Biscotti "Cappuccino".
Today I'll show you how easily you can do the famous biscotti (they kantuchini, they also Biscotti di Prato).
This world-famous Italian pastry has a huge amount variantov.Kakih only recipes I have not met! "In the original biscotti made with almonds:
500 g flour 250 g sugar
150 g butter 300 g
almonds are peeled
1 / 2 sachet baking powder 4 eggs
This composition can be varied according to taste (the most famous recipe from pastechirii "Biscottificio Mattei "are still kept secret!) It's all in the process of baking this magic cookie, but that's what I tell you further ... in fact, everything is simple and fast!
2 cups flour 1 cup sugar
1 egg large (or 2 small)
a ch.lozhechka
baking powder 1 / 2 hours lodges. cinnamon
4 pcs. gvozdichki (pereteret)
small pinch of salt cup very strong coffee
filling: in the original-1 / 2 cup chocolate flakes
I-filbert not shelled, dried cherries
course of business:
1.Obedinit all dry items except sugar.
2.Sahar Beat the eggs
3.Smeshat all dry and liquid components together.
4.Pridat test the form of bars, shift on paper for baking and bake in a hot oven for about 20 minutes at 160 ° C.
5.Dostat bars, remove from protvenya on the board together with paper and leave to cool 10 minutes.
6.Nozhom chop block on the diagonal (rezhitsya very easily, even nuts!).
7.Perelozhit cookies again on paper and protven.
8.Postavit in the oven And bake cookies for 10-15 minutes at 160 ° C (to be browns).
Serve with coffee, cappuccino, or a sweet white wine (like dipping his crackers).
For those who never let them eat is hard as crackers pechene.Hranitsya very long and dry in a closed box.
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