My Infinite Variety (A Case of Identity)
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes
Holmes / Watson
Rating: R
Word Count: 41,410
(W) Part
3 / 5
Slash, what if, something else that comes to mind now
Notes: What if EMPT up.
Written by:
, second edition.
Holmes reassured me with amused exasperation that I had nothing to worry about. the third day, Holmes received a telegram and disappeared from circulation until midnight, when I saw him reappear in the guise duties and oddly suited to its long dry figure, an Anglican clergyman. It was late and I had fallen asleep on the sofa in the living room. I did not question. Holmes gave me a loving look and gave me good night.
In this way, between inertia and feverish activity, spent a week. No one had answered the ad, which I proceeded to make republish every day at my expense (Holmes must have noticed, but there had been mentioned), nor was any announcement appeared missing person that matched his description. This, I admit, it gave me Every day an inexpressible relief. Our partnership was not free from friction: the character of Holmes, surprisingly sweet in the good times, it was also terribly bitter and bad, and sometimes I found myself running out of patience. But for most of the time was a great accommodation. After the first day, I had forgotten to ask Percy Trevelyan news of his quadriceps.
"I intend to ask his permission for a project, doctor," he said at breakfast on the eighth day. "What kind of project?" The Last Days of intense activity (after a pair of complete inertia) had done well. He continued to eat little and mostly under my supervision, but had a healthy energetic air of the best times. Our hands collided over the plate of bacon, I smiled and nodded to use first.
" What kind of people? "I asked slowly.
"Oh, all kinds, really." "I'm afraid to be a bit 'more specific, Holmes. What do you need the room? " Reticence expanded to all of its face and it became even a shadow of annoyance. "I would like to return to work. If the landlord agrees, "he added. It was not the most bizarre thing I'd heard, and indeed have long suspected that that was the source of its recent revenue. Days before Holmes had demanded that sets a rent for occupying the room and informed me that later this month I got my money I had also seen a new hat and other recent acquisitions, mostly clothing to supplement his meager wardrobe. "I do not know how much I like this project," I answered honestly.
"Do not enter anyone that you yourself would not allow his house."
"I'm not worried about security. But it gives me the thought that people know that in my house lives a man who calls himself Sherlock Holmes and solves cases for a fee. "
" I can take any other name. The name is not important. "
" What name was given to customers has been done in this last week? "
" For them it is only a pseudonym. Will be true for others. "
" Holmes, frankly, I do not know what this might be useful to my reputation. "
" On his reputation as a writer? Thinking of a publicity stunt. More original than others, must admit. It might even help her. "
" In my professional reputation. "
This gave him food for thought. "She believes that her patients will feel a masquerade, and go to be examined further."
"Post brutally, yes," I sighed.
"But my plan is only a joke if I fail as a investigator, and this, I'll grant you, is not possible. Otherwise, it may seem like a joke at first but the facts speak for themselves. "He lifted a corner of his mouth. "One or two of his patients may even decide that you need an investigative consultant, after all."
"You may not know ... I am sorry, I'm sure she is in all respects as a brilliant mind and more than Sherlock Holmes, but we are realists. This is the real world. There are no
investigative consultants. There is a line of people ready to shell out sounding sovereign blue carbuncles to find hidden in the crop of Christmas geese. It seems a weird design, no future. "
Holmes leaned his elbows on the table and leaned over the breakfast, emphatically. "Let me groped. I'm bringing to fruition some research. Should I see the fruits by early next week. And if what I hand goes through, as expected, soon there will be other occasions. On my word, if in a month ... "
" A month? "
" All right, if in two weeks I have not got the results, I'll stop completely. If you are concerned about his patients, establish schedules, and my clients They should never meet with her. This may be assured. She did not endeavor any embarrassment. And if you were to lose even a single patient because of me, I'll stop anyway. "
Consent gave me a strange thrill, a sense of giddiness and euphoria that set a few things I had never produced: ask my wife's hand, create a character named Sherlock Holmes, enlist in the army. Holmes welcomed the agreement with an excited gleam in his eyes, and nothing else.
"Any news?" He asked casually, referring - as he got into the habit of doing - the announcement that he was concerned.
"No," I replied with equal calm. The sense of euphoria and tenfold risk of being obvious in the face.
I began to believe that if Holmes had wanted to leave, I tried in every way to stop him. That was crazy, of course, but I just think to feel happy and determined. His fingers touched me, by chance, close to the tray of eggs. The walked away happily, restoring the previously playful rudeness. Holmes smiled.
