Title: Blessings of Babylon
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Rating: NC-17
Holmes / Watson
Word Count:
5656 (W )
, whom I promised a lifetime ago.
Notes: Sequel to
In the veil of the night
. AU. Tentacles. And look at the rating. Sure you want to read?
I woke up at eight o'clock, too early to habits of Baker Street recently restored, because Holmes was not next to me. There were all the signs of his passage into the room, clearly visible if they are looking for, but he, my friend, was absent. What alarmed me and the beat of my own heart I woke up in a moment, though in all honesty there was not reason, Holmes went back and forth from my bedroom at odd hours, and I was amazed to discover that and some unfortunate soul bothers Mrs. Hudson had pulled off his bed and this my friend. However, I
alarmed, fearing the most absurd things, and if I picked up my robe and put on before you rush down the stairs was only because I found it on the floor in front of the door, literally in the middle of the foot. Briefly recalled the moment when it was discarded in a manner so little town, the night before.
Summer of '94 was degraded slowly in autumn pale and sick as a convalescent, I saw the light cast a sickly pallor, barely warm, on the outlines of Holmes sitting in a chair.
The complexion of Holmes since his return from Reichenbach was for me a source of constant concern, and to no avail that my friend assured me that it was just another of the many effects of the mutation, and one which I should not worry. The his entire circulatory system had adapted to the needs of different chemical composition of his blood, and his pallor was the normal consequence of the different colors that this had taken. The temperature of the body of Holmes - also part of human
- had become increasingly cold, to be stabilized in a discrete winter frost, and even if Holmes appeared mostly in good health, had studied the problem and found alarming information. The emocianina which had replaced the hemoglobin in his blood protein was inefficient in terms of life different from the watery abyss. In situations of stress, Holmes struggled to catch his breath, and in spite of his superhuman strength and steel grip of its tentacles, tired much more easily than before. He had tried, jokingly, to give a small tip of a month before the looming retirement, and I was not supposed to do violence to remind him that we both knew: that Holmes, my dearest friend, my companion, had just turned forty. Now
Holmes sat in a chair with his eyes closed, her head against the back straight and hands on the arms, tentacles slightly open on the carpet in front of him. Asleep, or maybe it was in a light doze, because the tentacles were motionless while awake ends were covered by tides of small tremors nervous, unconscious.
gave me a fool, what I had feared? Holmes had just fallen asleep on the couch. The pipe dropped in his lap I suggested that my friend had awakened with the desire to smoke, then had the best sleep. I took it gently between your fingers are still warm, even off, and rest quietly on the mantelpiece.
The living room was frozen. First, the mutation was reflected in greater tolerance of Holmes at low temperatures, and this seemed to me an incredible advantage, but over time - and with the arrival of autumn - I realized that Holmes was unable to tolerate higher temperatures fifteen or sixteen degrees. When the fireplace was lit, Holmes ended in the bedroom, or fleeing from Baker Street. At that time I began to wonder with concern as we would be able to live long in the cold months that we were expecting.
Shrugging her dressing gown, I decided to light the fire with the little wood remaining, enough to warm my hands. The fire would not have bothered weak Holmes. Sitting on the table, leaned back against the bottom of the couch and stretched his legs toward the fire, pulling the slippers from his feet. I closed my eyes.
unearthed with a slight weight on his shoulder, and a smell of tobacco and ointment in the nostrils. Even if I made a motion, Holmes knew immediately that I was awake. I felt his fingers find the back of my hand resting on the carpet and hold it gently in a porcelain socket. The palm turned instinctively covering his fingers with his other hand to warm them. Holmes, her cheek on my shoulder, he chuckled softly.
"My dear Watson," he murmured, amused for some reason.
"I enjoy it?" I replied, in a good mood.
