[Sherlock Holmes] My Infinite Variety (A Case of Identity) 5 / 5 Title: My Infinite Variety (A Case of Identity)
Fandom: Sherlock Holmes Pairing: Holmes / Watson
Rating: R Word Count: 41,410 (W) Part
: 5 / 5
Warning: Slash, what if, something else that comes to mind now
Notes: What if EMPT up.
Written by:
bigbangitalia , second edition.
1 so to speak, since no one was ever caught in practice, but all they did, and quite another thing in a stable relationship between two adult men in London, and two not exactly unknown to the public. My widow played in our favor, but it was necessary the utmost discretion and caution. I have learned with difficulty to always close all the doors, to consider the presence in every moment of my household and their location are more likely to calculate the thickness of the walls and floors to make sure that no noise would reach the wrong ears. I learned the correct position of the lamp because you do not cast shadows on the curtains closed, and that the windows were not our friends. I learned to take a neutral stance whenever I spoke affectionately of Holmes, and to speak neither too much nor too little, with the proper posting of a friend.
There is no doubt that the benefits of repaying the hardships, but I welcomed the change with relief. France was a friendly country, a Paris beauty. I would not have given up in London for the world, but comforted me for a few days, you can stop worrying. Holmes gave me the first evening demonstration, involving them in a rather adventurous interlude in an alley of Montparnasse.
was he who opened the letter. Beth had me on the desk to find the mail of the week, meticulously neat in accounts payable and letters personal, but quite honestly, when I had other thoughts come to mind. The pleasure of being at home, the little rediscovery of all things familiar, albeit after a short period in a foreign land, had done wonders for my mood slightly irritated from the trip. I was sitting at the table to attend to what was there to attend to, reluctantly, and then Holmes had joined me there and opening the mail had been delayed.
"You got me distracted," I said some time later, pleasantly exhausted in my chair. I had to compose myself, but the door was shut and Holmes sat, still half-naked, in the chair opposite me. I do not know how he desperately stylish look with one leg thrown over the armrest, his shirt open to his navel and the member out of his pants. One day I would have applied to seek the answer.
"rudeness on my part, I admit," said Holmes, stretching his arm behind the back. "I must say, Watson, with all your distaste for secrecy can not remember a meeting like this ... is significant in all the time we spent in Paris, where we could do what we like."
"It is a reproach?" "Not at all. Anything else would be disastrous - if rifiorissi to life only one or two weeks a year, when going on holiday. "
"In all honesty continues to seem a reproach. Do not spare my feelings, please. I was so terrible, in Paris? The man's face it, "swore solemnly.
"Terrible?" Instead of continuing in the ironic, Holmes' tone changed dramatically. He pulled down his leg from the arm and stood up, impossibly sensual in
that would seem to put anyone else an idiot. "My boy," he said, half sitting on the edge of the desk, the other foot on the floor, leaning toward me in a slow down, "you ignore the very definition of 'terrible'." The
rested a hand on her neck. Holmes was right, Paris was not the case. I always wanted, but most of all I wanted in my house, among the objects that were familiar to me, where his presence was not striking contrast, but the culmination of everything. I felt a slight tremor of desire, and premature away like an echo of the one just consumed, but Holmes pulled back.
"Later," he muttered, pulling off my hand from her hair.
ributtai me back in his chair. "Help me, then," I said pointing to the match so beautifully ignored. "If you keep at home that still have gas and running water ..."
"I thought that paying a rent frees me from having to manage the house for the landlord," said Holmes, but he took the first bag from the pile of bills and opened with two strokes of the knife sharp.
was true that I was paying a rent, because I had failed in any way to convince him not to. In the end, because my refusal to accept the money had been resolved in a fight in three days of silence and obstinate on both sides, we reached a compromise: the money would be set aside for the needs of the house. They were kept separately, and I care not to use them for something he never, directly or indirectly, it did not benefit too. We started with the accounts, dividing them by type, and in this way we finished them in no time. That left the personal letters. Those addressed in Holmes, Beth had taken care to leave the ex-ante hours adapted to a consultation room, and Holmes had already opened and peeled before coming to 'distract'. Now he got up, intending to leave the discretion to my business, but I took a bag and threw it to him in her lap.
"I do not want to be here to consider post until tomorrow," announced by opening up another drawn with the emblem of the Medical Society of London.
And you can read my mail, if you like, because I have no secrets and if he had I discover them all, I have no fears, take everything you need to take, I'm offering.
Holmes stood a moment and said nothing, but it touched my fingers to take the opener. While
read, comment out loud the content or identity of the sender. Holmes believed that the letters do not concern me the past announced the author. "Illegible signature. Probably a doctor. "" Miss Violet Farnsworth. "" Oh, Mrs. Whitaker. "" Doctor. "" Mr. Wilkinson. '"Mr. ... No, I give up. Doctor. "
Then silence fell. After some time I looked up curiously. Holmes was extremely pale.
"Holmes?" When I answered him, he rested a hand on his knee. "What? What does it say? "
Holmes dropped the paper on the desk and spun around, reaching the library in the far corner of the room. The letter said:
Dear Dr. Watson,
I am writing in response to your advertisement in the number of
Times of May 7 this year. The person you describe matches in every way with my poor brother William, who fled in late April by the pious institution from which we had found a welcome. The poor man is no longer severely disturbed: it is not in itself the most of the time, can not remember the names of his family and thinks he is strange characters, none lasting more than a few months. Doctor, you do not know that I have brought joy to read your ad, although with so much delay! It was surely the hand of Providence in guiding my attention to that old newspaper, as well as to conduct by William Lei
If you have recent news of my brother, please, tell me. My husband and I are terribly sorry for his fate.
Henrietta Chapman
Now I understood how he must have heard Holmes when the world was crazy about him. It was a terrifying vertigo, an agony in the chest, a trickle of reason, was dropped from a height and infinite knowledge that there would be a bottom. It felt so horrible that I would do anything, whatever, just to drive it away. And Holmes had lived all this, but luckily had passed, and now these people ...