Since then, my house enjoyed an activity that until then had been unknown. As announced, Holmes received every kind of customer, but because he needed money (and it was recognized that the 'results' of were mentioned by the pecuniary), its score belonged mostly to the wealthy bourgeoisie who can afford the fees incurred, as ever hexose, a private investigator. It was not uncommon that sometimes comes to the door, along with the poor and the rich widow Mrs. Carter of Pall Mall, the first amazed them for a strange company that Sherlock Holmes had forced. And, despite Holmes had made an ad with the specific times to take his word not to mix his clients and mine, had spread the voice of those who had consulted, that in fact he received at all hours day and night, and after a month was not possible in any way to force the potential concerned to respect the visiting hours. Since the project I had not derived any damage, and even my patients, especially the ladies, were fascinated from a black man who called himself Sherlock Holmes and all seemed to come out from the pages of a demi-Strand, offered him the living room as a waiting room for his clients, and his and mine ended up sharing - in addition to the usual stories of disease - even more exciting tales of missing jewelry and terrible miscarriages of justice, Mr. Holmes would solve for them.
Holmes was amazing that he could build up a customer nurtured in such a short time, but certainly the supernatural profited from the fame of his name. Holmes never asked a fee in advance, and I deduced that many of its customers - often young and idle rich - consulted him on a bet, to find out if indeed the man who was said to be equal to Sherlock Holmes in the Strand was worth something.
I stayed discreetly in the shadows, but it was not long before it attracted attention. Holmes lived in my house for just one month, when George Newnes Strand came to visit me. We were on good terms, and he had accepted, if not happy with at least understanding, my decision to kill Sherlock Holmes. That day, however, looked frowning. Exhausted rite of pleasantries, he looked around in my living room with the air to try something.
"You know, Watson," he began after a long silence, "I wanted to tell me."
"What are you referring exactly?" I asked calmly.
Newnes looked up. It was a nice looking man, with prominent forehead and a long red beard that grew old a decade. "The news made the rounds of London, you know?"
I stopped pretending to ignore. "Yes. I know. "
" And so I repeat, I wanted to tell me. We could completely change the promotional line. Perhaps increase sales of third. 'Sherlock Holmes' exist'. Can you think of that would have been shot, Watson? Maybe for
The final , eh? A final with a bang! Would enter the annals. "
" It's a private person, "I replied, slightly annoyed, but with the security of a story prepared for the occasion. "I could not break his word."
"Yes. I see, "Newnes said, deflating a bit '. "And now, instead?"
"Now a lot has changed," I said. "Until recently he lived in France, where he led retired life devoted to his research in chemistry - Something about the derivative of coal tar, I seem to remember - and by the investigator only as a hobby, serving the small daily cases of relatives and friends. However, certain political sympathies alienated him the favor of the Académie des sciences, and this past year decided to return home. The research, however, had ended. I think he produced a voluminous monograph on the subject. "
" And how did you decided to ...? "
" Oh, just, having lived abroad for so long, the fame that the stories of Sherlock Holmes have indirectly procured hit him a lot. So he decided, a little 'joke, to transform into the profession, which until then had been a pastime. The choice of the pseudonym was also a joke, really. We did not think that would have been so successful. "
Newnes licked the lips. It was not a particularly venal man, but is also an entrepreneur, and I guess publishing projects and figures dance in my mind. I could feel like a bad serial American, my friend called 'a gold mine'. I thought it was now necessary for all the care possible.
"Tell me, you can see him, Watson? It is in the house? "
" Do not is at home. It is a rather shy person, George. Apart from its customers, shall not receive any. I would not ... No one wants people to think it a freak. You understand what I mean. "
" Sure. Sure. However ... on behalf of the Strand ... I mean, a meeting is not asking much, given the popularity that we've got, do not you think, Watson? "
I hesitated. "I suppose I could ask him."
"Excellent. And maybe, if you could persuade him to tell him something ... "
" I believe this is not really possible, "I said, hard.
"But it would be great if he could, Watson. A special issue ... An interview with Sherlock Holmes! And for her the usual percentage, of course. "
" him speak, "I replied, trying to start the conversation concluded," but do not expect a positive response. He lived as a recluse for twenty years, and were it not for the need to constantly engage his mind, would love to continue doing so for another twenty. I'll ask him, but do not expect me to say yes. "
" But a meeting is possible, is not it? "Insisted Newnes, tenacious as a bulldog.
"I'll ask him immediately on his return."
I had to promise I would do everything possible and the impossible, if necessary, to convince Holmes to give themselves as food to the public that loved him. When I closed the door behind Newnes, I realized I feel a vague nausea.
Holmes looked at me from the top of the stairs, his pipe between his teeth.
"that you feel obliged to protect it is moving," he remarked in a lighter tone.
"can do it, if he wishes," I said, and I was sincere, yet the thought of me clutching my stomach.