"I was just wondering if there is a way to silence your concern. Tell you only have counterproductive effects. Not that I mind the company, but I fear for your back. "
Remembering the discomfort of my position, I made a quick movement to straighten the spine and the muscles contract protested vehemently. "Mmm," I admitted with a sigh. "On the other hand, I doubt that the technical side would work better. Allow? "I nodded without knowing, then I heard a thin limb sneak back and between my sofa and press lightly into a painful point. I relaxed. "I doubt," Holmes continued, "I could tell you it happens that you start to worry seriously and then you expect that you decide to stop."
"Should I?" I replied, with a faint tremor of anxiety.
"Stop? Of course. "
" seriously concerned ".
Holmes smiled. I leaned a hand on my shoulder and made him turn, while the pressure on my back became more clear and deep splits in two small fires in the symmetrical blades.
"Completely useless, as I said."
closed my eyes. I did not want to give other reasons for criticism, as good-natured, but I could not help myself. "Maybe my room was too hot?"
"You could open the window. I would not have bothered. "
" Watson, I have no criticism to be moved to your room. It is large, comfortable, and one floor away from the ears of Mrs. Hudson. "
" E Hot. " " I assure you not. "
pressure on my back had turned into a warm massage and smooth. I lost count of all points of contact in a general feeling of warmth.
"It was my temperature, then," I said. Holmes paused, then continued more slowly. "My dear boy, believed to have you taught that it is a mistake to theorize before being fully awake."
"Sorry," I replied. "It's probably nonsense. But it bothers me not knowing. "
" You're right, "he said. "It's nonsense." I turned to the middle. The tentacles were in contact with my back, avvolgendomisi lazily around the side. Holmes looked at me with calm, but I am not reassured. "I know your methods."
I shook my head. "Not true. And you have just taken the trouble to lie about nonsense. " Smile showed no signs of slowing down. "My dear, you are analyzing where there is nothing to analyze. It is a common mistake among beginners of this job. " " So tell me what it is, "I said, placing a hand on her neck. "Would you stop worrying? Do not pretend that there is nothing to worry about. Tell me what's the problem - tell me what made you run away from my bed at dawn - and how can I help you. "
Holmes turned his head, avoiding my gaze for the first time, and I put a kiss on the wrist. "Liar. Do not stop worrying. "
" No, "I admitted. "But might help me feel less useless. "
Holmes closed his eyes. "What nonsense," he whispered in my skin.
"I thought that nothing was more important than the nonsense?" I suggested, gently.
"details," said, looking up. "When you have a habit of mentioning me vaguely to have the last word?"
I touched his throat with his thumb. His heart beat lazily in the carotid artery, with a slowness that in any other human being would have been alarming.
sighed. "I had trouble ... sleep. I woke up and I could not go back to sleep. I did not want to bother, so I went into the living room. "
" A nightmare? "I asked, sounding professional, not to give the impression that he considered it a childish thing. Sometimes, but thankfully more and more rarely, Holmes was the victim of terrifying visions.
I thought for a moment consider the possibility of Holmes to say yes, but then shook his head. "I was thirsty," he said reluctantly. "It needs to take a bath."
nodded. "And then?"
Holmes suddenly relaxed. "Nothing else. Returning from the bathroom I fell asleep in a chair, and so you found me. As you see, my dear, was the most banal of platitudes. "
Corrugai forehead. "Sometimes I do not know if I feel offended that you consider me stupid, Holmes, or instead of - oh, I could not - be honored. Seen from another angle, I could be living proof that you are capable of making mistakes. "
" I've never seen ... "
" So tell me what happened, "I encouraged him, for the umpteenth time. "Holmes, if you hear me pray, and I'll do it willingly, but not for one thing."
The tentacles were removed from my back, and now they were collected on the rug near my feet. From the corner of my eye I saw a little nervous shooting through one, before Holmes was talking about.
"Lately, I have some difficulty staying dry ... too long."
I blinked. "Dry?" I said softly.