I turned away, arms outstretched and hands clasped around the edges of the library, her knuckles white from the effort, as the cross.
"I know I've never known any Henrietta Chapman."
"Holmes ..."
"Do not meet them. And I forbid you to answer. Do you understand, Watson? I forbid. "
" Holmes. "
He turned. The posture was controlled, his arms stiff at his sides, and his mouth was firm and tight in a line. But the eyes were altered. The eyes of a madman.
"Do not meet them," he repeated.
"Okay," I muttered. "Okay," I repeated, louder. "I will not let these people. As far as I care, you may be the queen with all the imperial court and would still take you away over my dead body. "Resumed confidence, seeing that my words had some positive effects, which seemed to calm him down. "But we to be rational. If your relatives are, it is important that we meet them. "
" Why? "He said. "I'm not quite as isolated phenomenon
? I need an entire family tree to keep you interested? "
With a sigh, I brought my hands to the eyes and rubbed them until you see flashes of multicolored light behind his eyelids. "God knows if it looks like a nightmare," I whispered. "Do you think I would prefer not to tear the letter, pretend not to have ever received? Do you think
happy? "
" I think your damn sense of honor we lose both, "he said, teeth tight.
"I will not let you go, Holmes. But is your family
. We have been trying for months, I felt about you. Imagine how you would feel if tomorrow I vanish into thin air. " " I do not need to imagine, "said Holmes.
"Well," I said, "then you know that we can not pretend nothing happened." "And how do you explain that these souls in torment, these relatives caring, have not thought about putting an ad missing person or to review columns looking for a listing as yours? How do you explain that Mrs. Chapman has stumbled
by chance in an old newspaper three months? "
" I do not know, "I said, tired. "You like you explain it?" "I do not mean, and that is precisely why I do not like."
"Okay," I admitted. "There are some unclear points. It is one more reason to meet these people? Just think how good it could be drawn. We might discover your past, your roots. Not because I'm interested in your genealogy, Holmes, but because every man is entitled to his past and you're not the exception. I can only imagine that your condition is terrible, and I think it destroys. I can not be your only link with the rest of humanity. If we can somehow overcome this lack, I think we should do it. "
Holmes grabbed the armrests of my chair and made her turn toward ninety degrees, so that now we were facing one another. I took his head in his hands.
"Why?" He asked. "Why were you scared when you wrote your friend and you're so quiet? Why do you talk to me meet people who could ruin everything, that could throw me in a sanitarium for life? I have not explained clearly enough that this would be death for me? Why, in God's name, because knowing all this you even meet them? "The
rested her hands on her cheeks. I had never seen him so frightened and against - in spite of the horrible feeling of having an empty space where once was my stomach - I had never felt so polished.
"It was not fear, was disgusted with myself. Holmes, you have my word that will not get you anywhere. If you are caring people who seem to see for themselves that it is much better for you to stay here rather than spend the rest of your days in an asylum. And if not, I will use other topics. If necessary, I'll pay your weight in gold because it will leave us in peace. In one way or another, the situation we will accommodate, and in return we will know who you are now. I know this has value for you, even if you try to deny it. You who can not tolerate an unsolved enigma, really want me to believe does not want to melt your? "
His hands slowly retreated from my temples, and so I took my slowly from his face. He straightened to his full height.
"If that woman is my sister and I have been declared of unsound mind, then it is my legal protection. If you decide to apply to a judge to let me take away, you will not do anything. Nothing, Watson. "
" On the contrary, "I said with determination. "I could go to a friend and get a certificate, stating that apart from amnesia, you're perfectly sane. I could say that Napoleon Bonaparte and give me a cell next to yours. We could escape to France. As you can see, there is a wide range of alternatives. " " The curiosity to find out my name and my father was a notary or a farrier does not apply any of these monstrous alternatives. "
" The worth all, and beyond, "I said softly. "Holmes, listen, why do not we sleep on and I'll talk about tomorrow? For one reason or another, these conversations always come when we are both exhausted. "
nodded reluctantly and I can say that it was a good idea, because the next morning, Holmes was himself again, calm and controlled, without that look awful, as if about to fall apart at any moment.
"We will write to Mrs. Chapman," he told mo 'greeting, while still struggling to emerge from sleep.
"Oh, really?" I muttered. "Magnificent. Good morning to you too. "
Holmes I lifted her chin with his thumb and I pressed a kiss on the lips. Oh, must be in excellent spirits.
"But since I have no intention of ending my day with a straitjacket nor change of nationality, we will things my way. "
The rested a hand on her neck. "Okay."
"Watson, I have not even told what it is."
"It does not matter. Whatever it is, okay. "I closed my eyes. "Love, do not believe that I do not care, but that clock marks the five and a half hours and another hour and a half hours of sleep would make a big difference to me," I muttered into the pillow. "For good."
I heard him huffing and the weight on the mattress shifted abruptly, but was already asleep again before Holmes began to fumble around the room. Tuttavia è probabile che il suo buonumore mi avesse contagiato, perché wonderfully rested and woke an hour later in great shape.
Holmes was in the living room, sitting in front of his breakfast, but he had lifted a lid or a cupful, and instead he smoked thoughtfully with his feet on the edge of your seat and knees against the table. The boundary of the gray robe, too long on one side, hanging on the floor.
"Hello." I touched his shoulder in the next pass. "Did you sleep well?"
took place and I need, without ceasing to look at him sideways. "Eggs?" I offered.
"No, thanks, nothing for me," he murmured, taking the root of the nose between your thumb and ring fingers, the cigarette between the index and middle finger. "Watson, we must talk."
nodded. "I'm glad you've changed your mind," I said to mo 'debut.