"I have no interest in the press, nor patience to their ways. And anyway, I'd never do anything that would cause the
reaction. "
blushed, feeling exposed. "I am concerned only ..."
"I do not know exactly. But too much fame all at once can not be a good thing. "
Holmes had joined me at the door, but with a quiet step that betrayed a sense of urgency within. "He fears that the head can give me?" He joked.
"Worse than that? Frankly, I do not seem possible, "she smiled.
"Maybe it would be an opportunity. I have no interest in money, you know, but I could put up enough in a short time, sure, whatever happen, to pay the rent on time every month ... "
" Holmes, what is the least of his problems. "
" ... and maybe only accept cases that interest me, instead of pursuing dishonest maids fled with linen. "
" Does it really ...? "
" Two cases so far. "
I mentioned a laugh, but I wiped the mouth.
"And then I could pay it off as it deserves. I could offer her a trip where you want, for as long as you want. It's never been to Paris, right? I know I would love Paris. And then anything else. Sure, "he continued, changing tone abruptly, leaving a note creep into the voice strange, uncertain, "in this way would be easier to recognize. For my relatives, assuming they have. "
" Sure, "I nodded. "He's right. I never thought of. "I looked up. "I think we should do it."
"He can not tell me with that face and expect to be convincing, Watson."
"I'm sorry. Of course I have no right to hold here, and maybe her parents are scrambling to look for and suffer from its lack. If Newnes can give you a better chance to be reunited with them, I think that should groped. "
" Do not I know who they are. Nor do I believe that they exist. I have no desire to be reunited with them. "
" But it should, "I said, gently.
"You think it's best."
"I think so, yes."
"Then why, Watson, I explain it, because she tells me with that face
I paused, made with back to the wall.
"She does not want," he insisted.
"It is extremely selfish on my part. But I got used to his presence, and last month was ... "
" It was? "
"Nice. Surprisingly. At the beginning I would not have believed it. But this has no importance, and should not weigh on his choice. It is his life, Holmes, not mine. "
" Us. "
" Excuse me? "
" I said 'our'. Our life. The decision affects both. And anyway, I've already decided. "
" You will? "
" I will not. "He sighed theatrically. "I expect other dishonest maids and marital infidelity, but now that the activity is initiated not surprise me if I could afford that trip was for the summer. Ah, see. Paris is at its best in summer. "
And with that, the discussion was closed. Holmes agreed to meet George Newnes for not more than five minutes a few days later, saying he had customers waiting and could not devote any more time right. He was amiable, cordial, genial, was in every way Sherlock Holmes and what he said was precisely nothing. Did not leave any articles or interviews.
It was in late June when the inspector came to see Brooks Holmes for the first time. It was a moment that my friend has been waiting for, because - in addition to satisfy his inordinate pride - Would give him more or less official access to police reports, which are essential for some of his investigations. When Brooks had spoken with Holmes (I had been engaged so far with a visit), we met in the hallway. Brooks shook my hand and murmured something about the enormous ego of my roommate, something that seemed so much Lestrade, tone and expression, by a laugh heartily. But Brooks was not stupid. He looked at me with an air of calm understanding. "That telegram from some time ago," he said. "What the French ambassador's daughter." He pointed his thumb behind him. "It was his work, is not it? "
"It is in all respects an insufferable know-it-all like in the story, Doctor?"
smiled. "I'm afraid so."
"So be kind, see to convince him to accept this case. God knows we need all the help possible to untangle this mess. "
The clapped a friendly pat on the arm. "I'll do my best."
antechamber hours adapted to living room, Holmes smoked a pipe at the window. He looked away, but as soon as I closed the door behind him he turned towards me, an unmistakable gleam of enthusiasm in the eye.
"It's the piece I was looking for Watson. This is the opportunity I was waiting for more than a month! "
" I'm glad to hear it. Brooks seemed worried that it could decide not to accept. "
" He asked her to make sure I did it really? The inspector has poor water to the throat. From this case depends on his entire career, without exaggeration. "
" Indeed, "I said, sitting up. "What is it?"
Holmes took the morning newspaper from the ledge in front of me and threw it. "Page five, top right. He must have already read breakfast without giving weight. , Go over it. "
was a little article on the brutal attack on a certain Richard Woodley, of Carstairs, a young man not yet thirty heir to a family of merchants in the area, very old and respected. The young man had been wounded, fortunately only grazed, while staying at the Hotel Continental in the middle of Regent Street. He had retired early in the room, giving orders to bring him a cup of tea there in an hour. He was very explicit on this point, since without a cup of tea evening was hard to sleep. A save was the fact that he had forgotten to close the door, the maid, in fact, hearing no response, entered and receiving found on the floor near the window, her face covered in blood. The bullet, a normal bullet revolver, had scratched his temple and caused copious bleeding and fainting, but nothing more serious.
