance to take a sandwich from the tray. "I have to say that she is very similar to how I remember it," he said with an ironic twist in the eye.
"I fear the opposite is true," I replied. After this
remained silent for several minutes, engaged to eat. Holmes chewed slowly, absorbed in his thoughts, but without the air to taste anything. I wondered if it was the concern for his current situation - that alone would be enough to justify any loss of appetite - or really, consciously or not, it was so identified with in Sherlock Holmes to absorb also the vices and defects. For a moment I felt the burning curiosity to raise the sleeve and check the needle scars, but scacciai as morbid.
"I thought one thing," I said instead.
Holmes looked at me, encouraging me to continue.
"A little while ago appointed Aeschelmann and Busch and heat therapy. It seemed a bizarre detail. Sherlock Holmes should have a thorough knowledge of medical techniques. "
" It's not so mysterious, "he said. "The heat therapy was already known to the Chinese. I'm a martial artist, remember? "
" I do not remember ever having written anything like that, "I admitted, puzzled.
"It does not matter. Probably not true. What is your theory? "
" I wondered if she could not be a doctor, or otherwise engaged in a field related to medicine. "
Holmes considered the suggestion for a moment, then shook his head. "I do not think I'm a doctor. Chemistry, yes, I have some talent in that field. But my knowledge of anatomy is as you described it. Accurate, but unsystematic. "
" Sherlock Holmes try to forget for a moment, "I replied.
"You can forget that John Watson?"
Holmes hesitated, poised for a moment - it seemed to me - listen to me from ignorance. Finally he nodded. He put down his napkin and cup on the tray and joined with the fingertips to make thoughtful. "I am sure you have good knowledge of chemistry. I know the periodic table of elements and properties and I'm familiar with the reactions. Should I groped an experiment to prove it, but even so I'm pretty sure. "
" Well, "I nodded, encouragingly. "It's a start. Anything else? Maybe something that has not Sherlock Holmes. "
" I ... "
" Calmly, my dear. "
Her eyes flickered in my direction, just for a moment with an expression of strange interest, then returned to the empty set. "I ride," he said. "I think I have done many times. But not recently. As a boy, maybe. "
" Excellent, "I complimented. "Remember in what circumstances?"
"We had horses, in Sussex. My father loved to hunt. Mycroft was incredibly denied, it will find it hard to ... "He met my gaze, he saw the disappointment in it, and sighed. "I'm sorry."
"No, no. You should not apologize, "I said, touching his arm. "He just needs time. And more good care of my futile attempts to strike at random. "
" Believe me, Doctor, "said Holmes," I would much rather be subject to his lifelong attempts to strike at random, as named , which in a single day under the barrage of a respected professional. "
It seemed a strange statement, and a loving individual, on his part. His eyes never left me for a moment and suddenly I felt overcome by a nameless embarrassment, as if he had said something improper - even worse, as if I had said something improper without realizing it.
"Let's leave aside for the moment," decided in the end. I took a sip of tea, but it was cold. "I saw your ad."
"Ah," said Holmes, flatly.
"I appreciate that you inform me first."
"is angry," notes. "That's understandable."
"I'm not angry," I said. "No, not really. But I would have liked to ask my permission before putting my name and address in the paper. "
The announcement read (I kept):" Man Found in confusion. He suffers from amnesia and dissociative personality disorder. Height 1.88 m. Physical slim. In decent shape. Blacks hair and gray eyes. Who had information about his identity, please contact the dr. John Watson ... "and followed my address in Kensington.
"He's right," he said, almost shyly. "I should have. It was very rude on my part. However I had no alternatives, nor the time to ask. I knew that I would be the only board for another night, and I have no - I mean, I have friends in London. "At this point he had to think that the way in which it was expressed could lead to an unfortunate misunderstanding, because he hastened to add: "If he wanted me to agree to this huge Please, doctor, I assure you that the other disorders that cause a brief visit once a week to know if there is news. "
Without answering, I turned instead to another question. "Where do you sleep tonight?"
"I have not decided yet. I have something to sell - enough to make up a room for the night, if I have not completely forgotten how to contract. "
" And the next night? "
smiled weakly. "This morning I tried a rather cozy corner of Kensington Gardens, but I fear that after sunset it will have lost much of its attractiveness."
