This recipe is from Ranechki
now looking at him again and the link is not found, but the recipe is simple and delicious!
So it was like this ...
1 package puff pastry apple
cheese (it was a goat), but we can take any sharp / salty (I sliced cubes)
pepper (I took misto different peppers)
egg for greasing
Apples chopped finely dolkami.Testo cut into squares or pryamougolniki.Na lay out the dough cheese, apples, perchim.Esli formed dough scraps, you can decorate the top of sloyku.Smazat all lightly whisked into a hot yaytsom.Postavit oven (200 ° C) for 10-15 minutes (as browns).
Serve warm.
And here's another similar recipe with Rani:
Puff pastry strips with roasted eggplant and feta. # cutid1
The next time I will make sure and, thank you dear for the goodies:)
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