My Infinite Variety (A Case of Identity)
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Holmes / Watson
Rating: R
Word Count: 41,410
(W) Part
2 / 5
Slash, what if, something else now I can not think of
Notes: What if
EMPT up.
Written by:
, second edition.
1 upset her. Or at least, so I thought I saw him appear at the breakfast table at a quarter to eight.
"I wonder how a man can voluntarily submit a schedule like that," muttered Holmes, taking place in front of me. He was wearing an old dressing gown color mouse over a white shirt and a pair of dark trousers, not new but in good condition, different from the clothes the night before. "Some of us," said cheerful, "prefer to sleep at night and be awake early to enjoy the daylight hours. It is a habit of the most mysterious, I admit. "
" The light is extremely overrated, "objected Holmes, suppressing a yawn. "Anybody can see the light, and be seen. It is the dark that people reveal themselves for what they are. In the dark, and when they believe they are alone. "
" The objection could be, "I replied," that is rather difficult to see in the dark. " " Oh, no, "murmured Holmes, clutching her robe on him. "See, maybe. Look, I do not think. "
I gave him a patient smile, to which Holmes responded by sitting up straighter and looking away. I pushed the basket with the toast still warm in his direction, and opened the lunchbox with scrambled eggs. "Today the cook is topped with herring, "I informed him," but if you prefer the bacon is what a minute. "
" No, thanks, "said Holmes. "Do not eat it?"
"For the moment no. But she will not be influenced. Quell'aringa his plate begs to be attacked. " I cut a piece and started to put in his mouth, but I was assailed by a doubt. "Holmes had dinner yesterday?"
" I have nothing against eating, doctor. Digestion is that annoys me. It slows my mental processes. "
" It has such a dire need of his mental processes to be forced to fast for one day? " " Two. " I dropped my fork into the pot. Scoperchiai the tray with the eggs and poured him two, with whole herring. Then imburrai toast and leaned against the side of the rest, and filled a cup of tea. Holmes gazed my concern with a sardonic smile. "It's always so insistent with the poor souls who collects from the street, doctor, or should I consider a lucky?"
"Eat or I'll whip everything and gave it to inject directly into a vein."
"This would solve the problem of digestion. " " Holmes. "
With an exaggerated sigh, picked up a crumb of scrambled egg with the tip of the fork and raised it to his mouth. But I had no time to please with this victory, because downstairs provenne angry exclamation in what I recognized to be the voice of Beth. Holmes shouted: "Ah!" and jumped up, rushing underneath, and I followed him dappresso.
"Doctor" said Beth as soon as I saw on the stairs. "I tried to stop him, but this little ..."
A tiny figure emerged from the corner blind behind the clock in the hall. He lifted his cap from his eyes with his hand wrapped in a medium glove and then as an afterthought, if they took off completely, revealing a gaunt face and a mop of dirty hair and too long on his forehead.
"Henry, sir," said the boy, he should not have more than nine or ten years, turning its full attention to my guest. "We found. It's out there if we want to talk, Mr. Holmes, sir. "
" Holmes? What's happening? "
" nonsense. A second patient, doctor, if you please. Henry, my boy, I remember I've given you very precise instructions on what you had to do. Ring the bell, ask of Sherlock Holmes, and then ... "she spoke gently pushed him out of the doorway, and the last words were lost when it came out with the boy and pulled the door behind him.
Scostai the curtain of the window, glancing out. Holmes, in her dressing gown and slippers, was talking to a cabbie, at least judging from the carriage was waiting, without a driver to the sidewalk. The boy, Henry, was nearby. The conversation was brief and mostly low voice, at the end, Holmes took a half sovereign from his pocket and gave it to humans. Another currency, the value of which does not make out but suspected to be around one shilling, the boy went through the fingers. By that Holmes took his leave with a final recommendation, or perhaps an order, and he retraced his steps.
The man who walked into the house was a significantly more satisfied. I had told Beth to return to his business, so we were alone in the hall when asked what it meant to the scene I witnessed.
"Oh, Yes, "said Holmes, as advised for the first time in my presence. "I am sorry. I told Henry to wait outside, but the boy is left to win the enthusiasm, I'm afraid. "
" For the money promised, I suppose. "
Holmes stretched her lips into a hint of a smile. "Certainly."
"Will you tell me what's going on, Holmes? Or should I be content to see complete strangers show up at my door and ask for Sherlock Holmes
? Speaking of which, really, how could he tell the boy what's his name? "
" Do not worry, no harm was done, " Holmes said, responding to the least important of my questions. "He just thought that I did not want to reveal my real name."
"What then is the truth, is not it?" I said, irritated.
Holmes clenched his jaw. "I assure you that if I were aware of any other name would myself being prosecuted, she would be the first to know."
"I'm sure," I replied. "As I would be the first to know of ads that bear my name and address. As I would be the first to know that my home has become his office, good for anyone who steps to receive the head, and God only knows what business! "
"May I say to you, Doctor, I have not received any
in his home, but just in front
at his home on the road to Her Majesty? As for my business, I am not obliged to confer with her or with anyone else about their nature. I realize that I have exceeded the bounds of politeness. I will leave this house immediately. "
" He stopped. Holmes! "The
chased up the stairs, or at least you tried, but he had the advantage of longer legs and both healthy, and I joined him in the middle of the ramp just because he let me.
