The other night we went to see "No Country for Old Men." violent. so violent that part of the film I saw in the crevice between the middle and ring fingers of the hand right (and who knows my middle knows ....).
But nice! If I had at my disposal of the stars I'd give him 5 out of 5. He
, Javier Bardem nothing short of sublime. I'd be afraid to meet him on the street, has made the very idea ...
'll tell you exactly what I'm talking about film, you give in once a pearl of wisdom Johnny Palomba:
chenzomma astopaese Nune pevvecchi mammanco forces that piiregazzini basket naspece degommista collocchi DaMatta tuttonvasato going ingiro fasci the covergenza allaggente eppoii basket that is well uncaubboi diisordi sottanarbero sepenza and I took them eannamio osvortato mappoi But if he feels umpo 'deflated umpo' landing enfatti basket ergommista collocchi DaMatta chellonsegue umpolizzotto basket and then that makes lindagginamenti umpo 'scoiionati so umpo' Darida and umpo 'as Done, but I know Amme chemmefrega scoiionato nuncestanno more beautiful then and besides thugs denavorta ergommista collocchi DaMatta ie arcaubboi you say then that makes you think then also cuello anna ingiro co Hardy without the muffler battered but power is nothing without ercontrollo enfatti ago lecuilibbratura arcaubboi eattutta apalazzina her.
I navorta occonosciuto ungommista murderess. cincuanta euros pé nacammeradaria.
Jhonny Palomba on
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