I do not know what was my expression: a pity, perhaps, or a motion to refuse the idea that a man - this man, who had the gentle ways of a gentleman and intelligence of a genius - could be forced to sleep in a park. Whatever, Holmes had misinterpreted because remarked: "A large number of our fellow citizens every day he does, sir. No reason to get angry. "
"It was not indignation," I said. "It was concern. Kensington Gardens is not a safe place. He must be crazy ... "I bit my tongue, and sought solace in the plaster ceiling. Holmes chuckled quietly.
"Yes," he murmured. "Yes, it must be true."
"What I mean ..."
"I know, and thank you. His concern for me means more than the know say. But I have so abominably abused his patience, and now it is time to go. "
stiffen the jaw. What followed was an inspiration of the moment, not sudden, meditated, but which I never regretted it. "You're not going anywhere."
Holmes stopped in mid-gesture to get up and she sat down slowly on the tip of a chair, leaning in my direction.
"If you happen something I could never forgive myself. I'm not going to read the news of her stabbing as I'm not going to read the news of his suicide. "At that point I realized it was too hard and went back on my feet, taking a more conciliatory tone. "I have a spare room. I know it is too proud to accept that offer it to him in friendship, because the exchange with the charity, so I offer it to him for rent. I have no doubt that with his intelligence, will find very soon a living. When you have the money, pay me. "
Holmes seemed genuinely speechless, and counted as a win. When answered, it was with deliberate slowness. "I'm sorry that no one has ever noticed, sir. "
" warned? "I repeated.
"Oh, yes. You see, she is completely crazy, Dr. Watson. "
" Instead, "I replied, laughing," is one of the most boringly sane men in England. My wife used to scold him, from time to time. "
looked at the clock: they had made six. "Maybe it will freshen up before dinner? We'll talk later. There are some things ... "
" Unfortunately I can not dine with her, "Holmes objected. "I have some outstanding matters that require my immediate attention. "
" What kind of things? "
" Please do not ask. I do not know how to explain it in a way that does not convince even more that I deserve to be interned. But I swear that there are risks and that ultimately will know everything. "
" In the end ...? "
" Soon, "he assured me. "Very soon."
I nodded, but without enthusiasm. "I have his word as a gentleman who will be here tonight, not just finished what should I do?"
"He's got."
"I'll tell the servants to let her go."
"Thank you," Holmes said, exhaling a sigh of relief. "That room was saying, is the third coming from the stairs on the first floor, is not it?"
"Yes, but how ...?"
"It does not matter. Do you mind if the deal right now? I need to change and the living room does not seem the most appropriate place. "
" Of course. Go ahead. "I had not finished the sentence that Holmes had already grabbed his suitcase and started to climb the stairs two at a time. Ten minutes later, a middle-aged man in a waistcoat and pince-nez, his hair streaked with gray, went down the stairs and appeared on the threshold of lounge.
"I'll be back as soon as possible, Watson," he said in a familiar tone of Sherlock Holmes, and disappeared.
I was reading a book in an armchair in my room and pondered going to bed now, when I received a slight knock - and here there Sherlock Holmes, oddly enough in the role of himself, looking over-excited of a child after a full day of games.
"I did not hear the bell," I said.
"I have not played."
"How come, then?"
Holmes made a nice smile. "There are other ways."
sighed. "I'm afraid I have come to the conclusion that she is actually a criminal, my dear. Among the disguises, and this, honestly ... "
Holmes closed the door behind him and walked into the room. The yellowish light of the lamp dancing shadows on the face digging strange and disturbing, but vanished when she leaned on his heels to bring the face to my own height.
"I thought. But I do not think I can tolerate. The crime and chaos, and confusion. I crave order. Also I have no ambition. I can not believe when I say that money and power have no meaning for me. "He hesitated. "But I could be a great criminal, if I wanted. The best. If you could choose, would pull all the strings from the shadows and nobody would know who I am never, ever, until I had to decide. "
" Moriarty? "I whispered, resisting the urge to swipe a finger on the small pool of darkness where his cheek is hollow under the cheekbone.
"I'm afraid you made us awfully similar."
"No," I said firmly. "Holmes is a deeply moral man. Moriarty can aspire to be his equal in intellect, but in essence it is nothing but a scoundrel, a criminal. All she has no ambitions, desires that she does not feel petty, Moriarty possess them in the highest degree. "I realized too late that he stopped talking to Holmes in the third person associated with him and the man in front of me, but my speech, however, seemed to quiet down.
Holmes put his hand on my knee, leaning slightly toward me.
"How can a man be without feelings profoundly moral?"
"You are not Holmes."
"I do not mean me."