"I did not say that I intend to drive it. Maybe tomorrow will do something unforgivable and throw off the weight, do not think it unlikely, but until then, I'm not so mean to hold on to an excuse so insignificant. "Holmes was silent, or at least did not answer immediately, giving me the opportunity to continue. "But I demand to know what's going on in my house, Holmes, and I do not care who you are or think you are, I for my part, I assure you that I have infinitely less patience of John Watson has read about. I want to know who those people are and why they wanted to see her, and I want to know why I lied and said not to have more money when they obviously have to throw. "
" I did not lie, "said Holmes, looking at the advantage of his superior height and three additional steps. "Until last night at dinner, my pocket a total of three pence." He thrust a hand in his pocket, which made a handful of coins. "This is all I have now
. Maybe he wants to count, to be sure that it did not evade taxes on the value of my drugs? "As she said forcefully threw them on the steps.
"I want to believe that he won
two sovereign last night, in between six and eleven o'clock?"
"Oh, no," said Holmes, coolly. "From six to eleven and a half I had nothing else to do."
The thought was ridiculous, but the money was there at my feet. How did he do? I thought the most terrible things. The idea that she had stolen was less distressing, and I think this says a lot about what went through my mind in those moments.
"Holmes, damn, I'm trying to help. But I can not help it if she does not trust me. "
Of course I trust her. How could I trust anyone else? "
" He has an odd way of showing it. "
" Why? Why did not I informed of my whereabouts? I promised her that everything will eventually ... " "When I can no longer do anything about it?"
"... when I have something to show. Something that convinced beyond a reasonable doubt that the ones I'm talking about are facts, not fantasies of a haunted mind. "
At this point I realized that Beth, the cook and the gardener looked at us through the kitchen door, not but its almost eavesdropping, looking confused and worried. In their eyes, the argument must have appeared extremely ambiguous, if not delusional, it was full of innuendo. Displeased, Holmes grabbed by the arm and dragged him to the top of the stairs, at which he broke free and followed me in spontaneously my study.
I closed the door shut.
"Tell me - please, tell me who is not seeking evidence that she is really Sherlock Holmes."
"Of course not. We then tested two days ago. What has made this absurd idea? " I took the root of the nose between your thumb and forefinger, trying to control the irritation. It is a poor man mentally unstable, I told myself.
not his fault.
Quieter, leaned against the edge of his desk, inviting him to sit. Holmes was left standing.
"Tell me what it is, then. You have my word ... "
"No." "Holmes," I sighed. "Dealing with the minute she becomes more tiring."
"Though I speak with him would be useless. Believe I'm crazy - even more so, I mean - and trying to stop. For my own good. You are right, I'm not a good person, but she did, and good people are terribly dangerous. They make all sorts of nonsense for the sake of others, even when they have not the faintest idea what this is. Friends consult specialists. Buttered toast is not required. Blindly throw themselves into the path of bullets not intended for them. The only way to save a good person and keep it dark. " That was the second warning. I looked the man in front of me and I could not, like the first time, to see another behind Sherlock Holmes, a person who was struggling to emerge from the mask of the great detective. Holmes had done it again: he filled the whole scene.
hate him like I had never hated anyone.
"Go away," he said. "Get out before the strike."
In response, Holmes grabbed my right hand, opened it and leaned his palm against his cheek, an expression in the granite face.
"bait." "When I came back, I put this in mind as the most plausible reaction," he murmured, turning his head slightly to one side so that now he spoke with his lips on the inside of my fingers, in the most tender, one in which join the rest of the hand. "I think there is an order to restore."
subtract the hand to his lips with such vehemence that took her to hit the edge of the table behind me. Holmes stood perfectly still.
"For years I performed in the most absurd mental acrobatics just to not ever raise that look that you're paying now."
"Bait," I whispered. "For the love of God"
was only when obeyed, leaving the room in silence, I realized I had not thought it would. The trigger handle sounded unreal, as coming from farthest distance, and his footsteps were heard in the corridor is not at all. Not a second later, Beth went to announce that the first patient of the day waiting downstairs.
straightened his shirt collar and told her to pick him up.
Busy with the visits, I saw Holmes not until eleven o'clock that morning. Elaine Whitaker had been a dear friend of my wife and, occasionally, my patient. Although the woman did not have my full sympathy - and fearing it was a fragile creature, more suited to elicit a protective instinct that a genuine respect - I preferred when she visited me in the name of our common love for Mary, rather than a professional assessment . I must add, however, that Mrs. Whitaker would have enjoyed an enviable and consistent good health, it was not for his unfortunate situation at home.
When Holmes burst into my office, Mrs. Whitaker had just covered. She was pale, but pale not too different from its natural color, and sat rigidly, but people tend to get nervous in the presence of a physician. I emphasize this because at the time seemed to me the only two noteworthy details, and later I was soundly refuted in this regard.
"Watson, I need to talk to her," Holmes announced, entering the room without knocking. He seemed excited and a newspaper in his right hand.
"Surely it can wait a few minutes."
"I'm afraid not. However, what is this even a minute.