"The Woodley are a rich and influential family. As for the owners of the Continental, I let them imagine what kind of pressure on the police are doing because the culprit is found soon. At stake are the reputation and good name of the hotel, to say the least. "
" There are two objections, Watson. The first, that the rooms adjacent to that of Woodley, respectively 30 and 32, were both occupied that night, and no one has heard any unusual noise or shot. The second, kindly provide to us by Brooks, is this: the bullet is stuck on the wall opposite the window, only inches from the doorway. For a similar trajectory, we must imagine that the attacker would give back to the window and Woodley on the same line between them and the wall. Ten meters maximum. Aside from the obvious mind that even the most inexperienced shooter is extremely difficult to miss a shot at that distance, the scene of the fantastic. Because the attacker would have to be exposed to the gaze of passers-by, stopping near the window? And why should he move so the room, threatening to cut off any escape route? Stay near the door would be the logical choice. "
" He's right, "I admitted.
"And there's another thing. The more important. Richard Woodley is the elder brother of Edith Woodley that he was engaged to Ronald Adair, who was assassinated two months and a half ago at his home in Park Lane. "
Holmes was excited like a kid at Christmas, I felt the air get electricity around him, barely controlled enthusiasm. Perfectly still, yet bursting with energy and determination. I almost expected to see him blow up at any moment like a jack-in-the box.
"Adair ..." I repeated, slowly. "Why did you say that this was the piece that was missing? Then she was already ... "
" Remember that I said that I could not even talk about it? That would take me for a fool? "
" Yes, "I said. "But then many things have happened, and ..."
"Now is the time." He stood up, not with a shot as I had expected, but with a long, fluid movement that projected in an elegant stride across the room. "Doctor, I do not want to disturb his routine, but I would be immensely grateful if you would accompany me in this case. I feel that without her it would be hardly noticeable. "
spread my arms. "I finished for today. I am at your disposal. "
was how I ended up with Sherlock Holmes in a cab direct to the 427 Park Lane, because it was right at Adair's unfortunate that Mr. Woodley was a guest.
Lady Constance Adair greeted the news that Sherlock Holmes
expected to be received in her living room with the air of one who has received a personal affront, and I did not feel able to blame her. For the first time I regretted that we had not finally resolved by a pseudonym, which would have taken some considerable charm to the entire project of Holmes, but it would also spare moments of great embarrassment like this. Lady Constance was raging under a veil of supreme aristocratic composure.
"This is a house plagued by mourning, gentlemen," he said as if each word offend you. "I hope that my butler have misunderstood, and that this is not the horrible joke that seems to be."
"None joke, Lady Constance, "said Holmes. "I have great need to talk to Mr. Woodley, as a matter of urgency. I would say that his life is at stake, but this seems very obvious. "
" With what insolence dare you break into my house! "Said Lady Constance, his voice vibrating with anger. "As regards the life of Mr. Woodley, the ineptitude of Scotland Yard is sufficient, no need to add the names of the amateurs. Please leave immediately. "
" It is a fortunate coincidence that Scotland Yard has appointed, Lady Constance, "said my friend, sharp. "Why Brooks was the inspector in person to present themselves to me and ask my advice in the matter. Now, my opinion of specialists is that the life of his host is in grave danger, and that tonight or tomorrow morning at the latest who want his death will return to finish the job, "he pointed to the two policemen who guarded the entrance, "with or without the approval of Scotland Yard. It is also my firm belief that those who attempt on the life of Mr. Woodley other is that the murderess of her son Ronald. I ask only to let me talk to Mr. Woodley, and in return, if my predictions are correct, I might be able to offer you and the scoundrel to justice that has torn his son. Considers my claim too much, Lady Constance? "
Holmes's last words vibrated in the air again, that we heard echoed by another voice, much weaker in the doorway. "Lady Constance. Zia. ... Let me talk to Mr. Holmes, is not it? Sherlock Holmes? "The young man waved a laugh, as though it amused him, but this seemed riacuire pain. He put a hand to his head bandaged.
"Richard! You should not ... "
" I have heard of you, Mr. Sherlock Holmes. Carstairs also read the Strand, you know? I just want to hear what I say ... "
" Richard, you must not make an effort, "Lady Constance rebuked him, rushing to his side, his voice filled with apprehension. "The doctor ..."
"Nonsense, aunt. It's just a scratch. I am sorry as hell, but it's only a scratch. Please let us. I know ... "Holmes looked at," I know it's important that I speak with Mr. Holmes. I beg you. "
Lady Constance looked at my friend and then me with unspeakable contempt. Then squared his shoulders and said slowly: "Richard is still recovering. Please do not tire him in any way. "
"Do not worry, Lady Constance," I said in my most reassuring tone. "I am a doctor."