"Yes. My skin does not look like that ... Now, Watson. It's nothing serious. I just need to bathe more often. It is not something that you want to complain, I hope. "
But it was already more than listening. Grabbing his arm, pulled up the sleeve of her nightgown to the shoulder and inspected thoroughly the expanse of white skin from wrist to elbow. Her fingers, I realized that was cracked in so many tiny, almost invisible, whitish veins.
Holmes withdrew his arm. "There is no moisture in the air these days," he said.
"And all summer, how ...?"
"If you remember, was rather wet summer," he said, drive.
"It was always like this? I mean, "I hesitated," in these three years? "
Holmes's face stared at me without the slightest trace of expression. "Yes. As well ... not so intense. "
When I was silent for nearly a minute, I saw the lack of emotion on his face but transformed into something that I knew well, a mixture of disgust and pain carefully pose as sarcasm. "You see well that there was no reason to worry about a bit 'of chapped skin and a bathroom after hours," he tried, but what he said his face was completely different. He played:
What's happening to my body? What am I becoming?
"The mutation is progressive," I muttered, trying to rearrange ideas.
"Watson, no."
"But not all effects evolve with the same rapidity. Some are already stable. Night vision, for example. "
" Watson, we will not talk of change, "said Holmes, sharply.
I touched her hand, making him wince for God only knows why. "I just want to say that this, like other factors, will stabilize," theorized. "Over the last three years you have never stayed for more than a couple of months in the same place, subject to the same climate. Maybe ... Of course you're just readjusting to ours. "
accepting or not my suggestion, Holmes said. He leaned his back against the couch next to me, exhaling sharply.
"I'm sorry essermene not noticed before," I offered sincerely sorry.
"did not have to know."
"I'm thinking of a cream that could help, I have something in mind. The buy in the morning. "
Holmes was silent for a moment, then nodded assent.
There was something terrible apathy that had taken a sudden, the specter of a depression that ancient time only cocaine, or work, could dissipate. But cocaine was no longer effective, and the work stagnated. Desperate to have rejected the idea in the dark abyss that Holmes skirted all my life, the I kissed her mouth. Her lips were dry and cold, in contrast to his hands, which were then heated.
"What do I have this pleasure?" he murmured, without answering for the moment but without ever retreating.
"I hate to see you suffer," I replied, honestly.
"Which brings us back to the starting point, is not it?"
"And what would it be?"
"You worry too much."
smiled. I was willing to admit it, if it could serve to bring the conversation to a more relaxed. Sometimes the need to move around like a tightrope walker Holmes was exhausting, sometimes, knowing that he did the same to me was more than I could bear.
"wake me up next time," I tried - a calculated risk. "I have a preference for night swimming, but please do not believe that this brings me to despise those morning."
"My dear Watson, your equanimity transcends the human."
I heard two or maybe three tentacles intrude on my thigh between his legs crossed and one hand to force open the buttons of her nightgown and tried with his fingers the scar on his shoulder. It was a delicate point, with its clusters of nerves in the tension that sometimes seemed to exist only for burning pain, which surprised me feel a slight tremor of expectation in response to his touch.
took a tentacle through his fingers, lightly stroking the line of suckers with the thumb, and perhaps even unconsciously Holmes leaned in my direction. I easily discovered that the suckers were the most sensitive points, the ones who sometimes surprising reactions elicited by own of my friend. Other tentacles touched me the legs, the creep of the suction cups on the skin fresh and soft, I heard them pass the delicate point in the knee without disturbing her nightgown over a tiny ripple.
"You have an unfair advantage over me," I said, slightly raising the hem of her. Immediately robust appendix I clung around his wrist. I looked at him face and waited for me to leave. In the eyes of Holmes spent a flicker of guilt, and the close loosened. "I have so many hands."
"You're always ready to complain about unfair advantages," said Holmes, directly into my ear, "to cover your faults."