I desperately need your help. "
I got up, paying an apologetic smile to my patient, and took Holmes to the door. "Holmes, do not you see I'm busy?" I muttered. "I'll talk to you later."
"Busy?" he repeated, glancing at Mrs. Whitaker over my shoulder. "If you think that his cases are more important than mine ..."
"Yes, I think," I replied.
"Very well." He walked up to the desk and turned to Elaine Whitaker a penetrating gaze. "My dear lady, unfortunately you're wrong. Her husband is not a good man under the influence of an evil habit. Her husband is the most vile creature that exists in the world, a worm not worthy of consideration that would do well to be removed from society. The simple fact that he repents of what he does when not in itself makes it even more despicable: it is clear that despite his repentance, no qualms about returning to his beloved substances as soon as possible. "
Mrs. Whitaker widened his eyes and purple cheeks. "Doctor ..." she exclaimed in my turn, jumping up.
"She's scared, 'said Holmes, more kindly," and believes they can not live without a husband. You may say that it is not. She's rich, intelligent and has saved up enough money where her husband can not reach it. It is a beautiful woman, has a markedly gentle and manners of a lady. Fear not, the bruises heal soon. Denounces it. The complaint and obtain an act of separation. You have no children and no why she continues to suffer his abuse to death, or until he dies. Because he will die, ma'am, this can be assured. Liver cirrhosis, or overdose, or something else he will die. It's too late to save it. It's up to you to decide if he wants to sacrifice himself in the attempt. "
Mrs. Whitaker covered her mouth with his hand. The eyelids are tightened and the skin around was filled with fine lines of voltage while his eyes filled with tears. Panting a sob, she ran away from my studio. I had to chase up the stairs and to calm the violent fit of hysterics in which the words of Holmes had thrown, reassure her that it was not my habit to disclose information intimate of my patients, and finally, when he was able to get out, stop a cab and sent home.
Holmes was waiting for me where I left off. "Fifteen minutes," he said. "Hearing again the whole story of his life would have required at least thirty."
"Holmes, damn, how could
? The poor woman was destroyed! "
" Enraged, too? "
" Of course! What did he expect? "
" Well, "he said, deadpan. "With a little 'luck, returning home will find the right target towards which to direct his anger. And now that has completed tours of the morning, Doctor, I have a favor to ask. "
"He spied between my notes, is not it?" I said leaning back and looking at it.
Holmes frowned. "Why should I? I have no interest in medical history of his patients. "
" So explain to me how he knew that the husband of Mrs. Whitaker is an opium addict and violent. It can not have it deducted
. "
" I beg to differ, "said Holmes, with some asperity. "It was apparent, if only one had bothered to look."
"I am sure to be very stupid," I said, "so has the goodness to enlighten me."
"He wants to persuade me not to have noticed the red marks on lady's wrist? They were quite recent, while the scars are almost invisible at the ear and hairline were older than one month and two months respectively. It was not difficult to deduce some recursion in small 'accidents' in which his usual patient encounter. Oh, sure, it could be a brother or father, but the lady takes the faith, and if it was another man, the husband could not have been more distracted to notice. "I have not concluded that the husband is an opium addict: I just watched that under the malign influence of some substance. It might be alcohol, opium, cocaine equally. Decline any claim of authority in the field, but my limited experience has taught me that a woman is ready to suffer anything from his man in only two cases: if he can blame his bad behavior to something or someone else, and if you have children to be protected. And the lady has no children - not with those hips, of course. "
" But ... "I replied, shocked," she also said that is rich, and that money aside. "
" Of course, my dear doctor , I have no doubt that she is worth every penny, but perhaps never realized that its charges are not exactly what you say competitive? "
" And the money from? "
" new hat, latest fashion, in pendant with kid gloves. Direct from Paris. Perhaps a gift from the repentant spouse, but more probably paid from his own pocket lady, judging by the more modest scope of the true gifts of her husband. You will have noticed the ring on his right hand, I hope, and earrings. Nothing that a woman of class purchasing for yourself, or you would wear if not for the sentimental value. "
I ran a hand through his hair, feeling suddenly overwhelmed by the immense scope of intelligence of the man who had front. Filled the room, awkward as a delicious fragrance but too strong. Strong enough to arouse almost the same repugnance of a bad smell.
"I'm right, it is not," said Holmes, and was not even a question.
"I do not want to ever talk to my patients that way, Holmes. Never again. His intelligence does not give the right to rape the next psychologically. "
" And that earned him all these months instead of good words on his part? "
" Never again, "I repeated. "Is that clear?" Holmes sighed, then nodded hasty. "I help you?"
"What the servant?" Happy
that the conversation had at last moved to the point that he was anxious, Holmes sat down with a long stride in the chair that had been Mrs. Whitaker and rested his elbows on my table. "A very, very much and at the same time. I need your permission to send a telegram. "
" Holmes, you do not need my permission for such a thing. "
" Very kind of you. However, for this particular telegram I just can not help it. You see, is in his name. "
" Okay, "I said, slowly. "Those who want to send a telegram to my name?"