This did not seem to comfort her at all. Lady Constance gave her a kiss on the cheek by Richard Woodley and left the room with the air to bring back the dignity of six generations of the Dukes of Maynooth.
Woodley motioned us to sit. He was a young, exceptionally beautiful, beautiful blonde and sporty, tanned, rowing. Even the large bandage could hide the splendor of the green-eyed, brilliant, his mouth was a work of art, was the mouth of a David or a dying soldier, the stand taken of the jaw was the epitome of masculinity.
"I knew that before or later we'd meet, "Woodley said in a low voice. "Since I heard of her, Mr. Holmes, I did not think of anything else. Yes, at first I thought it was absurd advertising, something to revive the stories of Dr. Watson ... She is, is not it? Of course. But then I got some information. I had to know, you see, if she could be the right man. If you could help me. I spoke to my friends here in London. Someone has been his client ... as a joke, mainly as a joke. They told me amazing things. And that is what I see, Mr. Holmes, and I came to you this morning ... had I not had this absurd incident. "
Holmes crossed his legs, joining the tips of the fingers in front of him. Sometimes the effect of the incredible similarity surprised me again. I saw that even in Woodley escaped.
"Perhaps, Mr. Woodley, should start from the beginning. Since the death of his friend. "He said 'friend' with extreme sweetness, so unusual in his usual tone, I turned to look at. Holmes returned my gaze for just a moment. Woodley was silent, running a hand over his eyes.
When they rose, there shone a veil of moisture most complete honesty.
"I loved how you can love a person, and something more. He had to marry my sister, but neither of them really wanted, and finally the engagement was broken off by mutual agreement. No one took it, even my father, even Lady Constance - the name is aunt, you see, because what counts is our families as if they were related, we always loved each other, since the father of Ronald and my ... No , forgive me, I digress.
"When they told me that he had died I would not believe it. Ronald was the most peaceful and lovable creature of England. No one, no one would want it dead. Anyone who knew him adored him. But then they told me that he had played cards that night, they told me the names of other players. And I remembered something that Ronald had written me a letter a few days before. I have it here, here ... "
He got up, going to give Holmes a few sheets folded together into three parts. Opened them and looked for the point, indicators. "Here. Read here. "
Holmes handed me the letter. "Watson, if you please."
I cleared my voice slightly. "
I have the impression that the colonel cheats. Of course not tell you, I do not even mention if the impression had not recurred over and over again. If you are a cheater, is one of the shrewdest. Loser, and always disastrously, hand after hand, and then all will eventually recover, with interest. And wins with such grace, with so much composure and dignity, that have no heart to think - let alone tell him in the face - which is a cheat. But you know, my dear, that even with the dumb luck that I envy so much, yet I've lost, when we had to lose. I leave the table without a penny in his pocket. Okay, at the end of the month wins have always exceeded the losses, but also I have lost. The Colonel never loses. Usually happy to win less than others, but never loses, and I do not like. When you couple has the intelligence to choose mates who never suspect anyone of cheating, like the young Bassett (who could not even scrub his mother), or myself. The other night I had the impression of something see him in the shirt cuff. Richie, but the world is one thing more sickening and pathetic a cheater?
Restituii the letter to its owner. My heart was beating strongly in my chest. What could refer Colonel Adair, if not to him
? Ribbons of my first conversation with Holmes, I am reminded.
"Go on, Mr. Woodley," said my friend. The young man nodded
. He was pale and tense. "Ronald was the most honest person in the world. He loved to play and played hard, but could not stand cheaters. But it was not cruel. If he had discovered someone cheated in his club, would take part, said he would retire and would promise not to play anymore. To avoid scandal, you understand?
"When the news came, I immediately thought of this letter. I was shocked, and I had no idea what I could do or how I should move to find out who killed him. But I still think of this letter, the words of Ronnie, the colonel ...
"I subscribed to his club. I should say at this point that I am not a great player, to be perfectly honest, I do not like the cards, I do not have the patience or subtlety ... I think we could call it, the subtlety necessary to pursue a good game. In three weeks, I'm the one that Ronald would win in three months. But my family is rich, as you may know, and I was ready to squander my inheritance to the last penny just to get to the bottom of the matter.
