Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Can Brazillian Wax Lead To Bv
Today I accidentally stumbled on this page
For a long time I hoped that no one failed to reflect the undisputed reputation of Nutella ... at least in my heart. But ... eccallà the catch ....
Nutella contains vegetable oils and it seems that 31% of them are palm oil . Greenpeace have long been complaints that the overproduction of oil, with consequences for the environment, first Indonesian (where there is a massive production of oil palm plantations at the expense of the rainforest of Borneo - which is razed to the ground and in the meantime and burnt-orange) and around the world due to the production gas emissions.
time ago Nutella Greenpeace asked to specify the origin of palm oil used (manufacturer and geographical origin), but the answers were not clear.
Now the Association has relaunched its petition to ask again to Ferrero:
- explicitly state who is providing
- terminate any business relationship with suppliers that are deforested to make way for oil palm plantations
- support with Greenpeace for an immediate moratorium on the expansion of palm oil to save the forest of Borneo.
source: - Nutella save the forest
Monday, June 23, 2008
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Friday, June 20, 2008
Palmer's Cocoa Butter For Dark Spots
We can not comment on a gig like that, but for this ... I will not do '!
She felt very lack of Paranoid Android, the rest almost 2 hours of concert are practically sprints.
Despite the disturbing resemblance to Benjamin Linus , Tom Yorke and company have definitely convinced me singing!
Seeing a concert is always exciting, but you see it made him even more Special!
Thank you for your gift!
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Cervical Dystonia Treatment
Since you can not always be serious, I report the existence of this splendor of nature!
Too much candy from Capucho on Vimeo .
Eat your carrots! from Capucho on Vimeo .
Boobs Groping ın Traın
Maybe I was distracted, maybe I entered a hole in space-time and in reality all this does not exist. Yes will definitely be the case. Bush reassures
Italian students that America is good. (Punto.)
More men die in Italy working.
Berlusconi begins to stock up on spring rolls and invites volunteers from all over Italy to clean up Naples.
Meanwhile ... there is something that remains silent. Always.
But it's nothing important eh ... Do not look, nothing serious.
It 's a science fiction film ...
concentrate on serious things and forgive Buffon, by ... he apologized!
Darfur - Waiting for Justice from Aegis Trust on Vimeo .
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Monday, June 9, 2008
Where To Buy A Wendy Darling Costume
"Rome, 05.06.2008 - Party today, even in Italy, the international campaign for justice in Darfur, thanks to the cooperation established between Italians for Darfur, an association for human rights in Darfur and a member of the Save Darfur Coalition, and the Negramaro, one of the most important and known Italian bands.
"Hands-eyed - Via hands from Darfur" is the message of the video, which premiered at the concert on May 31 in San Siro, through which NEGRAMARO helped the Italians for Darfur appeal of the Italian Government to express its deep concern at the United Nations, the willingness of the Sudanese government not to hand over to the ICC the two main suspects of crimes against humanity, Ahmad Harun and Ali Kushayb.
The video also wants to be a complaint of media silence on the humanitarian crisis in progress for more than five years in Darfur, which has claimed more than 300,000 dead and displaced two million and a half: the six members of the band of Salento, who have eyes covered by their hands, they sat in a semicircle in front of a TV is not tuned.
The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, will report today on June 5 to the Security Council of the United Nations in New York, the human rights situation in Darfur.
The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for the two main suspects of serious crimes against humanity for over a year, from April 27, 2007. Ahmad Harun and Ali Kushayb, respectively Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and head of the Janjaweed militia, have against them of 51 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including summary executions, persecution, torture and rape, but are not yet been delivered by the Sudanese government to 'international authority.
Italians for Darfur and Save Darfur Coalition of groups calling for the UN to adopt a new resolution so that the Sudan to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court. "
Attorney Head of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, presented a detailed report on June 5 last year on the human rights situation in Darfur to the Security Council of the United Nations in New York. The news had no echo in Italian newspapers and TG *. And where it stops printing, Italian Blogs for Darfur arrives, the bloggers of Italians for Darfur! Spread ..! Thanks.
* However, the information has been recorded by the ANSA agency, Adnkronos, APCOM and ILVELINO.