"And what, of grace, these shortcomings? "I moved instinctively
a leg on the one hand, to give him greater access. "They are well hidden." Holmes suddenly came upon me wherever I had a tactile sense, and in spite of its lower temperature felt the air grow thick and hot. Easily, without using hands, Holmes I crumpled up and lifted her nightgown. Obedient, I raised my arms to help him. Holmes threw off the garment and I pinned her wrists to the seat of the sofa behind me.
For a moment I wondered if she had not done to stop me in my turn to undress him, but Holmes went on and kiss the thought escaped me completely. A tentacle crept under my knee, slightly raising his leg on one side and another for some time had begun to haunt me lazy wrapped around my manhood. I was acutely aware of the breath of Holmes, and warm human being if anything it was that I flushed the ear. The feeling is not
was entirely new, because Holmes had loved in the past, at times, take total control, but since his strength had increased enormously there had been a time when I had not found, albeit pleasantly, without any freedom of movement. I do not want to imply that this urtasse me, or give the impression that it was a bigger problem than it was. But I know people, and I know Holmes, and nobody, not even with his superior intellect he can live without relinquishing control even for an instant. The mere fact that you tried
was worrying, especially if we compare his attitude with that of the first three years. It was not the abandonment reckless to some meetings in the past that I regretted, although at times they might experience the desire, but I started to fear the hidden reason for this behavior.
"Holmes," articolai, in a brief respite in a devastating series of kisses, "I am not sure that it is essential to their proper functioning, but I do not think I have got more blood on his hands for a quarter of an hour in this part .
He let me go now, but I'm not in support of an inch below the hem of her nightgown stiffened with one click, and once again climbed to hang a tentacle. We both paralyzed, terrified Mutual have committed a fatal mistake. Was in the air the rest, and for many months, the fear of ruining each other.
"After all these years," I muttered, with infinite gentleness. "Part of the prudish virgin does not suit you."
Not that this was the problem, of course. But there was no way to deal with it if not at an angle.
"Neither of you sarcasm by two pennies per piece," said, cautiously, affecting normal.
"Give me the shot and give up." I kissed her shoulder covered by fabric, on purpose, because you want to take it off. I saw so little of her bare skin lately. "Let me move," I asked him, gently. "You look at war with my own hands. "
" I have nothing against your hands, "he said, still. "They are good hands as a surgeon, as he prefers to remember when hands have been a soldier."
"do not ask better than to be remembered."
free for a while, I took a buttock in the palm, testing the consistency perhaps with more violence than I intended. This did not seem to displease him, nor rebelled when I pushed him on the carpet, overlooking with my body. But at the slightest hint of being right in the bloody nightgown, I was again immobilized.
"Holmes," I said, trying to sound reasonable. "I will not do anything that you do not want to. You have my word. "
He looked away. When he spoke, he did so slowly, so softly that I soon make out the words. "Do you mind so much?"
"I do not mind. But ... "
" Liar. "
sighed. "It disturbs me even half of what you think," I said. "But I'm worried." I stepped back, letting me fall on the carpet and stretched out his injured leg could no longer bear my weight. Holmes sat up, or rather rose to a position that allowed his face to be at my same height, and put a warm hand inside of my thigh, slowly massaging it.
"You're always worried," he said.
"And you believe that I can not tolerate the sight of you."
Holmes looked up suddenly, and for a moment everything seems to freeze around us. I bit my tongue, I would just not saying it in a manner so obscenely tactless, and discovering that I did not know any.
"Forgive me," I hastened, to no avail. "I did not mean to offend you."
"I have offended," said, and went back to what he was doing.
"I just wanted to say ..."
"I know what you mean." He stopped his hand on my leg, which had ceased to grieve for a while, and then with a quick twist is left lying on the carpet, my cheek on my thigh healthy face outward. The
ran a hand through his hair, only because I desire to do so.
"You also know that is nonsense?"
"The absurdity does not bother me."
"So do not let you worry about that either. Holmes, if you swear that you need not fear anything from me ... "
sighed heavily, turning his head toward up, to me. "Maybe for you it is not a great risk, Watson, or maybe you do not understand. Do not blame you if it's the latter. But if you're wrong? If you deceived about how things really are? "
" Not so, "I tried, but he interrupted me.