"I studied the habits of colonel. Play Cavendish every Monday and Wednesday, every Tuesday and Friday at the Baldwin, and finally to the Bagatelle every Saturday. But is this unique evening that achieves higher profits. I have taken his own habits and I started to join his table as often as I could. Of course he knew who I was, knew that Ronald was the boyfriend of my sister. Everyone knew. But they are not as well known in London that everyone knows exactly to what reports were Ronald and myself. I feigned indifference. I tried to give the impression that my coming to London and has little to do anything with his death. Now, looking back, I know I acted like a complete idiot, but at that moment it seemed the only thing to do. "
He licked his lips nervously. "I made it clear that there was more to the colonel. I could be an interesting company, if only you gave me a little 'confidence. I played the part of the North idiot with more money than brains, those who come to London and lose their heads in the big city. I thought I played well, and instead all the while he studied me - like prey, you know? - And I kept an eye for knowing what I knew. Oh, he knew everything, of course. He had felt the moment I set foot for the first time at the Cavendish.
"I knew he cheated, but I could not expose him. I knew, I was certain that he had been to kill Ronald, but I could not find a single test, something concrete. A Scotland Yard I would laugh in your face. Then I did the thing that nearly cost me my life. "She put her hand on his temple. "I started to follow her.
"I'm not sure what I expected to find. One false move, maybe. Something that could leverage, whatever. If I had not managed to indict him for murder, at least I wanted to ruin him. Ruin it completely. I would not ever set foot in London. I wanted him expelled from the army in disgrace. Whatever. Anything could be used to ruin his life if I could not see him hanged, whatever I would have been enough.
"I was beside myself, and therefore in the worst mood for something as delicate as an investigation. I followed the coach to Regent Street. It was raining hard, and you could see an inch of his nose. In short, my cabbie had lost sight of her. I thought that I would get one for that night, and I came a sense of disgust at the idea of being a coach any longer. So I did leave the Continental, which was right next door.
"It was late, about eleven at most. I was very upset. Furious, actually. I have given orders to take me on a tea, because I can not sleep without. It's odd, I know, but it's the only thing that calms me down. She passed half an hour, the rain stopped and out of the fog is a bit 'sparse, but only in part. Now I could see the outline and the windows of the building opposite. I opened the window and took two steps into the room. I forgot to close the door, a bad habit at home often forget to correct. And then I do not know anything, sir, except that I woke with a terrible pain to his head and there was blood on my face and what I looked like an army of strangers talking loudly around me. They told me the bullet, but I assure you, as all those who have asked me, there was nobody in the room with me. I know for sure. "
" Some hidden, maybe ...? "I suggested. "In the bathroom, for example, or behind a curtain."
"No, no. The story of Ronald, and then the colonel with the knowledge, have made me much more cautious. I checked every corner of the room. There was no one. "
"But he forgot the door open," I said. The young
blushed violently. "Yes. I'm not a soldier, I can not caution spontaneous. But I'd heard the door go. It was all very quiet. I heard footsteps in the corridor, and I was wide awake. "
Holmes leaned toward the boy, resting his elbows on his knees and hiding her mouth behind the tips of the fingers combined.
"He behaved like an idiot," he said quietly.
"I know," admitted Woodley, unhappy, "but ..."
Holmes raised his hand. "But his behavior reckless allowed us to determine at least two things. The first: who tried to kill her is certainly the same person who killed his friend. The second, which confirms what has been suspected for some time: we are looking for a sniper. Now. I have reason to believe that it has not told any of this to Scotland Yard? "
Woodley nodded. "I would have believed."
"Definitely. Fortunately for him, Mr. Woodley, I started to interest me this morning to the person we are looking for, and I can say with confidence that on the night of March 30 did get a cab here in Park Lane, a few blocks south of where we are now. "
" Really? " Woodley said. "But it's great! It is the proof! Now believe it will by force! "
Holmes shook his head. "It's nothing, Mr. Woodley, and certainly not a test. Calm down. No, no, we must proceed differently. From what I have in mind, I need you to use all his courage, and who has complete trust me. I know that the first does not lack. Tell me the second. "
" If you can send the bastard to the gallows, Mr. Holmes, I tell you what to do. I do not care even to die. God knows I do not mind. "
" Dead I would be useless, "said Holmes. "Shall witness to a process, then let the sacrifice of the martyrs. No, you have nothing else to do. Tonight she will play cards. "
" A card? "
" Yes. Moran will be there, can not do otherwise, should not lead to any suspicion. And also the cards are his livelihood, so it is unlikely that if they lack. Play the part they prefer, or if you prefer not recite any. That the young man without a brain will do, and has the added merit of being true. "
" Holmes, "I chided.
"Oh, let him talk, doctor," Woodley said with a rueful smile. "God do not know if he's right. "
" Glad to see it all in the same way. Watson, I would be immensely grateful if you would consent to accompany him. It could be risky, "he added. "But Moran will not do anything inside the club, and when I go out into the street with you. Do not ask him if I thought I could trust someone else. "
nodded. "I'm available."