"And to me that you were listening to. While you were sleeping, I have perfected the details in my mind. It surprises me that you never have thought to put a chair there, "he pointed," the window. Before Sunrise is an ideal place to meditate. "
" I do not often before dawn to meditate, "I admitted. "What conclusions did you come?"
"Three points, and a number of secondary. A: Mrs. Chapman or someone you will never see me. Two: for them and all those like them, you do not know where to find me, you are not in touch with me, you do not hear from me recently. Three: Your friend Sherlock Holmes is out of town and do not know when he comes back. "
" Wait, wait, "I interrupted. "What does it matter that has to do ... Sherlock Holmes Sherlock?"
"Maybe nothing," he said. "But if they are in place, decide to make the tour, I want you to clarify that the beast is not rare at home."
sighed. "Holmes, I understand your point of view, but consider: it makes no sense
meet your relatives. Want to seeing you again, is that you must recognize. "
" But it so happens that I do not have any desire to see them, "he said. "I admit that is an elegant solution, Watson. You'll have your answers, I mine, and they - within certain limits - their own. If necessary, we will later consider a meeting. Under certain conditions. "
" What are you afraid? "
" Oh, please. Do not make me repeat the list. "
" All right. Rephrase the question. Why will not you see? I understand that you do not feel safe, but it would be only natural to want, even if you do not remember them. I mean, "I hesitated," is really what I think or do it for my benefit? Because if so, I assure you ... "
" What? "I asked, blankly. "What I have every confidence in you, and I will support whatever you decide. So I want you to decide freely. Do not intend to be your friend obstacle. "
Holmes with deliberate slowness crushed the butt in the ashtray. "Do you think that our life, the only thing I own and I hold dear, myself could stand in the way?" In spite of the sweetness of words, voice was surely devoid of inflection.
"could," I replied, not be misled. "I do not want you decide to make hasty decisions."
"Do not you ever decide to make hasty, Watson. I've got to analyze it from all angles while you drooling on the pillow. "
" Thank you. Anyway. "
" We talk about the real problem, however. You feel guilty about the fact that my idea of happiness includes tea rather than mental health, and now you have a way to relieve the conscience you feel relieved. Want to have a chance to heal, but do not want me to go. Want to stay, but do not want to have any part in the choice. "
Serrai the jaw. "I love you and want you to be happy. I do not know how you can make them seem like something so horrible. "
" It's horrible, "he retorted. "Really, it is not. But it is not running unnecessary risks that emerge from this
cercle vicieux
. Just you, you talk about making snap decisions, you should think more calmly. "
" Well, "I said, trying with all my strength not to sound petulant or wounded," then just tell me what to do and I will follow the instructions. "
" Ah, Watson, "she sighed, as if I said anything incredibly stupid and incredibly sweet at the same time. I went back to my bacon not to be compelled to answer or look at him.
We were silent for a few minutes, I aim to breakfast, just nibble Holmes, but it was a tense silence, full of thoughts. Holmes was right on my guilt, but this did not make more bearable the things I had said. And there was the specter of this meeting on the horizon, of course, to make it more heavy.
"I have a feeling," he finally said, cautiously. He said it as if the word 'feeling' was biting an animal to be treated with the utmost care.
"I thought that Sherlock Holmes not rely on feelings, "I said, unable to hold back a bit 'of sarcasm. "No, in fact," he confirms. "But nevertheless I feel it, and do not like. No, I should be more precise, I do not feel at all. It is an absence of feeling, an emptiness where there should be something. "
" I do not understand. What?
you chew the inside of the cheek thoughtfully. "These people. You're right, of course, is not it natural that feels no desire to see them. But it is so. There is nothing. "
" But you did not even met. Perhaps, seeing them ... "
"I miss my brother at times. Atrocious. And Mrs. Hudson. Sometimes it seems to me that even Lestrade, if only once came through the door ... But these people, not so much that I do not know
who they are, but not
hear anything? I do not like it, Watson. I would never do anything which tried to drive every trace of my existence from the mind of another. I can not even conceive of a thing. "
I considered the thought for a moment. "It seems a little 'just to follow that they are unworthy."
"not derived anything, Watson. I just know that if they have never had a place in my heart, lost without trace. "
not said with a sad voice or affected, in all honesty, as if he did not say what caused him nothing but a deep perplexity. But it seemed to me a terribly sad thing to say. I stretched a hand on the table, palm upwards. I was angry with him, but not so much to offer not comfort me whenever I seemed to need it, and some more for safety.
Holmes did not smile, he was still thinking, but he took my hand and turned it over, stroking his knuckles. "It would be stupid of you to believe that I can not evaluate your opinion. Or do not listen. " " Ah, it would be stupid
, "I said, smiling despite myself.
"Yes, because I spend a lot of attention to one thing and another. I know that once ... "He hesitated. A slight wrinkle of disappointment appeared on the front. "Let's just say that I remember other occasions when I have not struggled so much to convince you of my point of view."
"I was more malleable, before '91," I suggested politely.
Holmes I just reserved a quick glance, check. "I suppose so. I wish you would trust to leave anyway and that we do things my way. Should we determine that there is danger, we will always be time to find out our cards. "
We agreed, because it defines the details and before lunch I sent a telegram to Mrs. Henrietta Chapman, a concise message in which I asked to meet at my studio if she was comfortable, and to propose the date and time according to his needs. The answer came before dinner, and the meeting was set for two days without other pleasantries after eleven. Holmes confiscated the letter and the telegram and all the next day I saw him at all. Part of the morning remained in his study to see old newspapers, asking not to be disturbed, then went out. He had to do research, but I do not I asked and he did not tell me anything. Not heard back. Late at night I scontrai with her body in the darkness of the bed, his arms and legs were cold, as if he had just slipped under the covers, and even though it was a rather warm night. I heard him crawling on my pillow, a strand fresh touched my cheek. Then I seemed to hear him hold his breath, as if to say something, but no sound came out. Took a breath for a second time, and then whispered: "Russians tremendously in this position," a strange voice from the route that I took for laughter, but could have been a hiccup.
