Various: PG, PG-13, R, NC-17
Word count: 2600
(100 x 26) (W )
Written by: Alphabet Challenge
. There is also 26 letters in the title, oh.
crossroads in history: your interaction is strongly recommended. This is what comes out when you need five or six plots and we do not even have one. Kids, do not imitate at home.
rrivai home at ten o'clock, tired and slightly annoyed - that the work authorization of irritation when we think we have worked more than they should for no reason. Mrs. Plummer was a lovely woman, but his hypochondria, sometimes tend to reach alarming levels. I dropped the bag on the chair, and unbuttoning the cuffs lying contemplated the idea of a hot bath.
I did not think Holmes was in the house - the telegram which I felt I'd been late, he replied that he would be out for certain investigations - and that is why I was amazed when I saw the thin blade of light from under the filter his door.
Greet Holmes (B ) or come down to ask Mrs. Hudson to bring you some tea (
B USSA to the door but got no response. Then I turned up the handle, by exploring, and cautiously opened it a crack, not to disturb. Holmes was not in the middle of the room I could see (toilet, mirror, basin with water, the cabinet), and then I pushed the door fully, embracing also look at the bed. Holmes you slept over, dropped to the deepest of sleeps. She was wearing only her nightgown and robe, released their sleeves, rested on the back like a blanket, leaving out the white feet. A hand clutching thin as exhausted, a second corner of the pillow, unused.
approached the bed (
D) or away quietly (
C onside with the idea of greeting him, but Holmes had an excellent hearing and had to know of my return since I was removed from the carriage. Or if the case was resolved, it might be that already asleep. We therefore prefer to get downstairs and ask Mrs. Hudson to bring us tea. I had not eaten, but it was so Later that hunger had passed. Meanwhile, I waited for my bathroom. While the maid filled the bathtub, I gathered my things in the room and within minutes I was comfortable in hot water, intent on nothing more challenging to get used to the temperature.
you fall asleep in the tub (
F) or you get up and go back into the living room (
D Ages confess that the vision erased any memory of the day, work, Mrs. Plummer and generally every other thought. Suddenly the hot bath did not seem to be a priority. I considered, and therefore unwrapped immediately, the idea of taking off my shoes, give a discharge to the door and take possession of the other half of the bed. But after thinking that I would not be able to get up, I preferred to approach and leave only a sign of my passage. If you should wake up in the meantime, he would know immediately that I had returned. I opened the wallet and left them covered well. The bathroom was short.
Holmes wakes up immediately (
H) or you leave without a sound (
F) or you get up and go back into the living room ( G)?
F bears only sex, but I'm not sure, has powers similar to a hot bath when it comes to depriving a man tired of the few remaining energy. I spent ten minutes in the bath when I decided to rest his eyes for a moment, and maybe one more when the world is completely beyond my consciousness. fall asleep in the tub is not something I normally would, at least for a good reason. I woke up with water in your nose, coughing. Holmes was not there, yet for some reason ... Maybe I had dreamed. For some reason, I had expected to find him there beside me.
Back in the living room ( G) or in the bathroom is a little '(I ).
ten and a half, I thought, back in the living room to make a tea tray in the meantime Mrs. Hudson had left on the table. Mentally I thanked her and started to lift and carry in chamber Holmes, of course I would welcome, but the gesture delivered a piece of paper that flew on the floor. Leaving the tray, I took it and read. Now I reproached myself for not having noticed before.
was a telegram, it was not directed to me, but he was open. Holmes was to have forgotten, and this alone was alarming. He said: "Serious developments. Your client in mortal danger. Come at once. MH.
Go Room of Holmes (L ).
H Olmes not asleep as I thought, maybe I was not as quiet as I hoped, because he opened his eyes with a slight flicker of the eyelids and looked at me as if I was expected. Since the plan had failed, I bent to touch his lips with mine. The mattress creaked pleasantly. "Be right back," he promised.
Holmes five fingers squeezed my soft sleep around his wrist, his thumb stroking prominence of veins. He looked at me from under long eyelashes and heavy.
"Do not delay," he yawned. "It was a long day."
nodded automatically, without knowing whether he was referring to his or mine. After the bath, back in the room (Q ) or first pass in the living room (
the sudden awakening so I was completely taken away the sleep, and could not feel so urgent the need to sleep, so I lingered a little longer in the bathroom '. I was about to leave when the door opened, and the threshold Holmes looked at me concerned and languid air together. Cannot sleep all its sharp curves in the kindest, all its power in strong smoothness. He put an elbow on the door jamb, and the temple on the forearm.