Holmes consulted his watch. "There are still eleven." He stood up. "In less than an hour, Mr. Woodley, will appear at his door a man named Toby. Do what he says. We will be back to five. Until then time, remain calm and stay away from windows. "
" Who is Toby? "I asked when we were in the street.
Holmes smirked that wiped out ten years from the face, the smile of a mischievous little boy very dawn of a new prank.
"A sculptor," he said, in light tone. "The best of London."
I accompanied Holmes to Shadwell, where - among the long line of poor houses are absolutely identical to each other - he chose a sure shot at the door and knocked imperiously . She opened a boy of no more than twenty years, dark hair and very dry in the clothes simple work. At first they showed suspicious expression, but it was enough to identify the visitor to change the entire attitude. Suddenly relaxed, one leg bent and leaned against the door frame, sinuous as a cat, showing a smile speaks volumes.
"Hey hey hey," he said smugly, "look who's here. Have you thought about? "
Then he noticed me, which in a little 'back.
"Of course you have a pretty face, you!" He said, always turned to Holmes. "I told you I was doing a tear for you, you can not mica bring the whole damn city of London at this time, we do figure that? "
Holmes grabbed the boy by the arm and pushed him into the house, for the truth and not too gracefully. "Watson, I wait here for just a moment." And the door was shut in my face.
It came together a few minutes later. The boy looked completely quelled, and when our eyes crossed his hurried away, as if it embarrassed him.
Holmes glanced at his watch. "Do you remember the address? Repeat it. "
" Yes, yes. 427 Park Lane. "
" Between forty minutes at the most. "
"Forty ...? I can not! How do I go get the stuff and be there in forty minutes? I do not know yet fly, you know, beauty? "
Holmes took out half-sovereign from his pocket and placed it in his hand. "Take a cab. If needed, rent a car or whatever you want to carry it as it is ready. We will meet there in the afternoon. "
" So, that was the best sculptor in London, "I said as we walked back home.
"Toby. A boy Yes absolutely admirable, if only to avoid opening the mouth. "
" Why we need the best sculptor in London, if I may? "
"Oh, I see," said Holmes, a mystery.
"I did not understand what he was referring when he accused the whole of London to bring him to the door."
"Oh, that." Holmes took a look out the window. "Simply, the night has another job. He has very precise times. His goodness, when we met he offered to make an exception for me. "I felt a
acid regurgitation in the gorge, but ricacciai place. I said nothing, and Holmes, amazed by my silence, he turned to look while still kept talking.
"I was investigating a case of blackmail ... Boy, that's going on?"
"Nothing," I said. "A case of blackmail, he said ...?"
"Yes, Toby was a great help to me." He said no more, and I did not feel confident enough of my voice to ask. When Holmes put his hand on my arm, Startled separately.
"in thought. Excuse me. "
Holmes looked at me carefully, look what I found unbearable, because I had no way of knowing what and how many clues he read on my face and what you could deduct on my mind.
"If it was lost in thought about Toby, has nothing to worry about," he said slowly. And then he added a useless thing, but absolutely necessary to give a semblance of decency to the conversation: "I do not ever force the shame of having hosted in his home that ended in a hard labor."
"I never thought," I replied, honestly, but instinctively, without wondering exactly what I meant, if Toby or forced labor.
The rest of the journey continued in silence.
dined at home, and spent the early afternoon in the living room. It had become a habit, but that day neither seemed in no mood to chat. When she was a case of some value to your hands, Holmes was a brilliant conversationalist, and so that day I would have expected the same thing, but instead was distracted, pensive, and I found myself to be so, as I believe that the Our thoughts linger on objects quite different.
"He has not said a word since we got back," Holmes remarked suddenly, rousing himself from his own silence. Among his cigarette and mine, we had filled the room with a light mist. I realized with astonishment to have smoked at least a dozen.
"Moran. I thought Moran, "I replied, without lying, but not even tell the exact truth. I was also thinking
Colonel Moran, in fact.
"Do you understand why I could not tell you, Watson. He would have taken a form of paranoia. "
" I'm not sure it's not paranoia, "I objected, but faintly, and mostly in jest. "Its for Moriarty, and the boy for his murderess companion. "
" I do not suffer from any paranoia against the teacher, "said Holmes. "He's dead, or never existed. They're both good. "
" But when we met, you said that Moran was the right arm of Moriarty. "
" So I thought. I am not surprised to discover that, in the absence of Moriarty, Moran had become the right arm of someone else. It would request an exceptional person - Moran has the mind of the leader, not follower - but then again, I'm not surprised. However, this case has nothing to do with the professor. It is a commonplace murder for the sake of money. "
" We to be careful, Holmes. Moran is an influential character. One of the most influential. London has a soft spot for veterans. "
" It's not just London. "
I looked surprised, but Holmes was fingering her robe looking for matches. "Going out about nine. You'll be at the Cavendish a few hours, then return home. At this point, I must ask you to accompany me in one place. I will not lie, this second step is still more likely to result in mortal danger. If for any reason does not want to having nothing to do, I assure you that I will understand. "
" How could I put her alone in the arms of a mortal danger? " I objected, gently. "I'm his doctor, after all."