I embraced the dark and sank back into the darkness from which I had emerged, bringing down with me my prize.
Mrs. Chapman was accompanied by her husband. She was high and dry, a bit 'over forty, with an aquiline face and clear eyes. There I found many similarities, except for the thin lips, the fold demurely, that reminds me of my friend. Her husband, however, was a stout man with ruddy cheeks, under his wife in his ways, but not harsh or rude in itself. They were indeed both the epitome of kindness and good manners, in that way that it is spontaneous and free of the petty bourgeoisie, just a few spans from the lower classes.
I made them wait in the lounge. I felt anxiety squeeze the stomach, but as I could see I was not alone. Mrs. Chapman, although it controls which are admirable, appeared fragile nerves and often touched her husband's arm as if to take from him the necessary strength.
"Beth, tea for gentlemen."
"No, doctor, please do not waste any more time," he began Mrs. Chapman. "The telegram was awfully vague ..."
"It did not seem the case to entrust important information to the post," I said. Expected that Beth had left the room and closed the door. "Unfortunately, gentlemen, the help I can give is very limited. I have not heard from your cousin before the summer. "
The face of Mrs. Chapman is composed slowly nervous anxiety to curiosity slightly tinged with disappointment. "Tell me everything, please."
told them the story that I had agreed with Holmes. Around the beginning of May I had come across in man corresponding to the description during a round of visits: he was alone, without documentation, fever and clearly not in itself. I had given him hospitality in my house for some time, during which I tried to trace his relatives with the famous ad in the Times
, but as soon as the fever was down and my host was able to get back on their feet had not been able to restrain him. He had not even left my house after ten days, in the middle of the night like a thief. I thought that I would see again, so the gentlemen could imagine my surprise at receiving a letter from him less than a month later, in which informed me that he had found a job as a man of hard work on a farm at Norbury.
"My brother, a man of hard work," said Mrs. Chapman, covering his mouth. "Oh, excuse me, Doctor. But if you knew him understand my surprise. William has studied, has the manners of a gentleman and the bearing of a prime minister. Men's hard ... "
spread my arms. I could not imagine Holmes in the role of a worker, except in one of his disguises, and therefore fails to see why his sister. "I am sorry to upset her, Mrs. Chapman. The'm just telling you what I know. "
" Sure, sure, "he hastened to the lady. "Continue, please."
"I do not have much else to say, unfortunately. I've answered my time with a letter, but I came back some time later with a notice of 'recipient unavailable', and I have not heard from him again. "
Mrs. Chapman dropped his head on his chest, clasping hands . With trembling fingers she opened the bag, drawing a sheet of thick paper, in small format. She looked stricken for a while with air, then handed it to her husband and they got up to him. "An impression of Will," he said, speaking for the first time. "Oh, they will be twenty years ago. You say, dear? Them twenty years ago? "
" Moreover, "murmured the woman, smiling bravely. "Twenty-five at least. I'm sorry not to have a better picture, doctor, this is all consumed. But my poor brother did not like being photographed. He had an aversion to this sort of thing. The only other picture which could be found throughout the house, grabbed him and pulled it out in a fit of rage a decade ago. He said that we do not recognize. "
The press was very worn, in fact. We stood out, with some difficulty, a teenage boy dressed in the uniform of any school. The face was a blur, but the body was slender and agile Holmes.
"It looks like the man I knew, yes," I admitted cautiously.
"I think I should tell you something about us, Doctor. She was kind enough ... My husband has a small business pledge just outside London. I have been for many years secretary and typist, before getting married. We are certainly not rich, but we have our means, but it recently, the disease of Will ... "He sighed painfully. "The specialists, as you know, have a price. We were ready to give our resources to fund every penny, but it was only after five years of consultations and treatments that a doctor told us honestly that there were no prospects of recovery. The only thing we could do, he said, was to find my poor brother, a quiet place for the crisis worse. Because maybe you have not had time to notice it, Dr. Watson, but my brother is subject to periodic crises, violent. When this happens it is really a distressing spectacle. Can remain in control of himself for months, once even almost a year, and then suddenly an insignificant detail, something bothering him for no reason, led him to destroy everything in its path. "
nodded gravely, feeling as you sink into an abyss more and more black and threatening. I tried to say something. "It is not unusual in such cases."
"But tell me, doctor," she continued, "when William ... I mean, when this man met her for the first time, how it is presented? Who said it? I know that may seem a strange question, but doctors have told us that there is a method in his madness. Shortly before fleeing the institution, had taken a new identity, if we can say, and if it were to coincide ... "
was the question that Holmes and I had considered more carefully. "Sometimes it was in itself, and admits he does not remember much," I said quietly. "But a couple of times said he was an explorer of northern European origin. A Sigerson. The reason I mention the strangeness of the name struck me right away. He also had a trace of an accent, Norwegian or Swedish, I do not know. "
" Did you hear? You hear that, Eddie? "Mrs. Chapman said, sounding excited. "I knew it, Doctor. I knew it had to be him! "
" match? "I asked, feel faint voice. Sigerson was an invention Holmes, moreover, was the identity that he had chosen for himself during his travels (real or imagined that they were) for Europe. Holmes had been
Sigerson. And if Mrs. Chapman said that his brother, one day, had assumed the identity ...
"Absolutely," confirmed the woman, her eyes shining.
"... It is a wonderful discovery," I managed to say. I cleared my throat. "Mrs. Chapman, Mr. Chapman, I wish with all my heart to find your relative. I am sure that ... "
" Doctor, to tell the truth ... ", his cheeks were painted by Mrs. Chapman of a delicate blush, "to tell us the truth, my husband and I were hoping to be able to ask the help of Mr. Holmes for this."
