Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Can Brazillian Wax Lead To Bv

What Borneo would be without Nutella?

Today I accidentally stumbled on this page greenpeace.it
For a long time I hoped that no one failed to reflect the undisputed reputation of Nutella ... at least in my heart. But ... eccallà the catch ....

Nutella contains vegetable oils and it seems that 31% of them are palm oil . Greenpeace have long been complaints that the overproduction of oil, with consequences for the environment, first Indonesian (where there is a massive production of oil palm plantations at the expense of the rainforest of Borneo - which is razed to the ground and in the meantime and burnt-orange) and around the world due to the production gas emissions.

time ago Nutella Greenpeace asked to specify the origin of palm oil used (manufacturer and geographical origin), but the answers were not clear.

Now the Association has relaunched its petition to ask again to Ferrero:
- explicitly state who is providing
- terminate any business relationship with suppliers that are deforested to make way for oil palm plantations
- support with Greenpeace for an immediate moratorium on the expansion of palm oil to save the forest of Borneo.

source: Greenpeace.it - Nutella save the forest

Monday, June 23, 2008

How To Do Windshield Writing At Car Dealer

5 di 5

or, when I arrived I also ...

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Ca Employment Annual Evaluation Required

two five five five

due di cinque

when I still did not exist ...

Friday, June 20, 2008

Palmer's Cocoa Butter For Dark Spots

Birthday Gift

radiohead's concert ticket

We can not comment on a gig like that, but for this ... I will not do '!
She felt very lack of Paranoid Android, the rest almost 2 hours of concert are practically sprints.
Despite the disturbing resemblance to Benjamin Linus , Tom Yorke and company have definitely convinced me singing!

Seeing a concert is always exciting, but you see it made him even more Special!
Thank you for your gift!

radiohead's concert

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Cervical Dystonia Treatment

how to conquer a person

Since you can not always be serious, I report the existence of this splendor of nature!

Too much candy from Capucho on Vimeo .

Eat your carrots! from Capucho on Vimeo .

Boobs Groping ın Traın

Nothing important

Maybe I was distracted, maybe I entered a hole in space-time and in reality all this does not exist. Yes will definitely be the case. Bush reassures

Italian students that America is good. (Punto.)
More men die in Italy working.
Berlusconi begins to stock up on spring rolls and invites volunteers from all over Italy to clean up Naples.

Meanwhile ... there is something that remains silent. Always.
But it's nothing important eh ... Do not look, nothing serious.
It 's a science fiction film ...
concentrate on serious things and forgive Buffon, by ... he apologized!

Darfur - Waiting for Justice from Aegis Trust on Vimeo .

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

Cogat Sample Question Free


    I giornata commemorativa per ricordare i morti sul lavoro

Monday, June 9, 2008

Where To Buy A Wendy Darling Costume

Justice in Darfur: the international campaign

Italians for Darfur calls for the surrender of war criminals to the International Criminal Court. Testimonials Negramaro exceptional.

"Rome, 05.06.2008 - Party today, even in Italy, the international campaign for justice in Darfur, thanks to the cooperation established between Italians for Darfur, an association for human rights in Darfur and a member of the Save Darfur Coalition, and the Negramaro, one of the most important and known Italian bands.
"Hands-eyed - Via hands from Darfur" is the message of the video, which premiered at the concert on May 31 in San Siro, through which NEGRAMARO helped the Italians for Darfur appeal of the Italian Government to express its deep concern at the United Nations, the willingness of the Sudanese government not to hand over to the ICC the two main suspects of crimes against humanity, Ahmad Harun and Ali Kushayb.

The video also wants to be a complaint of media silence on the humanitarian crisis in progress for more than five years in Darfur, which has claimed more than 300,000 dead and displaced two million and a half: the six members of the band of Salento, who have eyes covered by their hands, they sat in a semicircle in front of a TV is not tuned.

The chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, will report today on June 5 to the Security Council of the United Nations in New York, the human rights situation in Darfur.
The International Criminal Court issued an arrest warrant for the two main suspects of serious crimes against humanity for over a year, from April 27, 2007. Ahmad Harun and Ali Kushayb, respectively Minister for Humanitarian Affairs and head of the Janjaweed militia, have against them of 51 counts of war crimes and crimes against humanity, including summary executions, persecution, torture and rape, but are not yet been delivered by the Sudanese government to 'international authority.

Italians for Darfur and Save Darfur Coalition of groups calling for the UN to adopt a new resolution so that the Sudan to cooperate fully with the International Criminal Court. "

Attorney Head of the International Criminal Court, Luis Moreno Ocampo, presented a detailed report on June 5 last year on the human rights situation in Darfur to the Security Council of the United Nations in New York. The news had no echo in Italian newspapers and TG *. And where it stops printing, Italian Blogs for Darfur arrives, the bloggers of Italians for Darfur! Spread ..! Thanks.

* However, the information has been recorded by the ANSA agency, Adnkronos, APCOM and ILVELINO.

( ed. waiting for a shred of justice shall be done with the hope that there is always need a video for a band to focus on an issue of fundamental importance like this. There is too much indifference.)

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Red And Hot Face After Lunch

Who are you?? All I need

Review Lost character :

your character is Jack .
Do you often take to heart the fate of those around you: you can rely on you, but remember that ... exist too, not only for others! Among the survivors would help.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Low Caloie Coffeee Cake

... I am a moth who just wants to share your light I'm just an insect

Trying to get out of the night I only

stick with you Because there are no others

You are all I need ...