"If the result was not positive, I would leave this house. I do not doubt that you would be able to make up a life, you've already done it once, and that is why I say you run a risk infinitely less. But I could not ... "He shook his head, with a tiny heart-breaking smile on the lips. "There is a limit to the number of times that a man can die."
"Holmes ..."
"If knowing this you can still ask me to try
, like a little experiment without consequences, well, are at your disposal. Any time is good for me. "
" I groped for me to go numb for a reason, "she chided gently. "If you know it's not a little experiment without consequences? Of course I do. But I also know what I want. Do not look enough, when it comes to me. "
" Do not I look pretty! "Holmes said again, panting.
"Or maybe look at it, but you're too timid in your comments."
"Watson, is a dangerous game that in which you are embarking on, "he threatened in light tone, turning his head to look into my eyes. His were overshadowed by anxiety which, although perfectly retained by the turn of severe mouth overflowed in the entire gray metallic iris. The
I deposited the head on the carpet and inelegant performance with a twist from the rigidity of my leg I lay down, naked, at his side. The warmth of the fireplace dim stroked my back, join in the already cold. A hand went up to Holmes to touch my chest, I touched her nipples stiffened.
"So for you it is already cold," he murmured thoughtfully. "And for me it is warm."
"Cold is fine," I whispered, kissing his shoulder. "I was warm enough in Afghanistan for a lifetime."
Holmes fell back in my direction, I encircled her shoulders with one arm and passed the other under my head, opened its tentacles in a cool embrace and investigate my life and legs. It felt more of a slip between the legs, slide small strokes from the back or, rather, to dwell with the suction cups, each kiss, each one a lift of my skin does not use a lot of stimulation. I felt a light pressure rub the scar in the thigh, so close to the groin, and migrate from this to that and back, alternating short bursts of pleasure with flashes of white and sharp pain. Rarely, I was so excited at a time like this, so familiar, so tremendously relaxed, and, moreover, in full morning, with the drowsiness of the bed still tight around the limb. A quick glance confirmed to me that Holmes was the same, there were waves in the background of his pale blue eyes, a storm of concern, and explodes with wild desire, fueled by many years of voluntary surrender. The
slipped a hand under her nightgown, then the buttock and thigh, back, flank, and took me away with the cloth, this time without a hitch, without hindrance. Holmes sat up with unnatural agility and if the parade himself, looking my eyes immediately after being found, and not finding it because my face was in her stomach was sucked in the hollow of the ribs with the breath, a kiss and inhale the smell of hot clothes, imprisoned in a voluptuous downward spiral. Turned away his head when he took my face in his hands and pulled me to kiss him, but my fingers back there and went down to the transition, with its changing colors of a disconcerting feeling to another, from rough to smooth, from opaque to polished, dry to wet, wetness of a light and luscious as a thin film of perspiration. I avoid the kiss to look at him, and watched with admiration the transition of colors from pale pink, almost White, a lush purple-tinged bluish hues, dazzling in its splendor and chaotic geometry together, like a flower.
At that point in my relationship with Holmes, I did not care to feel more perverted or diverted. Now bless my perversion, bless the dark desires that had never arisen before, but apparently there were always well hidden, in the absence of a clear object in which we recognize. Bless my perversity that made me love the companion of my body changed, I bless the intense pleasure of having him around, and in my flesh with each appendix, bless this evil, mind or soul did not know that I did wish every day unchanged, increasing intensity.