I tried with all my strength, and I think I succeeded fairly well, to keep friendly and neutral expression. "I fear that when it is not possible. Holmes is gone. "
" Party! "Repeated Mrs. Chapman, her voice hoarse and pained, full of disappointment. "Yes, and unfortunately I can not tell when ..."
It was then that the drawing-room door opened, and Holmes appeared at the door with the more casual air of the world.
"Oh, you're busy, Watson, "he said with a glance at my guests. "I beg your pardon." He leaned against the frame, lifting the index in my direction. "If you can give me a minute when you're done, I have very important things to discuss with you."
"Certainly," I agreed, checking the lords of the corner of Chapman. "When you come back?"
"Just a moment ago."
"Sometimes, um, turn in your investigation?"
"Oh, yes," replied Mrs. Chapman openly now looking into his eyes. "A not entirely unexpected, but which I appreciate. Gentlemen, with permission. "
" William, "cried Mrs. Chapman, jumping up.
Holmes turned slightly, her fingers already on the handle.
"Do not you recognize me?" Insisted the woman. "William, I am your sister. And that's Eddie! Do not ... do not remember? "
Holmes's expression hardened, just for a moment, and then broke into a faint smile gently mixed. "My dear lady, trust me, I remember I had a sister," said a voice from which every trace of courtesy had been forcibly removed and poured with the dropper. "They will certainly remember a sister like her."
Mrs. Chapman marched in his direction, place your hands on the arms. "My dear, dear William," she murmured, her voice broken. "You do not know ... can not imagine how we felt about you!"
"Why did you lie?" Mr. Chapman said, standing up in turn. It took me a while to understand that he was addressing me. "And she would be a doctor? Coward! "
The situation seemed about to degenerate, but Holmes was quiet and self-possessed. He put a hand on that of Mrs. Chapman, beating a reassuring pat. "Certainly she confuses me with someone else, my dear lady." He smiled briefly, a horrible smile, predation, which could not in any way to explain. All of Holmes seemed to me incomprehensible at the time, from the fact that he had decided to appear after vehemently stressed the need to avoid it. "Wonder how many times I happened to be mistaken for someone else. A mistake is quite understandable. If I were you, I would accept the possibility. "
Kindly but firmly led her to the couch and made her sit, separated from their arms. Mr. Chapman also sat down slowly, without losing the spirited and hostile. Calmly regal, Holmes sat in his chair.
"Gentlemen you mind if I smoke? No? Thank you. You have a match, Watson ...? I think I lost somewhere on my train. "
Of course all that time was in the adjoining room, and I had no doubt that he had heard every word. I took the opportunity to exchange a quick glance with him on his cigarette. In spite of a loving, Holmes's eyes were steel. He put his hand on my guide for the cigarette, exhale, and let the first puff of smoke.
"Dr. Watson," said Mrs. Chapman, with barely controlled anger. "I ask for an explanation. What does this clown? He told me he had no news of my brother, and now I discover that her famous friend 'Sherlock Holmes' is none other than him! He wants to explain? "
I was short of words, and so much more than explanations. Holmes crossed his legs, bringing the cigarette to his lips idly.
"My dear lady," he said slowly, lovely. "I find it annoying enough that she persists in her unpleasant misunderstanding after having been advised of the error. But attacking the doctor in a way is far too rude. I have more than half a mind to put her and her kind to the door. "
shadow of doubt passed into the faces of Mr. Chapman, but it lasted only a moment. Mrs. Chapman seemed to gather energies and then I asked, sounding claimed: "She wants to answer, Doctor?".
looked Holmes. Did not give me any indication.
"I'm afraid I can not," I admitted honestly.
"denies that this is the same ad?
Holmes exhaled loudly, with a sigh, but said nothing.
"Then you all this time has kept my brother, he indulged in his madness and made it ... My God, a freak," said Mrs. Chapman, the vibrant voice indignation. "Not ashamed? Not even a modicum of dignity? He took advantage of my brother William ... ... for, what made you this man? "
" A number of things, "Holmes said, absently rubbing the corner of his mouth with his thumbnail. "Last but not least, give me a home and a bed and a study to return to practice my profession. It is difficult to get back in business after a long period abroad. "
" Abroad? "Repeated the woman. "William, you never set foot outside England."
"But she did, is not it?" Said Holmes, sharply. He had not moved, but suddenly he had completely abandoned that air lazy and bored that did not belong.
"I ... What does this mean?"
"It means, my dear lady, that she is my sister more than it is Dr. Watson."
"William!" She knelt beside his chair, taking him his hand in hers. "William, my darling, you're terribly confused. The doctor told us that it was possible, remember? We talked for a long time when you felt better at Christmas. We had warned that such a thing could happen again. What is this madness believe Sherlock Holmes, eh? Not see that it is absurd? I wonder what made you believe this man ... "
" Absurd? "Holmes said again, pulling with his hand from his decision. He crushed his cigarette in the ashtray. "Grotesque, rather. The situation is extremely ludicrous. I dare say that tends to farce, a bad comedy of errors written by a mediocre writer. I'm not Sherlock Holmes, that is clear, she is my sister because I have no sisters, and neither she nor her husband is called Chapman. The only part of himself is Dr. John Watson, as he also sometimes has other names. "
The woman blanched. "W-William? What do you mean? "
" Isa and Margaret Harding, of Winchester. Wanted for robbery, fraud, kidnapping, circumvention of an incapable, and not the least of a sordid little affair that prostitution might be whether or not an accusation of murder. "He drew from his pocket a bundle of papers held together by a paper clip and threw it on the floor in front of him. There were newspaper clippings. "I know we have the same hobby, madame. I, too, you see, are a lover of old newspapers. They are used to fill my store. I went back to work for a short time and unfortunately it is still quite baked, but luckily I can count on the help of an inspector or two. "
Behind woman, the man who had called Harding Holmes reached into his jacket and pulled out a small revolver from his pocket, opening against my friend.