"Inspector ..." picked up the newspaper, "Brooks. Lestrade Or, if you prefer. Mousy face, sallow complexion, dark eyes? So who knows, but not so well that pricked the conscience to make fun of a newspaper that pulls five hundred thousand copies a month. "
" I know him, "I admitted, without loss of time to ask him how he had to find out. "For a short time I worked with the police. Before getting married. " " Mrs. Watson was hoping for a husband with the most interesting prospects of a coroner's salary? Ah, do not respond, no matter, "he added quickly, waving the paper in the air. "Read here, if you do not mind."
The article pointed out to me was a short article about the murder of a young woman of the people in Edgware Road. The woman was wounded in the middle day, the crowd, and was slumped in a corner of the sidewalk, apparently just fallen asleep or fainted. Passers-by had ignored for over an hour, when finally the owner of the car against which the woman had abandoned had given notice to move, discovering that she had been stabbed. The article talked about the case as one that had already caused a sensation for its shamelessness Assassin incredible atrocities that had struck in broad daylight on a downtown street, but I must confess to not having heard anything.
"Oh, of course," said Holmes, intruding into my thoughts. "This morning I stopped. It is usually read, order, the finance section, the sports, a quick glance at the tabloid, and finally the record. Not because less interest, because I care about most. "
" It's a horrible story, "I said, ignoring the reasoning. I was beginning to get used to. "But I do not understand what she has to do. Unless you want to build up the murder ... "I hesitated. "I do not want to do it, right?"
"Nothing like that. I am not a criminal, we established yesterday in the afternoon, I think. "
is not the word I would use, "I muttered, thinking instinctively the quarrel that morning and how absurd that was over.
"Doctor," Holmes sighed, with a half smile, "she's wearing. Simply, I know who killed that woman and I consider it necessary that the inspector in charge of the case is informed. If you send a telegram to my name, I appear in person or worse, my interest would be at least useless, if not counterproductive. I do not believe me or view them with suspicion. Instead, her doctor is the epitome of a gentleman, a respectable profession, and most importantly has worked with Brooks. Does not cost you anything. "
" But how can know the identity Assassin? He was there when it happened? "
" I pleaded. "
"It's Elementary," he continued, more harshly. "You need not be Sherlock Holmes to deduce such a thing. Judge her. The woman dressed as a commoner, but came in a carriage at Edgware Road, and the driver said the woman had a preliminary ladies, with a slight French vein in accent. A French lady who lives a long time in London, or an English lady who lived many years in France. Why a woman should dress in rags? To avoid being recognized. And what he had to do in Edgware Road? Nothing more simple: one block from the exact spot where the body was found is an agency of pawn. The woman tried to bind a collection of jewels of great value, but did not think that the owner, seeing her so dressed, he would have suspected a thief.
"She leaves the shop with his backpack, which was unable to free himself. He has a tremendous hurry and need money if they do not, would certainly have found the time to bind the jewels at another time, and in a less suspicious. Yet it is attached to jewelry, otherwise he would try to sell it and obtain a higher amount, so, however, can regain possession as soon as the waters subside. So are his jewels.
"We have a young lady dressed as a commoner in Edgware Road, which runs away from something or someone, with a bundle of jewels under her arm, in broad daylight. Given the young age, I suspect a romantic getaway, but it is mainly the fear to move: an intense fear and despair. Given the unusual hours and lack of planning seems obvious to me that it was a sudden decision.
"Fifty yards away the agency of a pawn, someone reaches the girl and stabbed in the side in the crowd. A thin blade and a wound with little blood. The bleeding was almost all inside: the carter stated that there was no blood on his clothes. At this point the jewels disappear. "
" Someone killed her to rob her, "I suggested.
"The jewels are locked in a bag and wrapped in a bundle of three layers of paper. Unless the woman has stopped in the street and did not voluntarily discarded the package with the intention of showing to the world, it was impossible for a stranger to guess the contents. And what fool would kill in the middle of a busy road for a swag of it can only guess the value? "
" Wait, "I interrupted," how do you know how they were wrapped jewelry? The grant, if any, has not been found. "
" The bag was found, "he said, placidly.
"When? The article does not ... "
" It's in my room. "
I jumped in feet.
"Please do me the immense favor of not returning to believe a murderess," said Holmes, looking amused. "I simply reasoned that the disappearance of the jewels of the past would not be long in silence. They are the family jewels, valuable and well-known experts. The
parure is signed by Louis-Francois Cartier himself, is engraved on the brooch family crest. Can you imagine a thief casually, not pinched or protectors, capable of placing such stolen goods on the black market? Ah, but we have already ruled out the casual thief. Alternative: a murder during a robbery. Maybe someone saw the woman take the jewels in the house and broke out followed, then a member of the servitude or another inhabitant of the house. But why wait for the agency to enter a pledge, with the risk that the owner would agree to combine your business? And why kill her? Exclude them from the bag and fleeing would have been enough. The woman could hardly resist. No, because someone was killed
wanted to kill her. I suspect a homicide passion, the eternal motive of jealousy. At that point, had to dispose of the jewels. Short on time, too bulky and to recognize the valuable and too recognized the woman with the bag at his side. The murderess did the only logical thing threw them into the river. "
" Holmes, "I said," could not have dredged the whole course of the Thames to find it. "
" Do not be ridiculous, "said , but there was satisfaction in his voice. "The murderess had to go quickly to where it was expected, or its absence was noticed. So he had no other choice but to throw the bag at the nearest point at his destination: the Palace of Westminster. "
" Holmes! "I cried. "It's really suggesting that a member of Parliament ...?" "Maybe you know that Lord James Dunstan, husband of his second wife, Lady Colette Pont St Martin, has a stepdaughter: Eléonore Pont St Martin. Disappeared yesterday morning if we can trust the capacity of his or her personal maid. If you have the goodness to accompany me into the other room, the jewelry and show you can check only by the arms. It was not easy to find. Even knowing where to look, I had to spend half a day to rent a robust aid in the form a small boat from dredging. But I think it was worth it. "
I followed him into the guest room, which already bore clear signs of his inauguration: the toilet had been invaded by a series of bottles and boxes of cosmetics that he used for his disguises , the cabinet was ajar and he glimpsed some clothes and fabrics disparate fashion, the table was full of newspapers piled in a disorderly fashion.