( ed. waiting for a shred of justice shall be done with the hope that there is always need a video for a band to focus on an issue of fundamental importance like this. There is too much indifference.)
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Red And Hot Face After Lunch
Review Lost character :
your character is Jack .
Do you often take to heart the fate of those around you: you can rely on you, but remember that ... exist too, not only for others! Among the survivors would help.![]()
Saturday, June 7, 2008
Low Caloie Coffeee Cake
... I am a moth who just wants to share your light I'm just an insect
Trying to get out of the night I only
stick with you Because there are no others
You are all I need ...
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Hannah Montana Incent
If you thought that we got with Big Brother at the peak ...
If you thought that with men and women had begun to scrape the bottom of the barrel ...
Well ....
comforted ....
Because there is always worse
A Shot at Love With Tila Tequila
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Write Stuff In Bubble Letters
'kay. I try, I swear, I try to understand this devilry.
Just give me a bit 'of time, mh? * Face palm *
Monday, April 7, 2008
Funny Response Card Wording
exams put a strain on mind and body.
Maybe as someone said them to me live badly, but I do not think I'm one of those people set ... But
.. I feel tired. Ugly and hateful. I do not feel ready to start studying, I think that in a month other examinations, university and other commitments after another month of new ... all over again the same way.
I feel like summer, the sea. Thank goodness there
- San Fonzelmo D'Aosta: I was thinking yesterday that you are one of the few girls who do not need to
- Mesecina: sviluppami this concept
I need a boost of self-esteem when
- San Fonzelmo D ' Aosta: you have smooth skin and that you are already a pussy so
- Mesecina: thanks fo
- San Fonzelmo D'Aosta: Please
Sometimes it takes very little.
Friday, March 28, 2008
Astrostart Install Manual
return flight of the soul South
me how to love always comes back to live
lit by the heat of July
hung my trip
walking there is no road to go
that is not to walk "
Friday, March 21, 2008
How To Make White Chocolate Cigarellos
On 9 April from 17.00 at the Roma Tre University Faculty of Political Science, Italian Blogs for Darfur will present a workshop on Darfur in preparation for the Global Day for Darfur, April 12 at 10.00 in Piazza Venezia, Rome.
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Material Safety Data Sheet For Suave Lotion
The other night we went to see "No Country for Old Men." violent. so violent that part of the film I saw in the crevice between the middle and ring fingers of the hand right (and who knows my middle knows ....).
But nice! If I had at my disposal of the stars I'd give him 5 out of 5. He
, Javier Bardem nothing short of sublime. I'd be afraid to meet him on the street, has made the very idea ...
'll tell you exactly what I'm talking about film, you give in once a pearl of wisdom Johnny Palomba:
chenzomma astopaese Nune pevvecchi mammanco forces that piiregazzini basket naspece degommista collocchi DaMatta tuttonvasato going ingiro fasci the covergenza allaggente eppoii basket that is well uncaubboi diisordi sottanarbero sepenza and I took them eannamio osvortato mappoi But if he feels umpo 'deflated umpo' landing enfatti basket ergommista collocchi DaMatta chellonsegue umpolizzotto basket and then that makes lindagginamenti umpo 'scoiionati so umpo' Darida and umpo 'as Done, but I know Amme chemmefrega scoiionato nuncestanno more beautiful then and besides thugs denavorta ergommista collocchi DaMatta ie arcaubboi you say then that makes you think then also cuello anna ingiro co Hardy without the muffler battered but power is nothing without ercontrollo enfatti ago lecuilibbratura arcaubboi eattutta apalazzina her.
I navorta occonosciuto ungommista murderess. cincuanta euros pé nacammeradaria.
Jhonny Palomba on
Friday, February 22, 2008
Thursday, February 21, 2008
Spotting Scope 300 Meters
Rrrrigà, now I'm in a digit. Yes
ggggiovane must use language to try to remember him:
Directly from Sant'Elpidio a Mare, he, Umberto Giardini, aka Moltheni .
who remembers?!?!
AAA desperately wanted the author of this song that I, personally, to ' EPEC (exactly when I ggggiovane), really liked.