"Holmes!" I called, getting up in my turn, but Harding pointed his weapon at me.
"Good, doctor," said the criminal. Margaret Harding got up quickly, bringing with her husband. He was livid with rage, his lips contracted into a grimace. You are not the slightest resemblance to the more elegant and understated mouth of my friend, at that time slightly stretched in a sardonic smile.
"She is the mind, this is clear," said the woman. "Sincerely, Madam, I admire. If I had not started working months ago to you, maybe you would have fooled me. Maybe. Of course, the letter would require some minor attention, as well, is it? "
" You're just a poor fool, "hissed Margaret Harding.
"Yes," Holmes admitted, with absolute calm. "I know." He reached under the lapels of his jacket, but followed the shot gun menacing dog Harding. Holmes looked at him with a slight sigh of impatience and ended in peace gesture, pulling out his cigarette.
"So," he said, carefully choosing, "Where were we? Ah yes, the letter. "He closed the container with a metal snap, still talking about the cigarette. He raised just look, back down immediately afterwards. "It can lower the gun, Harding. The Doctor is helpless and I'm not going to attack me. I do not know how to wash my hands afterwards. "
" Breed ... "
" The letter, then. I have here with me. "He put back his hand under his jacket, drawing from a folded sheet. "An admirable example of epistolary prose, give him action. And yet I always recommend to wash their hands when handling certain trinkets. "He pointed the gun. "It threatens to leave incriminating stains."
lifted the sheet, indicating a low point. You could see, crystal clear, a small halo askew, like a fingerprint, which makes the paper translucent.
"Cooking Oil? Furniture polish? Ah, but the grease to polish the weapons have this peculiar smell. On the other hand, is not a crime to keep weapons at home. Most of us do. Do not our women, though. When I see a letter written by a woman so clean-cut, so fine on paper, with writing so elegant, grease-stained arms ... honestly, I can not help but think that there is something strange. On the envelope I would not surprised - the envelopes pass from hand to hand, God only knows how many times before reaching its destination. But the letter?
"It was just a suspicion, but it was worth a check. In all honesty, I think I would have done anyway, but it's always good to have an incentive. So I took the address of the sender and I have booked a visit. The lady - if I pass the exaggeration - may remember a postman with a bad cough that has asked for a glass of water. "
" You! "Growled the woman. "It was you! You just have not wanted to remove the bad habit of crawling behind, eh? "
Holmes looked at her coldly. "I have excellent memory for useful knowledge, and all the rest are unaffected. So when I saw it, I could not quite remember it's already met her, because her face and that of her husband are less than nothing to me. But on the other hand I perfectly remembered having seen her photograph in the newspaper. Oh, it's changed a lot, of course, a different hairstyle, a different color, and makeup is excellent. Almost unrecognizable. But that nose is unmistakable. It was in my store, under the H Harding. "
I was speechless. Holmes's hand, squeezed in a fist over the edge of the armrest, trembling slightly.
"So I did some investigation in neighborhood. It was not too hard to find girls. Finding that it lacked one was even easier. That's the problem with respectable neighborhoods, tend to be much more talkative than those who have something to hide.
"And the rest came by itself. I smelled acidic chemicals in the house - your area, Harding, is not it? Certainly not in the hands of an agent to pledge them. Ex tanner, perhaps? A solid foundation of chemistry useful to the criminal always returns to a good standard. And of course the story of disguise is not something I could have learned alone. Streak behind is not a natural attitude. Someone has to resent
Holmes sat up in his chair. Her voice completely gave up the light tone and bored that he had used until then.
"Stop," growled Harding, adjusting your aim.
"Oh, do not shoot me."
"Oh yeah? And why not? "
" You have two good reasons not to. The first is that, despite all the evidence is against you, you have not killed anyone. The second is that this unit is at the door with three or four agents strong, and just waiting for a signal to storm. " Harding and his wife exchanged glances, then I saw the man's eyes Notes on the window. Holmes also noticed.
"But please, accertatene yourself," he said, pointing behind him.
"If you put into it well you're finished," said Margaret Harding, while her husband went to the window to glance out and threw a terrible curse. "Are you finished well," she repeated, her voice tense. "It's over the free ride! This beautiful life you've had with this poor fool, puff!, You can the dream. You put in and we do everything we say to the cops of the things you did with us. "
For you, "Holmes corrected. "Oh, I suppose you have made all sorts of things, not having to go without a name, a purpose, knowing that no one else would give me the only thing I need: to solve problems. Yes, I can imagine the things I did. A gentle soul from long memory in Winchester gave me the exact measurement. But luckily I do not need, because they were made by another person, I do not know and with whom I have nothing to do. We can go together to tell the inspector, your version and mine, and we see those who believe. "
" You're crazy, "said Margaret Harding. "You're sick. People like you should lock them all and throw away the key! "
"Curious," said Holmes, quietly. "I said the same thing to you."
"You are an ingrate. All that we know you taught us! Without us you'd be out on the street! "
" Yes, "said Holmes. "And that is why you see, that will make you a favor, despite the idea disgusts me. We will fulfill the charge of murder. Believe me, no one else will go to the trouble. "He shrugged. "If you know what is best for you, get out the door and follow the inspector without much fuss. But if you prefer you can always groped flight. In this case we hope good luck sincerely. There are agents from here to Holland Street. "
rested his elbow on the arm and hand in his face, as if the energies were finally abandoned. Harding crossed the room to go near his wife. They did not speak, only exchanged a long look. Harding then lowered his gun and slowly put it back inside his jacket. closed above the door behind him, quietly.
Holmes had not moved from his position. When I touched his shoulder, stood perfectly still as a statue.
"Do not touch me," he whispered.
"Why should not I?" I replied, with all the kindness possible. I shook his hand around the wrist, pulling it gently from her face.