I put my lips to the edge of the transition, human skin under the upper lip, under the skin smooth and less alien, and one thing that was a little 'one and a bit' one under the tongue . Holmes abdominals contracted and curled around me in a spasm uncontrollably. Fingers point, I dug the scalp, they dragged me down, his left one member drops against my temple. Where once had been the left thigh of Holmes, was now a big tentacle, opened on one side to let me access, with two rows of suction cups embedded in the delicate skin of the Interior that the largest close to the cap, progressively degraded until the end.
stroked the circle of closest to the tip of the tongue. He seemed to choke a breath Holmes: I heard a sound in the ears accaldate confused by too much blood. Inspired, I continued to slowly circling the rim of the cup, which is contracted and released in short spasms like a muscle. When you carefully sank his tongue, I distinctly heard every inch of skin Holmes touched me in a shudder even rise, as a series of small waves, center, branched in all directions. Holmes groaned uncontrolled, unexpected, and made as if to escape, but stopped the tentacle with his hand - are now warm, with a warmth that Holmes was burning - and pushed firmly into the language, to the concave bottom that I had not yet reached. I touched it, while Holmes was biting a loud sigh, and with the tip gently picked up the substance that was collected - the most abundant, it seemed, than usual - with a quick stroke from the bottom up, finding a drop in your mouth consistency slimy and salty flavor.
advantage of my moment's pause, I Holmes raised his head and removed him from the suction cup that is open and red, stood out over all other hours indecently.
"Enough," he whispered, his face flushed, with the air of a pleasure to suffer too painful.
I licked her lips, and the gesture made him slightly shell eyes, now reduced to a tiny metal circle around the pupil dilated.
"I want you all these things and others," I said pulling his hand from my hair. "The dream for a long time," I confessed, suddenly stripped of any embarrassment, any shame. I could not remember what I had stopped to tell him.
The wonder in his eyes slowly melted into tenderness. I felt the tentacles that the moment of maximum tension had rubbed against my legs wrapped feverish hours quietly winding around and between my thighs, and two cups hold me and kiss my testicles while thin end, crawling under, I penetrated easily. A third cup, more or less half the length of the tentacle, licked the tip of my member and then you closed around in a uniquely intimate kiss, to accept much of the bottom cable and full of atmosphere.
Trapped in a tangle of tentacles of Holmes, I was dragging and pushing up, where the mouth of my friend was waiting for me, and I left it in a guttural cry, clinging to his shoulders and stamping them with the marks of fingers. Holmes was red-faced, looking to gain as much pleasure as I do from our intimate embrace. Her lips were flushed the repeated violence of the teeth, and when the sucker that I was tormented by the member gave a little close, is startled gasp both in a twin.
"Doctor? Mr. Holmes? Breakfast, "said Mrs. Hudson behind the door, knocking.
I could not believe I forgot, and judging by the look of Holmes, not even him. Mentally, I reviewed all the locks leading into the living room, to show that we had to be terrible, and found them closed. I started to move, but Holmes stopped me. With a stentorian voice, which trembled just a tiny hint of pleasure, he said aloud: "The doctor is sleeping. Skim later. "
"But the breakfast ..." Mrs. Hudson said.
"After" commanded Holmes, with a rather habitual rudeness. Mrs. Hudson said nothing, and heard his footsteps down the stairs slowly and mutterings.
Esalai a sigh, leaving his head on his chest. I heard him laugh under his ear, softly at first, then louder and louder. I followed him without meaning to, until we both calmed. I felt euphoric, and the heart of Holmes below me beat the speed of a normal heart, I sensed that a symptom of deep emotion. The tip of a tentacle of the slimmest rested on the table beside him and I took it between his fingers, his thumb slowly stroking the row of tiny suction cups, I deposited a layer of light on the tip of the same substance that slowly felt along my particular State.
"Maybe this stuff," I muttered, his finger into his mouth.
"What?" Said Holmes, fascinated by following the gesture.
"I do not feel fully in me. Maybe this is it. You may have a stimulating effect ... "As I spoke, I passed on the palm suckers, anointing him with the substance. I brought my hand down, to a member of Holmes, who sighed and pushed her hips in my direction. At the same time, I felt two strong tentacles Spread the legs and pull my knees. I bent down to kiss Holmes, the kidneys high in the air, while a second tentacle penetrated me, and I thought, was linked to the first in a bike faster and faster and deeper. The sucker that I greedily suck the member retired, but do not allow time to experience the deprivation, because another, cooler, took place immediately.