"I hope I do not mind," Holmes said. "I took them in the cellar. I desperately need to recover at least the record last month, and its chef has the good habit to keep, whatever the use made of it. "
"You can take all the papers he wants," I nodded. "I'd tell that did not need my permission, but I feel it would be superfluous."
If Holmes caught the slight rebuke, ignored it completely. He bent down and pulled out from under the bed an ugly canvas bag brown, dry out, but with obvious signs of moisture inside. Pulled out a roll of thick paper, multi-layer, which, despite its delicacy in handling, in a torn between his fingers, leaving out the most sublime collection of jewelry I have ever seen. Gently taken out from the crowd that turned out to be an earring with a large sapphire set in court.
"You see the coat of arms of Pont St Martin on this pin? First and fourth quarter a fortified bridge with two towers on a red field, second and third quarter two gold fish on bottom of silver crosses on a blue field. "
" But even with these jewels, Holmes, she has no evidence that it was the stepfather of the girl. I'm just guessing. No police officer will dream is never to point the finger at a peer of England on the basis of gender. "
" Him? Oh, no, "said Holmes. "He is innocent. As regards the evidence, I have everything you need. When he received his telegram to his friend Inspector will not refrain, if he has in himself even an ounce of the character of Lestrade I know. "So saying, he drew a small knife from his bag of silver, with mother of pearl handle and a single jewel in the center. Not a male subject, of course. The workmanship was exquisite and the handle for weighing a small hand.
"I'm afraid to have her confused," continued Holmes. "Mlle. Pont St Martin is the daughter of Lady Colette Pont St Martin, but the latter's first husband, M. Georges Pont St Martin. The latter's death, his widow has found solace in Lord James, who - you will recall - in the past has had diplomatic assignments in France. The girl and her step-mother have moved to London after the wedding. But she was terrified of Lady Colette, if you can give credit to households. Lady Colette had terrible mood swings and an unhealthy relationship with her stepdaughter. Yesterday morning, after a round of spending habits of a very exceptional lady, it was agreed that these meet with her husband in Westminster before returning home together.
"Can you imagine what must have thought the girl in front of this incredible stroke of luck? You ran into her room, she hastily packed up all the jewelry that has managed to take of it, disguised as a commoner and walked out the back with the help of her maid. Should have see the eyes of the maid, Watson. It was destroyed by guilt. At the slightest hint of the fate of his mistress has revealed what needed to be disclosed, except the leak. "He pointed the knife. "It would be difficult to prove that the wound was inflicted by this blade, even if the river water has almost completely cleared. A murder coarse, if you want my opinion, and an equally rude to get rid of the murder weapon. "
" What I do not understand, "I said, when you wonder at the incredible number of deductions was dissipated," is why they have not reported the jewelry at home. He could putting them back and nobody would know anything. "
" Oh, I would not say no. Two people, however: the manager of the pledge, and the maid. The lady knew that she had been helped in the escape. The waitress was sure, and was terrified because it had to be at least was his mistress. "He dusted his hands off the now dry soil, from the bag, had soiled. "Now that you know the whole story, believes it can send that telegram, Doctor?"
Here there was a silence heavy and very durable. If I was the same man who took my name in the stories, I think I started admiring exclamation. It was, in fact, incredible, and rightly so admirable. But I'm not that John Watson, and rather felt a cold shiver up my spine. It was amazing and yet terrifying in a way that only I could understand.
"I am beginning to believe," I said softly, "I being the fool, and she the real Sherlock Holmes. Or his ghost. "
Holmes frowned, suddenly worried. "My dear, do not talk nonsense."
"But if so, I guess I will not let any harm to send that telegram."
"Watson, I am real. You said the same. I'm talking with her servants, ate his food. " It was tense shooting in my direction, taking my hand resting on the bedspread. We were both sitting on the edge, and the act abolishes all away. "touch me. I hurt. "He smiled suddenly. "If I fancy, I do not bleed?"
"I could never hurt her," I said, shocked at the idea. "But how can I be sure? As far as I know, this could all be a dream. I'm alone in this room, and she does not exist, and I am - God help me - completely crazy. "
" No, no, "said Holmes, now almost frantic. "It's idiotic. Henry came this morning on my order. The waitress saw it. "
" Maybe it was me, "I said. "Maybe I'm so mad I do things ... things ... I do not remember thinking that she is doing them."