"For several minutes I ask myself," he said slowly, "what you're doing in this room that you could not do as well in my bed." Kiss ( M) or answer (N
J ohn?" He murmured, opening his eyes weakly. Closed them. "My dear ..." But he did not finish the sentence, as if he had elected not. The
unbuttoned her nightgown and I studied until I was sure he was okay. I felt a wave of nauseating fear when I saw the purple spot on his side, but it was just a bad bruise. There was the case of Morocco on the dresser, still closed. "Holmes, what happened? The telegram ... "" It's all resolved, " she whispered. "Do not worry." "You have a terrible complexion, and this bruise - my god, Holmes, you must tell me what happened." Holmes sighed. "Get to bed, do you mind?"
insisted on knowing what happened (
K onrad," he said. "We created some problems." He said it as if it were one of the most dangerous criminals in Europe. Ten years ago had killed his wife and five children and fled from Berlin. "The biggest survived," said Holmes. "It was - is my client." "Holmes, dammit!" "The building was surrounded. I do not have any ongoing risk. "" So how do you explain ... "
" Negligence. I let myself by surprise. Stupidity. Watson, please. It was a long day. "
Serrai jaw, but I was tired too. "Tomorrow ..."
"Tomorrow." I kissed him, surprised to discover that I had not already done so, and within minutes both were sleeping. not you like? Start again and take another road!
L concern me in the stomach clenched. I opened the bedroom door without knocking Holmes, and there I found him asleep on the bed. There was a shadow of a wound on his person, but - I was just imagining? - I felt exhausted, surrounded by a sleep too deep to be natural. Her feet, which did not cover her robe, seemed to me too white. For a split second I was afraid that the color of burgundy fabric hiding the traces of blood. "Holmes! My friend, are you okay? "
I moved the robe from his body, and carefully I made sure that everything was as it should be.
Holmes wakes up ( J) or not (O
M rs. Hudson and the maids were in bed, so did not listen carefully to the door and kissed him there, without even pull it in and close it. There are few things in the world as attractive as Sherlock Holmes with her hair tousled in all directions, and for some time I pledged to make them even more worthy of admiration. When we parted, I felt him smile on my lips. Without moving the arm from its position, it touched my cheek with a finger. "I was sprouting a mustache," I said. "At this hour?" I considered the objection and shrugged. "It seemed like a good idea, a moment ago."
Go into the bedroom with Holmes (W ) or kiss him again ( S).
" on N think I could wash myself in your bed," I said, leaning against the doorpost of my time and feeling acutely conscious of my nakedness. "It would not be comfortable, not too hygienic, and apart from everything ..." Holmes I put the palm of your hand on the sternum, turning it ninety degrees, he drew the line with his thumb down to the navel and continued more low.
"Apart from anything else?"
"... reminds me of the disease," concluded, uncertainly.
"Ah, but this is where you're wrong," murmured Holmes, without a movement. He looked at me with eyes that had lost all their weariness, and were now clean and sharp as metal. Interrupt (
S) or let it continue (
O rror and fear mingled when Holmes had no reactions. It was not a normal sleep. I opened an eyelid and saw the dilated pupil, and a moment later I saw the case of Morocco on the dresser, opened, and the bottle half empty. Morphine and physical exhaustion, my god, what a horrible combination. You'll find a huge dark bruise on the side tenfold my anxiety.
Holmes woke up in the end, the tenth attempt, when it was on the threshold of panic. Seeing my expression, he murmured: "The door. I forgot to close it. "
"That stuff will disappear from home," hissed, angrily. "You hear me, Holmes? Tomorrow. "
Finale ( V).
made one of her hair between her fingers. "How do you know that about her?" I asked, diligent.
"Simple," he said. "Only Mrs. Plummer can exasperated enough to make you forget to ask the My first day of your talk. "
smiled. "And how was your day?"
"Long. Frantic. Lonely. Horrible. "" The case is solved, I hope? "" Perfectly. "
The rested a hand on her hip and it seemed to stop them the breath for a moment. "I am sorry for your bad day. I can help in any way? "
Holmes nodded, closing his eyes and getting closer.
"Turn off the light," she whispered. not you like? Start again and take another road!
Q hen I went in his room, Holmes was in bed, awake. The drawing-room door was already closed, so that the room looked out on the floor of Holmes, for the sake, shut the other. We knew that it was prudent to stay in that room, so close to the ground floor, but neither of them sought to address another flight of stairs. Before you even think about it, I was under the covers. "I had a terrible day," he began, leaving me on the pillow. Holmes put his cheek next to mine, moving with what seemed to me very carefully. "Mrs. Plummer is therefore a patient so bad as I think? "
Finale (P
itornai in the living room after a bath, turn off the light. It was then that the recent paper on the table. It was a telegram, it was not directed to me, but he was open. He said: "Serious developments. Your client in mortal danger. Come at once. MH. back into the room with a sense of fear dull, muffled by the fact that Holmes was obviously good, but united to irritation not to have known in time. "Holmes, what is this?" I asked, closing the door behind him. From the bed, Holmes looked at me blankly. "Nothing important. It's all resolved. " ignored the reassurances. When I undressed and found a horrible blue bruise on her hip, Holmes tried in vain to waver.