"Holmes ..." I looked the better word, and found that I lacked. "Holmes is a difficult person. Even Watson - the narrator, I mean - sometimes says on its absurd conto.” Sorrisi appena. “Non dovrebbe credere a tutto quello che legge sullo Strand.”
Holmes sbuffò leggermente, ironico. Contemplò la propria mano sul mio ginocchio ma non la spostò, né io gli domandai di farlo. Per qualche momento restammo nella pace più completa e assurda, io in poltrona con un pazzo che aveva totalmente invaso il mio spazio personale senza che me ne derivasse alcun senso di minaccia, il più piccolo sentore di intrusione. Dovetti confessare a me stesso che non avevo ragionato bene sulle conseguenze, quando gli avevo offerto di vivere in casa mia, e tuttavia non riuscii a rimproverarmi per averlo fatto.
Ero un vedovo senza intenzione di risposarmi. La mia vita era solitaria, and so my home. The one and the other could well be mine to dispose of it at my leisure.
"I will write again?" Said Holmes. I felt a slight warmth to wrap the old wound of Maiwand and restore me, and I realized with dismay that the hand he had climbed his knee and now rested, and still burning on my injured quadriceps.
"No," I said softly.
"Why did you kill?"
"Because ..." I shook my head. "Because I was tired of him."
"Go ahead."
"of its complexity. Demanded too much energy. It was too much. He was a Twenty percent more than it should have been. And at some point ... Oh, this will seem foolish. "
" No, "he whispered. "I do not think."
The heat radiating from his hand in every direction. One-eyed, left, received the slanting light of the lamp and shone with a yellowish glow, the other was in shadow and the pupil appears black, always black, but otherwise, the iris. The effect was Mephistopheles.
"At one point became an obsession. The nightmares have begun. Once ... "he licked his dry lips," I woke up at night, in the dark, my wife was sleeping, and I had the impression that he was there. I looked. I stopped calling him by name. I used just absurd circumlocutions like 'you-know-who' and 'him'. I had to kill him. After, I felt much better. "
Holmes looked at me like kidnapped. Now the heat I was gripping the lower abdomen, though his hand had not moved, and threatened to attack the back and chest.
"I'm sorry that he has caused so many problems," he said in a low voice, little more than a whisper, but very clear.
"It was all in my mind. It is past now. "
" My presence must be a horrible experience, for her. "
contemplated eyes slightly grainy, the feverish anxiety in the shots nervous pupils, and for a moment I feared that he had made use of some hallucinogenic substance. Instinctively, I grabbed his hand and claim the left arm, pointing his thumb in the elbow, but Holmes had no reactions.
"You're not him," I repeated for the umpteenth time. "She is alive. She is real. I'm not afraid to have you here, no longer host a dear friend. Stop to measure its value to that of a man who does not exist. "
For a moment I thought that Holmes was about to do something, and waited for the act of forgetting breathe. But Holmes did not move nor speak. An eternity later, I took a breath of fresh air in the lungs and this gave me back lucidity. I closed my eyes and opened them again, slowly slid his hand from his arm.
"Go to bed. It's almost midnight. "
" She detests. "
" This has nothing to do with her. "
" Nevertheless, it is true. "
"Because ..." I ran a hand over his eyes, "is a horrible person. If there really could not resist ten minutes without hit him. I told her that it is a deeply moral man. It's true. But it's not a good person
, and hate him for that. Why is a man who rejoices in solving a little puzzle for the salvation of more than ten men. Why is it so cruel to children, without realizing it, and selfish beyond belief. Because it would be able to hide for three years in a place as ridiculous as Montpellier, or ... or
Tibet, and give the impression to all the loved ones who died, if only this could be used to manipulate them better. "
Holmes back, his jaw tightened. Chased his hand, but I grabbed the vacuum.
"You are right, doctor," he said standing up to his full height.
"Holmes ..."
"It's very late."
absurd I felt the need to apologize, but the look of Holmes convinced me to give up. I had never seen eyes like that. It was the first time, I think, that touched me the thought that my eccentric host would never be cured of his madness to be Sherlock Holmes, and that none of us could have changed things. Why his eyes were those of a wounded man, and I wanted to say that it was not my fault, but in all conscience it was. I had always been.
"I would like to speak to her again," I said. "Tomorrow, at breakfast."
Holmes nodded, understanding what it really meant to say, the need to tie in a continuous appointment to make sure it does not vanish like a ghost.
"I'm not going anywhere."
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