My fingers covered with the substance is brought further down between the buttocks and Holmes opened with caution, however, found it relaxed and ready from the activities of the night, and awkwardly tried to adapt to the pace dictated that its penetration in my body. Never before that moment I realized how much the human body was rigid and limited in their movements, with his two hands, with its hinged joints, with the bulky and compact mass of the lower limbs. A sudden and absurd sense of inadequacy took me, and withdrew his fingers, turning his head toward my shoulder on which, languid, lay a tentacle as before, countless times, had a leg Holmes - but infinitely lighter, infinitely more graceful. We went up the face, lips, inhaled the trace of soap that was lost in the flavoring salt. When I opened my eyes, Holmes was watching me really fascinated by his bed and between the strands of the carpet.
I wanted to talk, to explain, but he had other plans for me in Serbian. I felt the carpet under the back before I realized the his intentions, and the two tentacles were still inside me cruelly twist and sink until I explode all colors behind the eyelids. I felt every close, each stimulation abandon the State, the caress of fresh air, and then the weight of Holmes on and around my pelvis infinitely hot and our embrace of her flesh. It stood over me like a titan, a sea god, an aquatic creature indeed. Only at that moment I realized what I was near the limit of what it was, too, of its dry nell'affondare in my hips, the nervous tremor of the tentacles that had not stopped a moment to rape the meat.
I finished first, and he followed me after a while - Or maybe it was the opposite. For some time there existed only the percussion violent spasms, and then decreasing the buzz that fades in a wave of pleasure even to silence. Holmes left me on the chest and I raised my arms to tighten, with little energy rimastemi, taking me by the wrist with the other hand, because the numbness did not pulled down at the carpet.
I was almost asleep when Holmes spoke, but my ears muffled by sleep coming and I had to ask him to repeat.
"I was just wondering why you think you offer me for not telling me before. Say weeks ago. And make 'it's a particularly good. "
His voice was slurred and content, with a substantial background ironic. Now that the passion had consumed, I could think clearly, so I answered honestly.
"I was afraid of losing your esteem," I said. "If you were any other man, I would be certain."
"Watson, is the stupidest thing you've ever heard."
"I hope so," I muttered.
"Why ... Oh. Sure. The British moral reproach. Stupid of me to ask. "
I looked at him with a little concern. Lately, the mood of Holmes was more unpredictable than usual. "Are you angry?"
"No," he said, raising his head to look at in turn. "No, indeed. I feel so gloriously good that I fear something terrible will happen over the next five minutes to balance everything. "
" nothing will happen, "I said quickly.
Holmes chuckled, and sat up a little kiss. It was a long, loving and ridiculously home, after all that absurd morning.
"The breakfast will be cold," murmured the end. I looked at the clock on the mantelpiece. "I think at this point so worth turning it into dinner."
Holmes left me, moving with determination towards the door of his room. I rolled on my stomach to follow with their eyes, given the unprecedented opportunity to contemplate in total nudity. A thin trickle of semen oozed down the curve of a tentacle.
"You have a commission to do?" I asked again, a creature of another world, inhuman and beautiful.
"Not before a bath," I said.
Holmes smiled a pensive smile, and I felt every cell of my body quivering with anticipation, because the only thing more attractive for me to see my friend pledged to use his great intellect and experience the product this activity.
"I feel much better in the water," he said slowly. "The more at ease. And I need to rehydrate. "
I got up, relying on the sound leg. Holmes's eyes seemed to capture all the little light in the room.
"Not too cold," contrattai.
"Thou shalt not cold," said, oblique, and disappeared into his bedroom - leaving me alone to smile stupidly in the shadow of his passing.
All in all, we contemplate a beautiful day.
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