What could be better tiramisu cake? Only tiramisu cake!
All of you are probably well aware, this Italian dessert, a unique, sophisticated ...
My Cake "Tiramisu" I made a little Prescription famous pirozhnogo.Samoe important thing is that instead of cookies savoyardi have to take sponge cakes.
So for the cake should be:
3 sponge cake
mascarpone (200-250 g)
200-250 ml cream 30% fat and more than 200 grams
sah. powdered bitter cocoa powder
coffee a couple mal.chashek (strong, cold)
liqueur (I took the "Belize")
1. Cook sponge cakes (can be a day or two).
2.Prigotovit espresso and let it cool.
3.Krem: Whip cream with powdered sugar, add to them the mascarpone and yet many Whip cream in a sturdy.
4.Vylozhit in the form of biscuit cake, soak with coffee liqueur, put the cream and smoothed it. And so two more times.
* I impregnated silicone shortcakes brush, very convenient *
5.Verhny layer sprinkle of cocoa powder, it should be done through a fine strainer.
Put cake in refrigerator for 3-4 hours.
That vse.Prosto quickly and very tasty!
PS background in the photo is not a sheet of crumpled paper, and the dish is made of porcelain with simulated myatosti:)
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