"There is such an illness," Holmes objected, gently, "and its solution, doctor, is more the complex problem it is meant to solve. You do not get mixed up in this line of reasoning. It is clear that I exist as you exist, and it is clear that they are not Sherlock Holmes. I feel that it could not be any other person in the world is secondary, and ultimately my only issue. "He still
my hand in hers, we also added the other, squeezing into a hot outlet.
my free hand, moving almost of its agreement, he tried his left wrist and freed him of the twin. Holmes did not move. Without dare look at him, lifted his sleeve, curled in his fist as the fabric climbed the pale expanse of his arm, aimed to reveal the hollow of the elbow.
"Oh, my God," I muttered.
"I'm old," Holmes said, promptly. "Only scars."
"You do not understand. If she exists, somehow I ... at least a part of you, it was I who create it. This, too, this is my work. "contemplated the expanse of scar marks on his arm in horror. "This thing will destroy me."
"Watson, she has nothing to do. I started well before '90. Look! There are scars that go back twenty years ago. Do not take the blame for things that do not concern at all. "
" I've ruined your life. My stories have ruined your life. "
" My life is far from being ruined. I would not trade places with anyone in the world, a king, a prime minister, the emperor of China, I can swear. "
" She does not realize ... "
She does not realize." He raised my hand to her mouth, pressing his knuckles to his lips. For my part, a gesture that shocked me so I had no reaction, as a part of me whispered that I was not even remotely shocked
enough. Her lips were burning.
"Allow me to be Sherlock Holmes. It's crazy, I know. It's not healthy. But his friend was injured and neither she nor I have quickly told me that a specialist mentally infirm. I dare say that what scares her more than it scares me, that is for nothing, since I have long resigned to the lack of alternatives. "His voice became lower, more hoarse. "There is no other place where I would be if not where you are, and no other person could be other than Sherlock Holmes. If only riavessi Baker Street and I would consider you on your seat master of the universe. When your friend will be put back the check, if you want, and you can decide what to do with me. Get myself entirely to your discretion, you have my word. But until then, please, if you love me, let me be Sherlock Holmes. "
His eyes sparkled. His mouth was compressed into a line so thin that her lips seem to fade away, so had become pale, and his hands trembled slightly around the mine. I do not know what I thought. Maybe who seemed caught in a terrible pain, and that it was my duty to alleviate it, that it was or was not the cause. Perhaps that after the fault was not mine, because I thought I had in me as intense as I saw his face, I'd never been able to reproduce it on paper if I had had it.
"I do not want her to suffer," I muttered. "It's terrible to be Sherlock Holmes."
"I'd rather have a terrible life than not having any. And I'd rather be hated than pity. "
" I do not ... "I began, but did not know which of the two charges denied. "I do not hate," I said finally. "Not her. And his mind is magnificent, superb. Pity I could not even if I wanted. "I hesitated. "It's crazy."
"Believe me, I know."
"Are you sure of what I ask?"
"On one condition."
"who swears not to do crazy things."
His mouth broke into a smile brightened, showing two long rows of white teeth and the small space of a missing canine. "My dear, when I never ..."
"I want his word. And another thing. Not interfere with his business, but I want to be informed. No mysteries. I can not die of anxiety with the fear that every time you leave you will put in a carriage. I can not see it come up as a sovereign and tremble at the thought of change as if it is inflicted. If you want to be Sherlock Holmes can not treat me like Sherlock Holmes is his Watson. For his sake, I will not allow it. Is that clear? "
Holmes nodded, after some time. "I promise that I will try. God knows if it deserves to be treated better than how he did it for all these years. "
" It could start telling me how he procured the money. "I looked at my hand still wedged between the his own, embarrassed now that the conversation took a lighter tone. Holmes left her slowly. "I'm calm," I said, more polite.
"It's not as mysterious as it makes it seem. I just bet five sovereigns with a gentleman that I could no suggestions of any kind, to guess his occupation on the spot and the composition of his family. "
" ... And if he lost? "
" I was in the pocket three penny of which I told her. Watson, do you really believe I could miss a game that I set the rules? "
" No, "I said, despite my forced smile. "No, now that you point out, I have not even thought for a moment. The driver of this morning, so I suppose it was that they left the poor Lady Eléonore in Edgware Road? "
" Oh, no. I talked to yesterday afternoon. This was another story. " " What kind? " " Watson ... "
" Holmes. "
" I can not tell. Not yet. "
" Holmes, failed to maintain the floor for more than a minute. "
" If you want to infer that I am a liar and a man unworthy of belief, go ahead. After all, I pretended to die three years. Hide this
, by comparison, is small. "
" You do not ... "I shook my head. "I did not suggest this, in Reichenbach. I just wanted to ... "
" Kill. "
" Him Do not you
. "
" I thought we agreed that we are the same person. Doctor, has just broken his covenant, and half of that, I believe, puts us in an uncomfortable stalemate. "
gave up, because I knew enough Sherlock Holmes, and I began to get an idea of this man, to know that I would never say anything that he did not want. Chained to the promise keep me reasonably informed was the best I could get.
"I'll tell you something," but granted, surprise, "if you allow me to offer the lunch."