The thin air does not produce more odor
I change the mood in the circuit
make my soul
flicker and I can not really forgive
try to forgive you but I can not really multiply while
reasons Mud
see what I see I avoid, I avoid your movements
love me pretend that
touch me and kiss me to the core
fantastic image I imagine
Colors change almost unnecessary to protect
me drowning in your sea-green with certainty
sterile and I can not really forgive
I try but I can not forgive you
multiply really acidic tears while
see what I see. In fact
Moltheni, from his appearance on the stage of the Ariston, until 2007 has produced records.
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Descargar Hdloader Para Ps2
For the series "Who remembers them?", Launched by the distinguished colleague
Francesco Tricarico He is in the early 2000s sported this beautiful song, I was reminded while I was busy cursing a woman equipped with smart-on pedestrian crossings.
I'm Francesca
Hello hello, I am Francesco
I was a child who was always laughing
but one day the teacher is saying today is the theme today
make the theme the theme on dad.
I think it's a joke I smile and I get the go
nearby and I was glad
I say I do not remember my father died earlier.
I was only three years do not remember do not remember.
You know what I even said I looked
drank cappuccino do not know who to talk
says something something you said
will now go to the place and do it like everyone else.
bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch bitch
the teacher, the teacher (note: the link-equipped smart woman)
I remember I went to place the white paper
white as a vacuum for two decades in the brain.
And then I cried I do not know how I cried
on that blank sheet of paper I do not know how much I cried.
spark shines shines shines in the bottom of the sea come
children come girls do not let it drown
take them out and take it far away
and give her kisses and caresses the dates and give her all the energy.
Update: looking for information on Tricarico I just found out that in 2008 will go to St. Remo. There. A good way to disappear again!
The world is saved! From the site
Sunday, January 27, 2008
How Much Penicillin Do I Give A Dog
Italian Blogs for Darfur :
Italian Blogs for Darfur is a movement on-line. Like the Internet, so Italian Blogs for Darfur needs the contribution of each individual user to grow and become important. It 'an initiative that comes from below, looking up. We want to hear our voice to the major Italian companies in information and communication so as to make progress on a new information service, more attentive to the tragedies of the poorest countries in the world and particularly in Darfur.
A study conducted by Medecins Sans Frontieres and Observatory of Pavia in 2005 showed that one hour was devoted to information on the conflict in Darfur. For this reason arose Italian Blogs for Darfur, a movement of opinion that through an appeal on-line calls since a larger space in the Italian media to information on the conflict in Darfur.
The three hundred thousand deaths in Darfur should not be overlooked.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Will Tricare Pay For Nasal Surgery
pain. They make me so sad that people gossip, that for pure wickedness or folly or ignorance talking nonsense, just trying to sow discord. It 'a song already heard, I thought to have eliminated once and for all from my memory, but ...
I have not written anything for the beginning of this year, which will end in 2007 has not been a bad year, but start with no good intentions was a novelty. So, no promises for this year, so at the end does not even keep one and I get down, just a thought for some of my friends.
Giulio hope to find his road, to be able to make decisions with the mind and heart and, of course, the hope of finding a job that rewards him for his honesty and curiosity. A Peppe
hope to be able to follow the diet without too much suffering and with great success, to overcome the difficulties working with their incompatibility of character, but above all to be always so cheerful, because they will always be your strength. A
ValVal hope that the university should always swollen and sails that Talsano become an autonomous state and that all its good intentions are met. Vera
hope serenity always, whenever, wherever and chinque, because this was a difficult year, too few low levels.
MKE hope of finding a job, a destination that will make it really happy and so much fun. Laura
too wish you all the serenity of this world, because you can graduate and find a job and a lot of stability, economic, love and friendship. A
Zuf hope to continue like this, to be able to find in Milan's size, have a career, and always be like this ... crazy! A Gabri
the hope of talking about everything from working what they want, that the contract is renewed, this is so sweet (at least with me it is, I SWEAR!) and does not unseat Zuf for a dish in the sink too. And finally to my
Ciuto, wish you a year of gold, an important year, your degree and be able to find your destination, and above all ... I wish you ME! There are over
friends, but ended the connection time at my disposal ...