Ignore the useless protests Holmes (
enza let him say anything else, I did what I would have had to do for some time now and shut the door, I pushed him with his back against it. The body of Holmes joined the mine, quickly, with all the plastic energy that's always admired. I picked up a handful of cloth of her nightgown in hand, lifting it from the knee, and then I left to venture on the side. I was going to kiss him again, all traces of evaporated sleep drunkenness, when Holmes gave a hiss of pain, like a snake.
"It's nothing. Contracture. "She smiled her best smile. "Let's go to bed." Finale ( Z).
" T assure that the disease would be the least of your thoughts, "he continued, his voice low and hypnotic as the tune of a snake charmer.
"How to doubt it," I whispered, duly charmed. With one click
contemporary, precise and smooth as a dance duo, Holmes got into a small bathroom and I Serrai the door, turning his back while he was leaving me imprisoned in his body.
"You'd be an excellent nurse," I said.
"Do not presume to contradict your experience," he said slipping on the floor with less grace than usual. He took me in her mouth as if it were the most natural act in the world, and the only possible consequence. Finale (
Z) or continue in zozzerie (
U n
moment is what is needed to Holmes for me to do what they want - usually, but not this time. My friend had to read my concern and anxiety in the face, because when I refused to calm down without an explanation gave way first.
"Please do not believe that I risked my life and other such nonsense," he began. "The danger was all for my client. However, this particular crime ... "He hesitated, with a grimace, as if to continue the offensive personally. "... I admit the possibility of having underestimated the danger of his reactions."
"Who was that?" I replied. "You've never told her ..."
Finale (
V Ides Holmes opened her mouth to protest but finally nodded. Morphine used only in times of depression more abject, and the substance had devastating effects. I thought I had eliminated all its stocks, but for God, I would repair his mistake.
"Swear. Swear to ... "
" No, "replied dry.
"At least tell me what happened."
Holmes swallowed. "Konrad," he whispered. "It was not as ... Please, go away." "No," I muttered. rebelled not - could not - when I lay down and took him arms. A hand crept up, hesitating, on my side. Tomorrow he would be ashamed, but tomorrow. turned off the light and within minutes both were sleeping.
not you like? Start again and take another road!
W atson," Holmes murmured, softly, "I waited an hour, while Mrs. Plummer palpate the colon or is it that you usually do ..."
"How do you ..."
"Lipstick, ear. I waited an hour, sighing at the thought of when I'd got in your arms ... "
" While it is a joke, told by you is terrifying. "" Stop interrupting. In your arms, I said, and what do you do? You get home, I'm not worthy of a greeting, an hour walk to the bathroom by making more noise than a circus ... "" My dear ... "" In the bedroom, "he ordered, his eyes turned to evil purposes. "Now."
Finale (
X I set my watch by the dial slightly hazy, laid open the cabinet on top of clothes. Eleven. I stared for a moment while Holmes was devouring me whole. The passion was not unusual, but at that moment, between the date of the bathroom weakness and disorientation for the unusual background, I am completely stunned. When Holmes went down to his lips lower down, the fingers led the way with gentle firmness, and then the language ... I closed my eyes, trying to bite stuff to stifle the sounds, but I found nothing but air and sank his teeth into cheek. Finale (
Our vows you've bro-o-oken, like my heart, oh why did you know Enrai Apture-a-me?" The voice that
under our window took a bit 'of solemnity and pathos in a moment that otherwise would have risked death to be too exquisite for words. Holmes raised his head and glanced behind him with a look of complete disgust that, even in complete rapture of pleasure, it seemed to me infinitely comical. "I swear that I will never do anything like this in your name," vowed, brushing his lips red and moist. "I hope so," replied before continuing. "You are terribly out of tune." not you like? Start again and take another road!
Z Hittites, who could not give up. Later, in the room, Holmes claims the lights out and a fierce love slow and as a first time. Before dark I saw the case of Morocco on the dresser, closed, and I felt immensely relieved that she had not opened. I'm not offended, I never offended, that Holmes would prefer to use me as a remedy to the sense of futility that would take him after the conclusion of a case.
I loved as one loves a precious thing, stifling our voices in both exhausting kisses. When we parted, chased Holmes in his half and within minutes both were sleeping.
not you like? Start again and take another road!
(1) Konrad's case is historic, this Berlin in the '80s that killed his wife and five children, locked them in the basement and built the scene so that it seemed that she had been and who had then committed suicide. In reality he was arrested and hanged, and none of the children survived.
(2) Yes, yes, the robe Holmes is mousy, but do not expect that he has only a , right?
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