"Now?" I looked at his watch. It was past noon.
"When you prefer. I'm not hungry. "
" With what money, if I may? "
" I had some revenue, this morning. "He smiled, with good-natured exasperation. "It will truly realize that all the money that passes through my hands, is not it, Doctor?"
"Very well. Will enable it to offer me lunch if I will have to eat alone. "
" You can not put a condition on the condition, doctor. "
" Nevertheless, it is a deal. Whatever he decided to tell me, if he did it is because
want to do it. And now that reminds me, I'm hungry like a wolf. "I stood up. Holmes I walked in, very close, and his legs almost touched mine. I took a step back towards the door.
"I'll be downstairs in five minutes," I said leaving him alone in his room.
In the hallway, while my way to my door, crossed Beth coming up the stairs in the same direction. "Beth, Be kind, send a telegram for me. "I threw down the message for Brooks hastily on the back of an envelope with the address, and handed it to her. "And 'the cook who dine out."
"Yes, doctor," replied the girl, doing to subside.
"Oh, and ..." I hesitated. "About our guest. Mr. Holmes. "
Beth's gaze remained strictly neutral, but I could not tell if it was a pose. "Yes, doctor?"
For a moment I did not find anything to say, and Beth looked at me with empty, waiting. "he dines out," concluded.
"Well, Doctor. I say to the cook, "said my waitress, quiet, energetic, fast heading downstairs. I could not find anything abnormal in his step, no nervousness which betrayed that he knew
. I breathed a bit 'more freely. There was nothing to know, for sure. As if to give me further proof of his room from Holmes produced a muffled sound, a thud hard and soft at the same time, like a suitcase falling suddenly open on one side. Not turned back to ask if everything was okay - it was ridiculous. But this, and the reaction of Beth, comforted me immensely, and I resolved to forget about it.
Whatever Holmes wanted to tell me, and I knew that I wanted, let you spend the entire meal without the slightest hint. At first I expected it would take the argument from time to time, but then, realizing that I'd better relax and enjoy my lunch, I let it ran quietly.
Holmes, I discovered, was an excellent conversationalist. He had none of the cultural limitations of the study appear ridiculous
in red and all the merits of the individual more nuanced than time, and second thoughts, I had helped to create. His conversation on the subjects tended to return I knew the most congenial - the crime at all, and the effect of a large number of substances on human physiology - but there was more, much more, were the Bible and Shakespeare and Samuel Johnson and Robert Browning, at the bottom of all this, just an educated and polite gentleman with whom it was a pleasure speaking. Sometimes I think I can predict what such that, or at least the way he would have said, the tone and the expression of the face, but I was not always able to guess. More often, Holmes caught me. It was real, he was human, and as such hardly predictable, but not in the way it might have been the
Holmes, that was so brutal and unpredictable in a world of fictitious characters equally fictitious, created to live with wonder. It was as unpredictable as a person, was a twenty percent more real than my Holmes could ever have. I know it would not surprise me - that was not my Holmes, of course - but I was completely shocked, in a gentle manner, if such a thing exists. It was like finding a child after ten years of separation, and expect him in those poses and expressions of those characteristics which are then ours, that we have given us, and discover those and all the others, completely new, that we have no idea where the ever fished, and not recognize it and together, and have pleasure and with astonishment, and together - hidden, because not admit it - some bitterness.
"I wonder, doctor, what ever there is to smile on my monograph on the trajectory and penetration of bullets," said Holmes, smiling in turn.
"Nothing, really," I admitted. "Excuse me, I thought of one thing. The monograph, he said ...? "In truth I had no idea of the monograph. I stopped listening some time ago, around arsenic, or maybe - no - the fingerprints. As he had come to discuss problems of ballistics, I honestly did not know him.
"For example, "Holmes said, still smiling slightly," she definitely knows something guns. If it were confronted with a bullet semiblindato, front penetrated into the skull of a man and escaped from the back, what do you deduce about the weapon and the shooting distance? "
" It is a common bullet revolver, "I said, and I saw him nod. "As for the distance, I would think that depth to a close shot. Two meters at most. "
" Correct. And now tell me, what if the bullet was fired from a different weapon, more powerful? Let's say, just to talk, a rifle? "
I looked at him sensing that there was some kind of test in progress, but without being able to understand what it was. "You can not fire a rifle with a semiblindato. The dimensions are all wrong. "
" But let's say, hypothetically, that this is a special rifle, bullets suitable for the revolver. "
" In that case, "I replied, thinking," since a rifle is much more powerful than a revolver, would lead to a much greater propulsion. At the same distance, the bullet would travel much farther. Or ... "Holmes
I poured three fingers of wine, without taking his eyes from her face, and did the same for himself.
"And even when fired from a distance, could pass for a close shot," I concluded.
"Watson, she has done a grave injustice in his novels. I always knew, but now I get further confirmation. A toast. "
" At my grave injustice? "I replied, smiling.
"To his great intelligence."
you would like to toast the
my intelligence? It does not seem the case. "
"Okay, then." I took a sip. "To that end, I proved my great intellect?"
"You have a purpose?"