"And I a poor demented," she smiled, jokingly. "Yeah, right. That's right. I'd be lost without her. "
" Oh, you would know if the draw in any situation. I am happy to have met me, but I have no doubt that he could have found a valuable aid in anyone else. The genius is you, and it is not hard to find a good shoulder. "
He looked at me strangely, as if to say something and stop them. When he spoke, he did so quietly and slowly. "Do not allow anyone else to believe that
would be well. I understood it, Watson? It is a blasphemy. "
" I do not understand why it hurts her, "I replied, genuinely confused, and yet at the same time upset.
"Why me ... Doctor, there's only one person in the world that I allowed to do what she did for me, and sitting in front of me right now. So when you say that I could find, as he said, 'a great help in anyone else', I apologize because obviously I do not know what he believes and knows that I would let him die before searching for a 'great help' in 'anyone else'. I can not even begin to imagine such a thing. And it is That's why his is a curse, but could not know, so do not talk about it anymore. "
Really, that speech should not make me ridiculously happy (there was something tragic in it, in hindsight, and yet something scary in a statement like that), and all I could do was to bind his hands with a new cigarette and hope that nothing of the turmoil that I felt it read too clearly in the face. I felt that I was missing something, and that the skein was far from melting, but I also knew that if I had stayed at Holmes' side long enough, he would loose to me. It was in the order of things.
five o'clock we were again Adair home. Woodley was waiting for us in the sitting room on the first floor, and Toby was also there. This seemed a little angry.
"I did what I could," said the first thing when he saw Holmes, "We can not work miracles but, you know? And what is this story that I sent to do work at home by someone who knows nothing about it? It took me fifteen minutes just to explain ... "As he spoke he clutched the sleeves of his jacket Holmes in the fingers, and stood at a distance that seemed outrageously family. Woodley, who contemplated the scene from the sofa with air curiously, seemed to share my opinion.
"Well, see this masterpiece, "Holmes said, completely ignoring the protests of the boy and scrollandoselo literally off to reach a large form covered in a corner of the room. He pulled aside the sheet that hid in a move from the magician, and to my surprise it emerged a wax bust of Mr. Richard Woodley, loyal and extremely detailed, life-size. I went. It was truly the work of a master. Small bumps aside, the attention to detail was amazing. It seemed to be able to see even the slight re-growth of beard on the cheeks and jaw.
"It's wonderful," I said honestly. "And in so little time ..."
"Outstanding, is not it?" Woodley agreed.
turned us both to Holmes, who had just finished studying the chest from all angles.
"It'll be fine, I suppose," answered mused. "Given the choice, would have required the intervention of Oscar Meunier, of Grenoble, the great artist. But there is not time, and therefore we should be complacent. "
" As you think, "said Toby, piqued. "I have done my job. Just pay me, and I can also do it in pieces. "
" That's the idea, "murmured Holmes, but I heard only I, who was the closest, and I thought you would do spirit. At the end
Woodley paid the bill - a figure that seemed ridiculous in the face of the incredible work that the bust must have required - and can not be sure, but I thought that let slip an extra pound of Toby's fingers. The look they gave him, however, was hardly unequivocal. Perhaps quieted by the generosity of its model, or a prey to his thoughts, the young sculptor did not say another word, he touched his hat and turned to everyone and no one came.
"Tell me, Mr. Holmes," he began Woodley, "because I own my own breeding cera?”
“Perché,” rispose Holmes, “per incriminare un uomo per omicidio è necessario che qualcuno muoia, ma abbiamo già stabilito che lei ci serve vivo. Questo,” indicò il busto, “morirà al posto suo.”
“Mi perdoni, Mr. Holmes. Lei è l’esperto, d’accordo. Ma credo che, anche nella penombra, difficilmente il colonnello si lascerà ingannare da una statua
Holmes alzò gli occhi al soffitto, espirando bruscamente dal naso. “Se vuole che questa storia finisca, Woodley, farà come le dico e lo farà alla lettera. Lasci a me le considerazioni di valore. Ora. Ha un Home trusted, I hope? "
" I ... yes. Yes, of course. There's my valet, Westwood. "
" Good. I have some instructions for him, and after it I will have more for you, "he turned to my side," and for her, Watson. In the letter, "he repeated, deadly serious.
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