Friday, February 19, 2010

Scorpio Men Not Interested

Poesie di Sicilia

L'Italia senza la Sicilia non lascia immagine
nello spirito: la Sicilia è la chiave di tutto.
Johann Wolfgang Goethe
- Travel in Italy -
(the letter "Palermo, Friday, April 13, 1787)

I had Sicily, or sort
cloud rose from the sea! And in the blue of a mountain: Mount Etna
Sicily or Hello! Every breeze that moves here
beats fills a pipe or a harp and singing and passing
... I had come where those who dream come

Giovanni Pascoli

And beautiful Trinacria, that murky
between Pachino and Pelorus, on 'the gulf between Euro
receiving more trouble, not for

Tifeo but nascent sulfur,
Would have awaited her own monarchs still
me from Charles Rudolph,

If evil lordship, which always grieves them
subject populations, had not moved Palermo
to shout: "Die!".

Paradiso: Canto VIII

fresh aulentissima Rosa,
ch'appari in ver the summer,
women you Disiano
maidens and wives,
traem d'este fòcora
if t'este to bolontate,
aio abento not for you, and give night, while thinking
you, my lady.

Ciullo d'Alcamo
- Contrast - XIII Century -

Do you know beautiful island, on whose banks the Ionian
sends the last fragrant kisses,
in whose peaceful lives Tues Galatea
and 'mountains Aci?


Come 'shores
your faith in deeds tall and graceful,
or island of the sun, O heroes of ancient Sicily


Among olive groves and azure ocean
the path winds to the shore;
Aurora departs the snow-white veil
Etna with the rosy fingers.
On the way, reaching out to the coach by the almond tree branches
in bloom, the kids seem to
pleased by the amabime redness.
Over the pace de l'Ocean
its myths nvia Greece;
huge urn, to the shore towards the Sea
classic melody, and whispers the language
between tremor aura de l'Etna
ondi-fresh, ever-young
rhapsodies of the Odyssey.

Carlo - On the way to Taormina

pay me these lines for their weight in gold, not for their extraordinary beauty but because I myself do I pay so dear. If you estimate each
stelletta dime and a penny every deep murmur of the sea, ten francs a small fire on top of red 'Etna and a half pound per hour balmy air - as you see, do not take account of the reflections of the sea nor the trees, nor of the old castle, nor of the greek theater at night has nothing with which to attract attention - then, really worth it and is Llodio God who sent me in this part of the world.

Karel Capek - From Palermo to Taormina -

Bedda Sicilia! You're always in my heart
hug you tenderly as a baby
And I feel like crying And I

to smile And it makes me run all the many miles
And I fly among the clouds
fed Just to hear your voice
Just to smell your Insirio the
That makes me be born again. ..


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