"With you? Absolutely. "Doctor, we're not talking about my intelligence, but his own. We talked about mine, I would agree. But I do not need an excuse to watch a demonstration of his acumen. It gives me pleasure just to see this. " " declare my wit? "I repeated, puzzled but amused.
"Holmes, really, is the most absurd thing I've ever heard." Faced with the rise of his eyebrow, I corrected myself. "No, not the most absurd, I agree. But certainly a rather absurd. Why not see that I am a complete idiot would give her pleasure? "
" What
not give me any pleasure, "said Holmes, I think avoiding the question, or maybe around it for the sake of arguing. "This would make a mediocre man, and mediocrity is boring."
"All right. Why see my great intelligence
should give pleasure? "
" It is not obvious, Doctor? For the same reason she gives pleasure to people admire mine. "
" Why does that make me a good writer? "I tried more and more confused.
"Oh, no," she said, but no more, and I did not understand what he was denying - that it was the acclaim of readers to give me pleasure, or that this did me a good writer. We'd been brooding on the latest, Holmes had left the money in the account on the table and was already rising. I followed him out of Romano's, and it was only in that way to be remembered in credit for another response. I reminded him.
"I do not think," he said, adjusting his scarf under her chin.
Way, Holmes, not brash. Lunch was his condition, remember? He had to tell me something. "
" I said something. "
" Something, "I said, in a good mood," that is connected to the driver this morning. "
" My dear doctor, I assure you that I did. " "He has not done anything like that." "Absolutely."
sighed. "Then it will be kind enough to repeat? It must have escaped myself in a whirlwind of conversation. "
" This is not really possible. "
" Holmes. "
" You know, Watson, I find his lack of concentration and ridiculous at the same time, strangely fascinating. "
" I'm sure I paid too little attention. I would have noticed if it had decided to talk about something that I wanted to know when we left. And it seems absurd not ricordamene. "
" Oh, she recalls. But he can not connect the information to others in his possession. "
" What harm can repeat them? "
" No, but I find his considerable charm increases when frustrated. "
" I fear that His company makes me very attractive, then. " Holmes picked up the scarf on her nose and I chuckled inside, in small spasms silent.
"He never wanted you to know, is not it?" I muttered, but without acrimony. "But he wanted to tell me. So he devised a way to tell me without me noticing. Of course I am stupid enough to give ease of ... " " I did not believe that no one would notice, was a thing of the moment, "said Holmes. "But my dear, it was just a joke. He's right, I'd rather you did not know for some time, not much. But if it hurts her, I tell her. "
I could have said that it offended me, or at least annoyed, and Holmes would. I can see it in his eyes. But in all honesty, I did not feel the offense. And the little mystery would give me something to think about during endless hours in the afternoon.
"I'm not offended."
His face lit up behind his scarf. "I've never known a person as unable to take advantage of an advantage being served."
"No, you continue, please. Continue to take the game to me, "I muttered, now entirely in jest. "I do not mind at all."
Holmes laughed again, and walked in silence towards home. Passing at that moment the old lady with the feast of flowers on the corner of Holland Street when this turned to the girl sitting beside her (the granddaughter, I presume) and he said something that I did not catch, but Holmes, closer, had to hear.
"My dear lady, I can not give that right to his grandmother. Her suitor is a pocodibuono. Suffice to note that ring as an engagement that has given him has been returned in the wrong way by his girlfriend last year. "
I confess I felt a thrill to the idea that the horrible scene with Mrs. Whitaker repeated, not across walls of my studio, but in the midst of a busy road. The girl jumped up, looked outraged, turning the ring around the ring with a nervous motion.
"It is too large for her finger, and that ugly dent does not augur well, is not it? As if it had been damaged on purpose. Against the pavement, for example. "
" Bob ... he bought it used, "objected the girl, stumbling over words.
"Holmes," I muttered, taking him by the arm. "Holmes, I do not think ..."
"Used, of course. But the sellers of jewelry have used the good habit of making them shine with some frequency, while the other sees the shadow of a good polish ... at least six months, to judge by color. From what knows his boyfriend? "
The girl was pale. On the face of the old lady, however, was pop a vein of surprised approval.
"I'm just five months, sir, and two who gave her the ring. I told you, "he added, addressing his niece," oh, I told you that you wanted to take the nose. Lord, I'll tell her as well. "
Holmes nodded absently. What seemed to have ceased to interest him. He touched his hat in salute and walked on, while behind us the two women taking a low voice and animated chatter. We were almost in Hornton Street when she joined us and, looking down at her feet with air tetra, Holmes stretched to a slender white iris still in bud. "We'll send his grandmother to thank her," I seemed to hear her whisper, but his chin firmly planted on the chest and the words came out confused. Holmes accepted him without saying anything.
did not talk to the door. I was turning the key in the lock when Holmes, who had continued to urgently fix the flower all the way, as he whispered to himself: "Is not it ironic, Watson?".
"This flower."
found nothing unusual.
"It is an iris," he said, slowly, and then: "It's really ironic," he repeated. "The iris symbolizes the resurrection."
He looked up at me as if you would look with something for which the words escaped him. His forehead was dark, frowning. I looked at the flower and her hand holding him gently.
"accept it as a good sign then," I said softly. Holmes nodded and placed the flower in the pocket of his coat.
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