"Because I believe that in a moment transmit breakfast," murmured Holmes, livid.
There was a slight commotion outside the parlor, we heard the voice of Inspector Brooks declared in Harding's arrest. I deduced that Holmes was giving precise directions to Beth, and I took a mental reminder to increase the salary. What the poor girl was forced to endure a few months in that part ...
"The 'just a word and I'll stop too," Holmes whispered, staring somewhere around my shoulder, but never met my eyes.
"Do not be ridiculous," I replied.
"I could understand if not longer tolerate. I swear I'd understand. My God, I can not understand anything else. "
" Then I'm afraid you'll have to get used to extreme stupidity in this. "
" Thou shalt not ... "She looked up suddenly, with an anger that instant died within a second, like a flame without fuel. "You do not know what it means."
"No," I admitted. "But you could tell me."
"I do not think I can be."
"You, incapable of anything?" I kissed his knuckles. "Forgive me if you do not believe so."
At that time we heard footsteps approaching the door and jump shooting in both feet. Holmes had a sickly complexion was pale and frightened to do seemed about to collapse at any moment. Inspector Brooks seemed to notice it right away, and for a moment I feared that he would comment, but he refrained him and I was immensely grateful.
"Well, Mr. Holmes," he said practical. "They are the Harding, no doubt."
"Yes, Inspector, and the sky is blue. It has something to tell me that it is not entirely clear, or should we resign ourselves to continuing this pleasant exchange of obviousness? "
replication, although his usual shade of sarcasm, and cutting off a lot harder than was necessary.
"Why, Holmes," I said placing a hand on his shoulder. I felt him relax, albeit marginally.
"I expect that arises in the police station tomorrow," Brooks said, passing the hat from one hand to another. "To give a complete testimony of what he knows."
"It will be done," Holmes assured. "Anything else?"
"I expect that also tell us why
Harding's were in his house."
"A extraordinary coincidence, "he said. He exhibited an intolerable smile, the smile of a benevolent creator deity as stupid insects you have created. "I do not believe it, Inspector. They believed that a relative had escaped from a mental hospital months ago. "
" Who knows why, "muttered Brooks," I find it less than many other amazing things. "
" This is because, in spite of the category, is a man with the greatest gift possible, that of the imagination. I will not hold it over, Inspector. "
shown the door, however, Brooks straightened his shoulders with a remnant of dignity. "Tomorrow," he repeated. "At ten. This is not a story in the Strand, Mr. Holmes. I want a witness
complete, or as sure God in the slam with his two friends. " Holmes shut the door behind him, always with that same, ugly smile on the lips, then leaned against it with all its weight, exhaling a long sigh exhausted.
"God help me, it's a nightmare," she murmured, her eyes closed.
"Do you really want them to acquit of murder?"
He opened his eyes. "It's untrue."
"Yes, but it is not the point. " " What is it? Disgust me. I think the world would be a better place without them. But there are two killers, and if I can prove it I will. "
I took her face in her hands, just touching it. Holmes started to instinctively retreat, but stopped in mid-gesture.
"What do you remember?"
"None. This is the terrible part. Whatever, Watson. No matter what, and I'll never know. "
" You're not a murderess. "
" No? I know I could kill. And anyway, is not the only indignity that I could have done. "
" Do not you're a criminal. "
" Oh, yes, I remember saying that. I remember having believed. "
" You're not a criminal, "I repeated, slowly. "I've been at war, Holmes. I saw how he becomes a man after the army pulled out of the criminal in him. I saw that look. You are a better judge, no doubt, but this time only grant me to tell you that in you there is no such thing. "I looked at it honestly, wanting desperately to believe me. "You would not be here otherwise," I said firmly. "You have my word, Holmes, who would not be here."
"Maybe I'll be there tomorrow."
"This," I said, "will only happen if we'll be together somewhere else."
Holmes leaned his head against the door with a thud and closed her eyes dry. First let alone kiss, her lips tightly against mine, but then I felt his hand crawl through my hair and his mouth to answer.
"What if tomorrow forget everything?" She murmured, her fingers full of my hair and a glimmer of the morning sun in your eyes that faded irises in a silver blind.
"I'll be here to remind you."
"And if you believe it to be someone else? An explorer? An Italian painter? "
"Oh, great. I've never been in Italy, "I replied. "And in ten or fifteen years I'll try to convince you to believe a senior and we will buy a house in Sussex or anywhere else in the country, where you can believe what you want for the after ten or twenty of them."
"What prefer? Even something extremely ridiculous? "
" Absolutely. Do your worst. "
" A veteran in retirement? "
" That I find ridiculous? Thank you. "
" On my person, of course. A pervert who has transferred his unmentionable vices in the countryside? "
"Oh, much better. We are almost farcical. "
" A beekeeper with a bad temper and a knighthood in his desk drawer. "
" Perfect. Perfect. "
At the end we laughed, and even though it was a slightly hysterical laugh neither tried to stop it. The case investigator forgetful was closed, and therefore gives us a lunch Mancini, gallantly insisting both to offer (I won myself, but honestly only because Holmes was exhausted). And that evening we had dinner early and we retired early, moving around each other in circles ever closer, touch and urtandoci in every way more awkward, until I asked Holmes if you prefer to sleep alone, and I told him that I preferred not to sleep at all.
There were no other questions.
The interrogation went for long. Since Holmes was trying to exonerate the Harding from a double murder charge, and because he had given to Scotland Yard in two dangerous wanted hunted for years, he was allowed a number of private talks. Holmes bartered his services as an investigator with information about his past, but I get a lot. Whether they would not cooperate, whether they really knew little or nothing, knew only inform the Harding the short period he had spent with them.
Apparently, Holmes had been the planner of the group. When they think of a robbery or anything criminal, Holmes had to deal with the details. He knew the city of London, all the streets and alleys as the palm of his hand, had a good knowledge of the routine of Scotland Yard, he knew the paths of preferential CIT and so on. He never went home, and everything he did when he was left to himself he was reading newspapers. Tons of newspapers. It was his only vice. He spoke very little, and the girls said that gave them the shivers. One of them, who had found beautiful, was rejected in a manner so sudden and violent that we no longer had rejected. As for the scars of the needle, they had never seen him take a drop of any substance. They called him William
not because it was his name, but because they had to even call it in some way, and Holmes had not raised objections. When they had found a year earlier, had no memory, wearing modest clothes and maybe a shilling in his pocket. Others did not.
Holmes returned exhausted from each of those talks, and if I had not lobbied for news is certain that she would never taken the initiative to speak. His mood went worse day by day, and night found him slumped in a chair, sleeve turned over to the arm, seriously intent on fixing the scars point in the crook of his elbow.
I did not want to give the impression that he was spying, because it was so, and certainly I had already heard from the corridor ol'avrebbe done now if I come back. So I continued on my way and went to sit in an armchair. Holmes pulled my sleeve down slowly and continued to smoke thoughtfully.
"I met with Richard Woodley, this morning," I announced.
"Oh, really," he replied, absently.
"He returned to London these days and thinks that will remain at least until Christmas. Carstairs does not offer great attractions, apparently. "
" I have already suggested a drink at a club or another? To Mulberry Street, for example? It is well known. "
" Oh, no, "I replied, chuckling. "The boy knows that I'm not interested. Also, I'm too old. "
" My God, what nonsense, "said Holmes, in a tone of endearment.
"It is nonsense. I spent forty. I'm not too old for adventure escapades and relationships of so much per pound. I need certainty. I need to know that the same face will always be waiting for me when I get home. "
" It sounds like a nightmare, "he said. "How can you tolerate?"
"Married life has its merits. Wait, let me remember why I told you. Ah, yes. Woodley asked me if I thought I would go back to writing. "
" I asked if you thought
to go back to writing? "
" He asked me
to go back to writing. "
" And you, intoxicated by young admirer of your devotion and the not insignificant appeal of his beautiful little face, so you swore? "
" Nothing like that. No, I have no plans for now and I told him. But Woodley felt the need to let me know that Lady Constance was in favor of a little record of the case involving his son. He argues that would feel ... vindicated, in a certain way. "
" The trial of Colonel Moran is not finished yet, and anyway I do not esporrei talking about for some years. " " That's what I thought, "I agreed. "In a few years. I did not hurry, but ... I also have other notes, for the truth. The case that lawyer of Blackheath and the manufacturer of Norwood, for example. "
" I would call the Blackheath 's lawyer, I hope. "
" I thought
The Norwood Builder
. "
Holmes put his hand to his face, laughing silently. When pulled back, however, was the expression of new thoughts.
"What do you say to Sherlock Holmes? As has emerged from that terrible abyss in Reichenbach? "
" I will say that there never was. It's the truth, after all. And then I will say that he spent three years in some ridiculous place, like Tibet, or - what was it? Marseille? - No, Montpellier, doing research on something equally unlikely, so those who wish may refuse to believe that is the same as Sherlock Holmes and an inch closer to the truth. " smiled, and Holmes smiled with me more for not feeling sorry for unadulterated fun. I put a hand on his. It was hot.
"I thought ..." he murmured. "Oh, I hope so."
She gave me a dirty look. "I do not remember ever having tried most abject unhappiness and complete than I do at this time, except for those horrible days when the world came off its tracks."
"My dear ..."
"Yet they are perfectly master of myself, and I no desire to stun me with cocaine or morphine, as I have not had the time. And then, "he raised his left arm, with a nervous gesture," Look at this, and I wonder what I should be miserable in those years. I can not imagine doing something so stupid for the mere pleasure of feeling. "
" But you're not more, "I said, gently.
"No," he admitted. "After this reflection, everything appeared to me strangely scaled." Hint of a smile. "I know you were worried tremendously in recent days."
"It's not your fault."
"I know. But still know that it is past. Melancholy is inertia and inaction not apply to me. "
" I'm happy to hear that. "
" And I have work to do. "He rubbed his eyes with his fingers. "The next woman who comes to ordering a detailed report on the infidelity of her husband will put it on the door, I swear."
"You could accept only cases that interest you," I suggested. "You must not keep us both, and I personally do not like expensive gifts."
"What nonsense," he said. "You do not send home patients with chronic uninteresting. I would be a poor professional do not you think? "
I stopped looking at him with curiosity. I did not think I would have never heard him say one thing less to Holmes, and for a moment there I was almost afraid. But then he lifted a corner of his mouth and added in a veiled gently: "Go to bed, Watson. Keeps me from thinking. "
I retired laughing to myself, deriving a perverse satisfaction from the fact that he looked at me with concern, not even imagine the reasons for my happiness.
"A pipe," contrattai the door.
"Two. There are thirty pages of my William James. I'll wait. "
Thus ends an incredible story of the detective with no memory, not written for the pleasure of the audience but to my memory private to the major points of interest - Holmes would say, the puzzles, I tell you, the exceptional nature of history itself - should not be completely lost when my memory is dim and rust. Even for these restricted pages in the dark of my discreet drawer, however, I had the courage to use the real names of the persons involved, except, of course, for myself. Caution is essential, especially when it has to do with the secrets of others.
On this silent. The task of the prose is carry on the past, and yet the same distance. The prose is an inert thing, and memories, and photography, while the present is alive and knocking at our door at any moment, impossible to reduce it to its suggestions impression while still pervade us. No, I'll stop here, however: the steps of Holmes in September of 1894 slowly ascend the stairs to my dim gas lamp that shines against the page, slight bump to the closed book, which coincides with the creaking covered handle. I will stop here, the wonderful and terrible suffering in the world to be born a second time, and there will be other words.